My village in ten pics || Amazing ten pics.[27-2024]

in Steem4Bloggers2 months ago

Everyone. l am @anowarhoussain
From #Bangladesh December,27-12-2024

  • A beautiful day
  • December,-27-12-2024
  • Friday...

Assalamu Alaikum my dear friends how are you all? Hope you all are well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah I am very well by the grace of Allah.Today I am in the "Steem4Bloggers" community through ten photos of the beauty of my village.I am going to show you who works in which profession in my village. And how simple the people of the village are.I will share it with you now.I hope you like it so let's get started.



The first picture I have shared is a picture of a very poor van driver in my village. This person's main job is to deliver various goods from one place to another with the help of these vans or small cars. You can see him carrying lots of Eid in his small car along the mud roads in the village and delivering them to other people's houses and in return for this work this person earns very little money. And with that he buys some kind of food to satisfy his stomach hunger.



If you look at this picture, you can see an old farmer. After working all day in his land, in the evening, he returns home with some grass for his cattle, cows, goats. Looking at these pictures you will understand how hard people in rural areas work even in old age just to meet their food needs. Actually the people of the village live a very simple life which you will understand by looking at these pictures.



There was a time when people in rural areas only cultivated paddy. They depended on only one crop. But nowadays farmers are cultivating different types of crops besides vegetables because farmers know that vegetables are very nutritious for their body. So now they are cultivating cabbage in their own land because it is a very nutritious vegetable which is very important for the human body and due to the fact that these are growing in the natural environment, the nutritional qualities are increased.



Another place among the beauty of the village area is the field of green grasses in the village area. Because in the village area there are many fields lying empty where the green grass grows and go there in the afternoon. It's really nice to spend some time. Oh, and sometimes walking barefoot in the green grass. Which is very good for our body. Doctors say to walk in green grass and this kind of environment can be enjoyed only by people from rural areas.



This time I have shared a very strange photo where people use t-shirts. and a kaktaduwa with a kalsi or hari made of clay. Its main function is when sowing the seeds of crops in a field. Then those seeds are eaten by different kinds of birds. And these cockatoos are made in human shape due to which the birds are afraid to poison the crops in this land, they think that people are standing here. And because of which the seeds of the crop are protected from the birds.



This time I shared a picture of a village market where different types of vegetables are bought and sold. And the vegetables that are available here are very fresh and grown in natural environment because the people of the village area do not like to eat vegetables with formalin.



I have shared a picture of a wheelbarrow. It is used only in brick kilns and it is seen to be used in other places. It's main function is to put the mud in it and move it by hand. You have to move forward. Even though it takes a lot of trouble to do these jobs, still the people of the village area. These works are done very efficiently. Only to prevent stomach ulcers.



In this picture I have shared a picture of a native duck rearing. Because the people of rural areas keep these domestic ducks, it fulfills the demand of meat and eggs. Because these ducks lay a lot of eggs, the eggs contain a lot of protein, which is very important for the human body. People in the village like to keep these ducks. Hey ducks are found in rivers in rural areas and also do not like to eat green grass.



Another place among the beauty of the village is the fields of the village. Many people cultivate mustard in the winter season. And when the mustard flower blooms on the mustard plant it looks quite attractive because these flowers are really very nice and attractive to see such yellow color flowers all over the field in the yellow air which can captivate people's mind.



The person you can see in this picture is a professional. A horse carriage driver, his main job is driving his own horse carriage. Delivery of various goods from one place to another. By looking at this picture you can see how hard this person is working to achieve so little. And with that little money he meets his own food needs. And with the rest of the money they spend on buying horse fodder. And this is how this person lives in general. I have tried to show through the pictures. I hope you will like them very much. May Allah keep you all well and healthy.
