How to Design a Book Cover

in Draft Crearte3 years ago

Hello, Steemit!
Hello, Draft Crearte!

I am very happy that I now have a badge as a verified member in this creative community. I greatly want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone here, especially the admin and moderators!

Today, I want to share my simple cover design for an SLM or Self-Learning Module for students. The SLM is very important Learning Resource especially during this pandemic where students learn in the comfort of their homes. The cover design should be relevant to the content of the module.


This moduel cover design shows two people, one represents a farmer and the other represents an electrician. These representations are made because the book covers Agriculture or Animal Production and Electrical Installation and Maintenance Lessons. But actually, there are four areas that are discussed for a school year, in our school division, namely Animal Production, Nail Care, Electrical Installation and Maintenance and Handicraft. So here are there representations:

  1. Chicken- Animal Production
  2. Light Bult - Electrical Installation & Maintenance
  3. Nail Polish, Pedicure Brush - Nail Care Services
  4. Scissors & Thread - Handicraft

These areas are what we teach in TLE or Technology and Livelihood Education which happens to be my major or specialization. So, yes! I know basic skills on those topics mention! As we are always addressed as:

Jack of all trades.

Now, let me show you the process or the steps that I have done to do this design. I am crossing my fingers and pray that you will enjoy!

Book Design for Grade 8 Students









The Process:

  1. The first step has to be making and organizing an idea or a concept in the mind. I have to cover all the things that should be place in the module cover and make it relevant and connected to the lessons.
  2. Then I started sketching this idea on my iPad using Procreate app. Of course, I used the sketching pens available in the app. Choosing red as the color is a personal preference only.
  3. After completing the sketch, I forwarded the image to my supervisor for approval. Fortunately, he immediately given me the signal to proceed.
  4. Then I started inking using a monoline pen. What I like about this pen is that it has a consistent width of the line whether you draw with so much amount of pressure.
  5. After that, I fill the spaces with colors which serves as the base colors of the skin, clothes, props, and others.
  6. I then added shades and highlights to define the illustrations more.
  7. Finally I lock the layers I have made and saved the file in jpeg.


So, those are basically the steps that I have made in order to come up witb the design. I hope you enjoyed this post. I warmly welcome constructive criticism in the comment section and learn from the experts in this community!

Thank you so much for your time! Remember to continue making this world a better place to live in with your creativity, Draft Crearte!



 3 years ago 

Hola amigo tu dibujo quedo genial, solo tengo algunas observaciones que hacerte.

  • En tu post debes mencionar los materiales que usaste.
  • Debes agregar a tu selfie tu cartel de #draftcrearte
  • Debes promocionar tu arte en las redes sociales y colocar el capture en los comentarios de tu post.

Actualmente hay varios concursos activos en la comunidad si gustas puedes participar, por acá te dejo los enlaces.

1- Salvador Dalí

2- Haz una agenda usando la técnica de encuadernación japonesa

3- Crea una manualidad utilizando el cartón de huevos como material principal

I do not understand Spanish but I use Google translate to understand your comments. Yes I believe I forgot to use my poster in this post and that is really my problem right now because I can not print the poster that I have created. But maybe soon I will be able to have my poster. I am also planning to join in the contest but I still have a hard time thinking of what to create with the egg trays but I know I can do it. Thank you so much for your constructive comments on my post see you around my friend.

No entiendo español pero utilizo el traductor de Google para entender tus comentarios. Sí, creo que olvidé usar mi póster en esta publicación y ese es realmente mi problema ahora mismo porque no puedo imprimir el póster que he creado. Pero tal vez pronto pueda tener mi póster. También planeo unirme al concurso, pero todavía me cuesta pensar qué crear con las bandejas de huevos, pero sé que puedo hacerlo. Muchas gracias por sus constructivos comentarios sobre mi publicación, nos vemos con mi amigo.

 3 years ago 

ok friend, there are also two other contests that you might like to participate in, greetings

Thank you so much 😘😊