How to Retire off Ethereum in 1 YearsteemCreated with Sketch.

in StockPhotos3 years ago

This cryptocurrency bull market is absolutely insane and if it keeps up it keeps melting faces like it has been, then they're gonna be a lot of people who get really rich and some people enough to retire inside of this year alone.

But in order for you to do that, you have to time the market sell your cryptocurrency at the right time, but i want to propose to you an alternative in this video that you can do with the ethereum cryptocurrency.

You know ether where you don't have to time the market you can just earn passive income with ethereum itself and we'll call it the ethereum retirement plan, so that's. What i'm talking about this video.

So if you're new around here, uh, hey, i'm gregory and on this channel i turn you into a blockchain master, so that's, something that you're interested in then smash that, like button Down below for the youtube algorithm and subscribe to this channel and so spoiler alert, this strategy has to do with staking your eth and that's, exactly going to show you how to do inside the staking master class next week on wednesday january 20th And you can actually do this strategy with hardly any ether at all, which i'll talk about later in this video, so sign up with a link down below to hold your spot today, all right! So let's.

Talk about this ethereum retirement plan. As always, you know this is not financial advice. I'm, not telling you to do this. I'm, not a financial advisor. This is just something i've, been thinking about for myself and want to share with you all to get some ideas right.

You have to figure out what's best for your situation, make your own decisions, but let's. Reverse engineer this problem to see how it works. Okay. So how do you retire in the first place? Well, basically, you make enough passive income to cover your expenses.

Okay, so you have to generate passive income and that's, where we want to focus on this strategy. Okay, because you know there's, gonna be a lot of people out there who won't make enough out of this cryptocurrency build run till just like set back and never work again, all right, but still focusing on building passive Income like hey, who, who doesn't want money that just you know, comes in the door without any kind of work right, even if it's not enough to totally retire off of so hear me out on this okay, and so How would you do this? Well, basically, you're, making passive income through your investments.

Some sort of you know principle that generates you a return, okay that you can use for, whatever you want to, and so the traditional financial system. You know you could do this with stock market, you know real estate, bonds, etc, etc, and a lot of people are banking on putting their money here.

You know at the top of a crypto market cycle. Basically, the idea is that i'm gonna buy cryptocurrency, really cheap, wait for it to go, really high and then sell it and like completely exit the markets and go into something like stocks, real estate bonds.

You know something much more conservative, that's, not quite as correlated with the crypto markets, but there's, a big problem with this strategy. Okay, there's, actually lots of problems, but the number one is that you're gonna take a massive tax hit.

Whenever you do this, okay, so let's say you buy your cryptocurrency, really cheap, okay and then it goes up. You know 10x 100x right in an amazing year, then that could be a really large amount of money and whenever you sell it, you're, going to pay a massive amount of taxes on that and that's.

All money that you couldn't use to generate passive income to these other means right. If you go out, if you exit crypto, you go into cash and you put that cash and this other stuff. You know, assuming that you '

Re honest and you're reporting your taxes, then you're gonna pay, capital gains tax and that's, going to really suck. So what? If you didn't, do this right? What if you didn't exit, crypto markets, you didn't, go to cash and then try to put it in something else.

They could earn your passive income. But what if you could just use your cryptocurrency itself to get passive income right? Let's say you bought ethereum, for example, really cheap, uh and like like a hundred dollars or something like that in the bear market and let's, say ethereum or ether goes to 10k or more okay.

And then you know you don't want to sell that because it's. Gon na pay a huge hit on taxes, and you just keep it right, and then you put it into something as ether that can earn you passive income. Then you'll just generate passive income.

On top of that entire amount you won't have to take that tax hit, move it to something else. You also want to spend the time like identifying the best place, to get returns and go through all these hoops right.

You could just stay in cryptocurrency and get a passive income reward that way all right there's, no taxable event. So you know, as always, not financial advice. I'm, not an accountant. You need to check with your account before you even decide to do anything like this.

It probably depends on a lot of different factors, but i think one of the best ways to do this over the long term. Okay, keyword long term is going to be with ethereum staking on ethereum 2.0 sure there are other ways you can get a return on.

Your eth uh, which i can talk about more here in this video like uh, d5 and other, like you, know, futuristic crypto banks, but for somebody with some technical skills and like let's, say your eth, you know actually becomes quite large.

Then i think that staking would be a really great opportunity, so here's. Why so, first and foremost, are just the returns on staking for ethereum 2.0 right now? Okay, so this is ethereum moving to proof of stake on the new version of the ethereum blockchain, and so the staking rewards on eth2 uh are currently like 10.

Okay, now i realize that all of these two is not launched yet, and there are problems with this. I'll talk about more in the video. You have to lock up your eat for a long time and can't, get it back until you exit phase zero.

So i understand that part um and this reward can go down the more people stake. I totally get that right, but a lot of people have to stake before we even go down to like five percent or even sub five percent.

Okay, so ten percent, honestly on a large amount of money, is pretty good return. Now i know people watching this video like oh, i can get like 5 million percent in d5 and all this kind of stuff all right, but there's, a ton of risk in a lot of those d5 strategies.

Okay and that's, one of the that's. One of the reasons i think the staking is a lot better for a certain risk profile. When you're talking about a large amount of money, is because of smart contract risk, so a smart contract could be hacked right.

You know you just don't know what you don't know. In the d5 space there's, always like a new hack happening every few months, or something like that and sure there's insurance. All that kind of stuff, but still it it's.

There's, a lot of risk involved with just handing over eth to some a smart contract that some developers built. Okay, so yeah. I get it that there's like all these crazy returns in d5, but another thing you have to think about those returns are always sustainable right.

They move around right. You have to constantly think about where the best return is and with eth. You just keep your eth in one place. You stake it to the to the to the network and it really isn't just a set it and forget it strategy.

The only thing you have to watch is this staking reward right and if it goes down so much that it's, not worth it for you to stake your ether anymore, then you can move it right, and so also i mean this is a Huge advantage to the other strategy of like trying to time the market exit at the right time and then go convert it into something else, because you're, going to have a hard time getting a consistent 10 return outside of the crypto market.

You can definitely do it all right, but for most people they're gonna have a hard time doing that and if you do don't forget you have to pay that tax hit like i talked about, and so you're still earning 10, even if you get it on less money, but this allows you to earn 10 on a greater amount of money than you'd.

Have if you had to pay taxes all right so now one thing to really emphasize is this is a long-term strategy. Okay, they're. Definitely some problems that i want to address right now, uh, but this is for either a portion of your eat or all of your eat whatever it is that you plan on like never selling like for for a very long time.

Okay, so i've, always said that you know at least a portion of my eat. I want to hold for the long term, not try to time the market cycles or anything like that. So you know whether that's. Just some of my ether, maybe it's.

All of my ease. You know we'll, see so whatever you know, amount of eat that you decide is a long-term hold for you, then, that that's. What you want to focus on for this strategy? Okay, again, not financial advice.

You have to decide that for yourself, but here's. Some problems with the short term right so eth2 staking is not liquid in the sense that, right now, if you send it to east 2 uh, it's locked up until we exit phase 0 and until basically e2 really turns on, and you can Withdraw your funds from your validator node! Okay! So just know that if you decide to go down this road and set up an e2 validator, you can't get the funds back for a while.

So if you don't do that now there are definitely some intermediate solutions right. You can um do d5, like i talked about earlier, maybe with a smaller portion of your eat that you're willing to risk.

You know smart contract with all that kind of stuff there's also, you know custodial solutions like these crypto banks that'll pay. You, like five percent uh, maybe more five to eight percent on your eth and another big problem is the price volatility.

Okay, but again like i said this is long term. So, in the short term, the price volatility you know definitely will be a problem. If you're talking about like a stable passive income source, but there are two ways to sort of outrun that problem or or maybe outlast that problem one is that, like you know, the passive income that you actually rely upon is maybe only like Half of what's actually coming in right.

So if the price goes up and down like maybe won't dip below 50 percent, and another thing to think about is like over the long term, if ethereally does become this reserve asset of a brand new financial system.

As the market cap gets, bigger and bigger and bigger and more institutions rely upon it um then i would expect for the price to become less volatile right and you wouldn't see these massive. Like you know, 90 corrections at the top of the market cycle.

So again nobody ' S got a crystal ball. We don't know what's going to happen in the short term. This is a long term strategy, but those are the two biggest problems i see with it and those are two ways to to fix it, and so the last big problem is, you know a lot of people.

Just at this point can't get 32 east in order to employ this strategy. Okay, now there will be a lot of people watching this channel. Who were you know with me throughout the entire bear market who could have bought eth at like eighty dollars right a hundred dollars? You know somewhere in that range and have accumulated enough to run their own validator node.

But if you haven't right, you can still jump in on this strategy. I'm, going to tell you how here in a second, but the last thing i'll say, is that you know there are going to be a lot of people who demand this all right because wait.

Let's. Just say that he's, taking rewards like it stays at 10 after the e2 launch, or maybe it's like you know, somewhere close to 10 percent right and even if the ethereum price or ether price is really really high.

There'll, be still be plenty of long-term eth holders that want to do this and they won't all be technical. Okay, some of them might even be institutions, and they ' Ll need people to have the technical skills to help them like run the ethereum validators.

So there can be people get hired for the skill right. So, even if, like you, don't have 32 ether and you want to learn how to run a validator. It'll, be a really valuable skill for you as a blockchain developer, all right.

So how can you stake your ether? So, even if you don't have a bunch of ether. How? How can you do this? Okay, so i'm going to go over all these three methods inside the staking master class. I'm, going to show you how to set up a validator.

How to like you know, get enough each to stake. If you don't have enough okay, so i'm gonna go over all those three, but i'm gonna give you a quick recap in this video okay, so the first is just have 32 each.

So like, if you were here during the bear market and you accumulated - eat very cheap right like in the 100 range uh, then you might have 32 eth in order to you know, run your own validator, okay, so one is to just run your own validator node.

So you need the ether to do this, and so all you need to do is basically learn how to set up a node in the cloud, maybe on your own home computer and participate in running the ethereum network. Okay, so uh the other way.

If you don't have 32, eth is basically to pool funds okay, so maybe this is friends and family. Okay. Maybe this is other people. You know and trust that can you know get all that money together. Maybe you had friends who were also accumulating ether during the bear market, or something like that.

You all can pull your funds from your validator, so you ' Ll still need to run a computer in order to do this. Okay, but you can you can take advantage of this strategy just by getting other people to go in.

You can also create a smart contract that will let other people send the ether to it and then transfer it to a validator that way. So the last way is basically to create a staking pool, and this is something that uh, you know.

Other people are interested in. You know who are more entrepreneurial that want to start their mistaking businesses. You can do this in a trustless way. So basically, you know you can create a website like this that lets other people send ether to it has like a goal.

You know lets them connect with their metamasks and the ether to it, and then it transfers to a new uh node on the ethereum 2.0 beacon chain. So those are all the strategies that i'm, going to go over into this taking master class on uh.

You know wednesday january 20th. All right sign up with the link down below to hold your spot today again, even if you decide not to like run your own validator node participating in the network. Now these are super valuable skills because they're gonna be institutions, uh individuals, high net worth individuals who want to get in on this opportunity and they won't necessarily have the technical skills order to move that ether over to Uh stake all right, so they need to hire blockchain developers to do this, and these are super valuable skills to know.

So, as always, you know smash that, like button down below subscribe to this channel, if you haven't already, it really helps these videos out so that more people can learn about blockchain. And if you're just joining me for the first time - and you know you want to learn how to become a blockchain developer, then how can you get started today, all right? Well, you go to my youtube home page right.

You can see any of my free courses there like give me courses, but they're totally free. You can try one of those out learn how to build your own blockchain application and, if you like those - and you want to take the next step or hey - maybe you want to take a master shortcut entirely.

I can show you to build a blockchain application step by step from start to finish over at dap university dot com forward, slash boot, camp; okay, you can just click the link down below to sign up today i've, helped people with zero coding Experience uh become real world blockchain developers and a lot of people out there who just getting in this space because they got excited about cryptocurrency and you don't have to have coding skills in order to get started.

Today, like i said, i've helped people with zero coding background. You know, jump into the space and get their first blockchain job all right, so that's. All we've got for today again. Hope you like this video and until next time, thanks.


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