Creative Dynamics: Week1- Recycled paper// How to make beautiful pencil holder // by @s-wasana // club5050
Hello.... 😍 my dear friends ,
This is my post for Recycled paper contest .Frist I thankfull @roseri for organized this contest .then Today I bring for you How to make beautiful pencil holder using newspaper ✏.
Let's prepare the necessary equipment according to the first step.
• Newspaper
• Glue
• Stick
• Scissor
• Pen / pencil
• Ruler
• Color A4 sheets
• small cardboard box
The second step is to cut the sheets of paper and roll them using stick.
As in step 3, paste the newspaper pages on a roll A4 sheet as required. Cut the cardboard box and the pencil holder to the desired height.
Now according to step 04, past the cardboard box with the roll of paper wrapped around it.
Step 5 Finish pasting on top of the pencil holder.
Now shape the pencil holder you like.
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Muy bonito te quedo éxito.😍🙏
Thank you @datce01
Muy necesario un organizador en nuestra casa u oficina. Excelente entrada, Suerte en el concurso amiga.
Recuerda que la comunidad tiene un concurso activo a través de este enlace:Crea un arte con tapas de botellas
thank you @celeni
Hola 👋
Quedo muy linda tu creación, suerte y saludos 🤗
Me gusto mucho el estilo como manejaste los colores y diseño del papel se ve muy hermoso.
Thanks dear 😊
Amiga esta muy lindo y útil ..
Hello good work @s-wasana , on the recycling of paper for a creative art.
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