Finally a class without problems - The Sculptures of some adorable ghosts
Hello to all art lovers!!! From ghost stories and the paranormal ^_^
I'm already starting to believe that a cosmic force beyond my understanding or some imaginary pagan god doesn't want me to have internet in my house ¬_¬
When I investigated the new fiber optic internet service that came to my neighborhood, they told me what their Service is like, their initial plan, monthly cost, for me it was perfect because it is accessible for my current economic status, but I would have that compares the dual band fiber optic router, having $35 and a few extra dollars in case more fiber footage was needed, due to various inconveniences it took almost 2 months to buy the router which I was able to get at a fair price (in almost all the stores had it between $85 and $110 and I got it for $65) then it took me 2 months to collect the rest of the money, by the time I went, they informed me that the box had been filled, but within 15 days they would install one again closer to my house and there would be no need to pay for additional footage,Days went by and I went back, they didn't give me an answer, days because I found the gentlemen installing a new internet box several blocks from my house. I asked them when they would put one up where I live, and they told me that within 15 days they would install one over there, the 15 days pass again and I go to their premises, and they tell me that they still don't have plans to install there, giving priority to the streets where most of the businesses are, that in 20 days they could install there, I mean that by the end of November or December they can put a box so that I can settle in, in any case I already prepare myself psychologically for when the 20 days are up and go with them again they will tell me to go back inside 20 days… ¬_¬
To make a pretty ghost
This little ghost is another of the creations that I taught during the vacation plan, and it was made with homemade flexible dough, the funny thing about this work is that it was an improvisation that I had to make for the class due to a problem with the materials.
The first thing I did was take a small piece of aluminum foil and shape it into a bean, and then cover it entirely with abundant white dough, after splicing the entire piece I shaped it into a bullet or a thimble.
Having that bullet shape, on the flat part I stretched with my fingers, until it looked like a skirt, obtained this way I used my silicone bar with a tip to make small undulations around it.
The next thing was to make a small and long cone with the white dough, the flat part of the cone I place it on the upper part of the body, but slightly inclined towards where its back will be, with a wooden stick I splice the entire edge until it seems a single piece, taking advantage of the fact that the dough, unlike plasticine, hardens, apply 2 folds to the cone, the first downwards and the other upwards.
The body is ready, the face is missing, for the eyes I used two small balls of black dough, which I placed in front of the body and gently crushed them with my fingers until they became 2 large circles with little separation between them.
Ready the eyes comes the mouth, for this I used a ball of black dough which I gave it the shape of a bean, then flatten it with my fingers and place it under both eyes, and then repeat the same procedure that I did with the eyes, that of gently crushing and stretching with your fingers so that it integrates better with the body.
To give a more fun detail to the eyes with two small balls of white dough, make some pupils and intentionally place them crookedly, one up and the other down.
To finish with more white eyes, make two small crescents, which I placed over the eyes to make fun eyebrows, which I had to join with the tip of a wooden stick.
To finish with the body I will add arms, for that I take two wooden sticks of the length that I needed, which I nail in both lateral sides, then with two portions of white dough I lengthen them leaving a round end, with these pieces I covered both sticks of wood, I put the tip of the dough towards the body because the round part will be the hands, both parts I spliced them very carefully.
I joined the best I could with my fingers, but in the union of the arms to the bodies I had to join them with a wooden stick, both arms had a shape similar to a sausage, so I slightly flattened both hands and a large part of the arms, to then finish with a light double down on what should be your hands.
This ghost will be scaring and mocking, so as a final pizza it will have a tongue, to make it I used pink plasticine (I didn't have dough of that color) with a small portion I stretched it so as to have a small rope which I folded in half joining it without splice, flatten slightly in the double area and I made a slight curve to the whole piece. (sorry for the last picture I didn't realize she was out of focus)
As the plasticine does not harden, and usually falls by its own weight, I had to make a support with a thin wire, which I had to introduce below the piece so as not to deform the tongue in the same way after introducing this support I had to Touch up the tongue the tip of a wooden toothpick.
With the tongue done, all that was missing was to integrate it into the ghost. First, I had to make a hole with the tip of a wooden stick in the part of the mouth where I wanted to place the tongue, then I carefully inserted the tongue through the hole.
Finally, this funny ghost was ready ^_^ I know it's already over Halloween, but for various reasons I couldn't show you this in time
Thank you very much for reading my post
I hope you liked this sculpture of a terrifying but funny ghost
If you have any suggestions or advice
Write it in the comments that I will be reading them
See you in a next publication
Copyright @inu-jim –Allrightsreserved
I hope you liked this sculpture of a terrifying but funny ghost
If you have any suggestions or advice
Write it in the comments that I will be reading them
See you in a next publication
Copyright @inu-jim –Allrightsreserved