New record of brain implants.

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New record of brain implants.

And it's not from Neurolink.

Neurolink rival Precision Neuroscience has broken the world record by implanting more than 4,096 electrodes in a human brain and this could change or even accelerate the field of brain-computer interface technologies such as the famous neuralink.

In April 2024 during a clinical study at Moun Sinai Health System in New York, Precision Neuroscience achieved this notable milestone, surpassing the previous record of 2,048 electrodes set last year by Elon Musk's neuralink, the company now allows a larger volume of data is transmitted to and from the brain, dramatically increasing the capabilities of brain-computer interfaces.

The key to this advance is Precision's layer 7 cortical interface, a set of thin-film microelectrodes designed to fit the cerebral cortex without causing tissue damage, allowing thousands of channels to be delivered to any area of ​​the brain's surface. Through a patented, minimally invasive insertion technique, each microelectrode array contains 1024 electrodes with diameters ranging from up to 50 to 380 microns, all connected to a custom hardware interface.

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A leap in brain implant technology.

Precision-Neuroscience highlighted the importance of these advanced interfaces that require the collection and processing of large amounts of neural data spanning several regions of the brain, while prioritizing patient safety, when the brain processes information or initiates an action it generates electrical signals, the Precision-Neuroscience's thin film technology can capture these signals on a micron scale, providing an unprecedented view of brain activity comparable to switching from a standard television to a high-definition one.

Dr. Joshua B Berson, chair of neurosurgery at Moun Sinai Health System, led the study and commented, “It is easy to see the impact that high-resolution cortical mapping can have in the operating room; it could be used to guide more precise and efficient procedures, which “could potentially lead to better outcomes for patients,” during the study the team placed four Precision arrays on the surface of a patient's brain, covering an area of ​​approximately 8 cm square with electrodes.

The system transmitted cortical data from all four arrays generating a detailed visualization of the brain's sensory-motor frontier a critical milestone for neurosurgeons during surgery, founded in 2021 by a team of four people three of whom previously worked at neuralink, Precision -Neuroscience has made significant progress, they have since developed their main product, the layer 7 cortical interface and have begun testing it in patients.

The company hopes to launch its first commercial product on the market as early as 2025.

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