Satellite network on the moon

in Popular STEM3 months ago

Satellite network on the moon

China is really focused on mastering cislunar space and has just revealed ambitious plans for a comprehensive satellite network that promises to revolutionize communication, navigation and monitoring between the Earth and the Moon.

Imagine a network that offers communication services in real time, allowing travelers to simultaneously communicate with the earth through audio and video images and not only that this network will also offer precise positioning and navigation in the same way that our GPS system does. the earth but on the moon, which will be essential for operations on the lunar surface.

According to researchers from the Chinese Academy of Space Technology and the Beijing Institute of Spacecraft System Engineering, this infrastructure will be able to monitor and track moving targets in cislunar space with incredible precision, detailing targets up to 1 m.


Chief mission designer Yang Mengfei and his team highlighted that cislunar space is emerging as the new frontier for human activities, expecting a rapid expansion of activities in this region in the next decade, fueling a new hour of global competition, Lunar space includes the area between the Earth and the Moon encompassing the orbits of satellites around the Earth, the space within the lunar orbit, and the area in between.

With growing competition for resources such as orbital slots and radio frequencies, China sees an urgent need to establish a strategic roadmap to develop this cislunar infrastructure and gain competitive advantage in the emerging space economy and China is not alone in this interest, in the In recent years, cislunar space has become a relevant focus, especially in the military sector. For example, the United States Air Force is developing the cislunar Highway Petroleum System, a satellite designed to detect and track artificial objects at lunar distances.

Space agencies from the United States, Europe and Japan are also proposing similar infrastructure to support scientific exploration and commercial operations on the moon, as China establishes itself as a key player in lunar and deep space exploration, strategic planning is Vital to avoiding redundant construction and optimizing resource allocation for future missions, this includes manned lunar landings, construction of an international lunar research station, and exploration of the outer solar system.


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