Transcranial stimulation as therapy.

in Popular STEM5 months ago

Transcranial stimulation as therapy.

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Innovative robotic design.

Transcranial magnetic stimulation is an innovative technique with important applications in psychiatry, neurology and physical therapy that can help people with depression, chronic pain and neuromuscular diseases, however, its precision and reliability may be limited by the manual operation of the equipment and the use of fixed sensors on the patient's head.

To solve this problem, medical physics specialist Renan Matsuda developed a robotic system during his doctoral research at the USP University of São Paulo in Brazil. The robotic system uses magnetic resonance images to guide brain stimulation, ensuring greater precision and reliability in The procedure.

Open source technology for continuous improvement.

Unlike manual operation that can result in variations in the position of the stimulus, the robot guarantees that the stimulus is applied exactly in the desired place, improving clinical results, one of the advantages of the system is the use of open source which It allows other people to use it, modify it and contribute to its improvement.

This makes the technology more accessible and flexible for different research and therapeutic applications, and the use of open source and a small, easy-to-transport robot helps reduce costs and facilitates the logistics of the studies.

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As built-in security procedures.

In terms of safety, the robot has several layers of protection built in, including the ability to detect collisions and stop movement if necessary, there is also an emergency button within reach of the patient to interrupt the procedure in case of discomfort, in addition to the system Robotic Matsuda developed a special system called Marley that uses Artificial Intelligence to locate the patient's head, without the need for markers, this increases precision and simplifies the procedure by eliminating the need for fasteners.

These advances represent a significant contribution to improving the precision and efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation, opening new possibilities in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric conditions.

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