Welcome to Kusadasi

in StockPhotos2 years ago

The longest and hardest journey was this summer. I spent the summer in Kusadasi with my family. It is not easy to get to Kusadasi, it is over 1500 kilometers. We had a break in Istanbul which didn't live up to my expectations :D But it was exciting and I experienced something new and gained some experience with salespeople.

I was on vacation with my family. It was boring :D But I also relaxed in a way. Like any family, we had serious disagreements, so we fought all the time. But at the end of the day everything is okay, we all reconcile and then in the morning we start again. When I say it like this, it doesn't seem so boring, with so many arguments, how can it be boring :D


Let's take a tour, we are not here to listen to my family problems but to tour Kusadasi. A really nice city, alive, full of people, everyone came to rest, some to go to parties. The city is for all types of people, there are beautiful streets for walking by the sea, for relaxing, but there are also plenty of clubs, beach parties are organized every day. An unusual city, unusually beautiful, neat and clean. There are mostly Serbs, I felt like I was in Serbia by the sea


There are plenty of interesting buildings, monuments, and of course mosques at every turn. But this TV caught my eye, across from where there is a chair that looks directly at the TV. I threw on some paint, I did a bit of tidying up because the city is full, so why not use my brother and my camera and take a few pictures. This is just a small part of the photos I took, of course I'm ugly in most of the photos :D



The "Hand of Peace" is the most beautiful building I have ever seen. That's where everyone comes to take a picture, mate, it's impossible to photograph just a hand, but the photo would be boring if there weren't people around this hand. It's by the sea and it's really beautiful to sit and enjoy, but I just took a photo and moved on. I didn't come to rest, I planned to go to the clubs with my brother, because we heard that Serbian parties are held, but nothing happens as planned, there are always small changes. I had a good time like this, boring but nice and relaxing.


Did I mention how strong the wind is? The wind blows at a fixed time, as if someone had put it on a timer for when it should blow, while I'm on the beach in the morning, there is no wind anywhere, when it comes to 1 o'clock in the afternoon the wind starts blowing, then stops around 6 o'clock in the afternoon and starts again in the evening blowing and such every day while I was there. The wind was getting on my nerves, but if it wasn't for the wind I think we would have died from the heat.


There is a monument to Atatürk at every turn, not only in Kuşadası, but all over Turkey. I saw a lot of monuments to Ataturk in Istanbul, but I also talked to a friend who was in Antalya and he says that there are a lot of them there too, he says that they put his picture in the shops.


Atatürk was the founder of modern Turkey and he was also the first president of Turkey, so it is nothing that he has at every step. He was president from 1923 to 1938 (his death). He had his own politics and theory which became known as Kemalism.



Right in front of the monument stands a man pretending to be Atatürk. At least he looks like Atatürk to me. It seems interesting and attracts attention. Kudos to this man, he did everything professionally. Every day he stands in front and plays a certain choreography and every time a huge crowd of people is formed around him.


I'm more beautiful than Atatürk :D There are a lot of people, everywhere I passed there were a lot of people. I enjoyed it, pushing myself, taking pictures in a crowd of people, I tried to take some cool photos and I think I succeeded. Here I was sheltered from the wind :D



And finally, ice cream. This is the most popular candy. they like to dance with you, so you won't get it right away, but yours will have a little fun and dance with you, do a mini choreography. But when you finally get the ice cream, it's too tasty, it's more expensive than the one from the store, that's why I only ate it once.

Kusadasi is a beautiful place for all ages. This year it was me, and a couple of years ago it was my grandmother. She loved it and so did I. She had her own routine and occupation there, just like me, I didn't have to adapt, I found what suits me. But never again by car, I don't think it's worth it. It is very tiring by car to travel to Kusadasi. My grandmother went by plane and it was great for her, and so was I, but when I thought that I had to go back from Serbia by car, my mood would immediately deteriorate. Visit Kusadasi by plane, it's nice to see it.


I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.

𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮, 𝓢𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓱❤️


Lots of nice pics of Kusadasi and you! I like the shade of green of your shirt. Nice hair and nails! You look great - I've never seen an ugly pic of you, always cute :)