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RE: 💨 A Lot of Hot Air (and Another Dodgy Moderator)

in Steem4Bloggers4 months ago

Argh (very frustrated), another abuser got respected...

My guess. Your laugh, sir? Follow my Copy-Master:

The term "AAGR" stands for "Average Annual Growth Rate." It represents the mean annual growth rate over a specified period. This measure is typically calculated by taking the arithmetic average of a series of annual growth rates. AAGR is often used to analyze the average growth rate of investments, companies, or economic indicators over several years.


Boo, where's the referee? The cheating here is outrageous ... ;-)

... Oh, what the hell. The SC is smarter than any AI anyway... I can't figure it out either :-)


For trying to get another player penalised.

Hey Hahnsen, back to your roots! You have clearly exceeded your competences :-)

Good old Hansen, I haven’t heard from him for a while.

Schummeln? Ich habe wenigstens samt Quellenangabe zitiert. Naja, die Quittung für diese dreiste Unterstellung hat Hahnsen dir ja dankenswerterweise bereits ausgestellt... 😤
Haben wir dafür eigentlich über eine Leihgebühr nachgedacht?!

The SC is smarter than any AI anyway

Oh, hast du nun ebenfalls ein Schleimpunktekonto eröffnet?... 🤪

Das geht ja mal gar nicht, dass Hahnsen hier ein Auswärtsspiel pfeift... Wir müssen in der Tat über entsprechende Regelungen in seinem Vertrag nachdenken ;-))

Jo, die Schleimspur war schon nicht übel, ne... nach der Auflösung bewerten wir die Lage neu ;-D

Die Lage gefällt mir gerade ganz gut. Was nicht bedeutet, dass ich mich nun unter den Stalkern einreihe… 😉

Es bekommt wieder eine Dynamik, wie wir sie schon bei einigen Aktionen gesehen haben. Einerseits ist es ja gut, dass sie aus der Deckung kommen und mal einen Spaß mitmachen, aber mir wäre eine Kommunikation in Richtung "Weiterentwicklung" im Moment wichtiger... plus ab und an ein Spielchen :-))

Kommunikation in Richtung "Weiterentwicklung" […] wichtiger

Da gibt es nichts dran zu rütteln!
Allerdings glaube ich mittlerweile, dass der eine (Job) nichts mit dem anderen zu tun hat, die jeweils verantwortlichen Personen sich vielleicht nicht einmal kennen… 🤷‍♀️

another abuser got respected

another abuser got revealed?

Well, "revealed" came later. At first the guy was "respected" - that's a reason to be completely desperate and frustrated and make strange letter combinations... ;-)

That would also be my tip ... but I guess it would be to easy :-)

There are a bunch of different "r" words that could go there. I'm not really seeing how any of them tie in to the title of the post as @the-gorilla suggested, though. I think I'm still missing something.

I think the “r” word is between 2 options. One has been suggested already, the other is what I initially thought. If you get the aag from the clues provided, the r should come naturally. With today’s tip, the “g” should be straightforward.

The title should give you two of the other letters.

Unless I’m wrong too 😆

Well, I laughed at ChatGPT so there’s 1 STEEM there.

How did it manage to repeat itself 4 times?

aagr is the annual average growth rate. It is the growth rate, averaged over a 12 month period. It’s also know as the annual average rate of difference between the starting point and 1 year later. It is often used to calculate the average growth rate annually.

How did it manage to repeat itself 4 times?

Shall I ask him it?!

Yes please. Ask it: "After saying what "AAGR" stands for, why did you repeat yourself 3 times saying the same thing with a different word order? You know this isn't a Diary Game or Steemit Application don't you?"

I wouldn't dare say this to my AI. I'm frightened to speak to it after last time:


My AI is still friendly. Maybe because I really often use the magical word "please"?

Okay, it's a bit rude that the gentleman/lady doesn't respond to my question about the repetitions. But he/she does provide me with a formula:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-06-05 um 10.06.53.png

Wow, you learn more here by simply making nonsense than in the "Crypto Academy"... 🤪

The picture is MY screenshot from MY friendly AI. You are NOT allowed to use it, NOT allowed to read it, NOT allowed to look at it, NOT allowed to do ANYTHING if you don't want to be immediately exposed as a plagiarist... 😎

It just gets worse.

Sentence 1: Definition
Sentence 2: Definition repeated. Annual replaced by “period of time” and Average replaced by “mean.
Sentence 3: Definition repeated. Average replaced by “arithmetic mean”.
Formula 1: Definition of Growth rate.
Formula 2: Step 1 in learning how to do an average.
Formula/Step 3: Step 2 in calculating an average.

The final complex looking formula: Repetition of the above expressed mathematically.

Disclaimer: In replying to your comment, I DID NOT use it, I DID NOT read it, I DID NOT look at it, I DID NOT do ANYTHING with it.

It just gets worse.

It has a short fuse though.
Something must have clearly gone wrong during training...

Whereas other AI models are trained on data prior to 2022, mine was trained on 'X' since Elon Musk took over.

That explains a lot... Didn't you also add a pinch of Trump?

Okay. Maybe tomorrow.
I just wanted to answer a few comments quickly and two and a half hours have already passed.

Sir, please, sir, make me unpopular...

I’m dreading doing that job! Wanting to do things properly is extremely time consuming.

Just say “great”, upvote 20% and job done. Tomorrow, you’ll have nothing to reply to 😉


 4 months ago 

You have "Aired Another Golden Report"
aagr 👍