It all starts with a curiosity; The last humans on the moon.

in Popular STEM3 months ago

It all starts with a curiosity; The last humans on the moon.


Last December 11 marks 52 years since the last mission of the last humans on the moon, in 1972 NASA's Apollo 17 mission. a three-day mission with Eugene A., Ronald E. and Harrison H were the last humans on the moon, soon we will have humans there again, from NASA and also from China, China wants to be present on the moon and you see that many nations also want to have their little flag on the moon.

These Apollo missions and the Soviet ones because the Soviets also tried to develop a lunar rocket they tried to reach the moon, it was a race to get there first but basically it was a propaganda race, there was obviously a scientific part, but once the fact was achieved historical, the propaganda of being the first to reach the moon and once we had samples for scientists to study, there was no compelling reason to have these incredibly expensive and costly launches to move forward.

Why is it returning to the moon now in this decade, I hope it is in this decade and they do not delay it to the next, because there is an interest in the distribution and Mining resources of the moon, keep in mind that in a few years Research is already being carried out to develop products, substances, elements that can only be created in conditions of weightlessness or in special conditions that we can only find in space in the cosmos. and that trying to reproduce them on land would be extremely difficult, that is why the moon is going to be the supply for those space factories of substances, medicines, alloys.

The moon is going to be the supply of those resources that those factories are going to use and that is why so many nations want to have their little flag on the moon for when the time comes when exploiting the mining resources of the moon is profitable and therefore they will be protagonists. of the best places and the best piece of mooncake.

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