Dibujando a pluto_drawing pluto
Hola amigos de stock photos hoy quise dibujar a pluto un dibujo animado de la comis llamada Mickey mouse para compartir con ustedes.
Hello friends of stock photos, today I wanted to draw Pluto a cartoon of the comic called Mickey mouse to share with you.
Lo primero que dibuje fue la nariz luego seguí dandole forma a toda la nariz, boca y ojos continúe dibujando la cabeza de hay seguí con el collar cuerpo y patas y por último la cola ya terminado todo marcamos todo y comenzamos a pintar.
The first thing I drew was the nose, then I continued to shape the entire nose, mouth and eyes, I continued drawing the head of there, I continued with the body and legs necklace and finally the tail, once everything was finished, we marked everything and began to paint.
Comenzamos pintando la cabeza, nariz, boca, ojos y hay nos vamos coloreando todo hasta terminarlo.
We start by painting the head, nose, mouth, eyes and there we go coloring everything until we finish it.
Es un gusto dibujar y publicar para todos ustedes esperando que todo ustedes visiten mi block y me den su opinión.
It is a pleasure to draw and publish for all of you, hoping that all of you visit my block and give me your opinion.