Keep Moving Forward Never Give Up, Passing Life's Challenges
We see the number of great human resources, but not many can emerge. In fact, if the strength of our nation, where not only natural resources, not only economic resources, but human resources, I am sure and believe that our nation will rise. But in reality, many are unemployed, good potentials do not emerge, even many are silent and no one moves, does not bring out their optimum.

Because they do not know their potential, the strength of themselves that Allah has given us.
Humans are driven by nature, not only to want to be peaceful, then get a regular salary every month. Humans will always be plagued by anxiety.

Why are they plagued by anxiety?
Well, this is what humans must understand so that they are always motivated to seek challenges. In front of me is a pool of water.
Water is not a place for humans, not a place for humans to live, but humans like to seek challenges, they swim, not just 5 meters, 10 meters, or 100 meters, but kilometers.
Therefore, the basic key that makes humans move is that they must understand their own strength. When they understand, humans are unable to manage their potential, which in the end the strength that should emerge as the strength of our nation and country cannot emerge.
We can see that the dimensions of humans whose behavior and behavior are different will be greatly determined by the values they have. When he only adheres to conservative values, adheres to security values, adheres to stability values. He is different when there is a challenge to people who like to seek new challenges. Both will not provide a sense of peace, both will not provide a sense of peace.
Because both are complementary partners. When we feel calm, we definitely start to get restless, right?
Sometimes we want to watch a football match, sometimes we want to climb a mountain, then we might be the easiest to compete in chess, or a swimming pool. But we are already in the swimming pool, we want to find peace again.
That is why the nature of humans is to compete in goodness.
So the conclusion is:
"Don't feel calm if you are calm."
That's the key.
Don't feel calm if you have it. Because there is no guarantee of happiness when you already have everything.
Enough money, a nice house, savings that can be said for seven generations, will not make us calm and happy.
Humans have been made to move by nature.
Because humans were created by the owner of the universe, humans were created by Allah Azza Wajalla. Humans were created to continue moving towards Allah the Almighty. Because in that way, the earth will be maintained.
So once again for you, there is no need to dream of saying that I am happy if I have a stable income, or become a civil servant. There will never be a limit, because humans are innate and born to compete in goodness.
That is why human life is not long. The Prophet, one age is 63 years. Or maybe a little more, because humans in a short age are asked to run.
That is why Siti Hajar, continues to run innasofa walmarwata, when doing sa'i not walking, but running. When tawaf, at the beginning of the rounds are also asked to run.
Therefore, accept the fact that our hands, our feet, our bodies are asked to always compete in goodness. Do not dream of sleeping, because humans are not innate to sleep and then be lazy. At that time, human energy will continue to be disturbed, continued to be moved by Allah like a machine that never stops.
True happiness is when you release all your potential.
Therefore, never dream of being still. Accept the fact that you are destined to fight, to move, to build the economy, to build the nation and to build civilization.
Do not dream of being still after we have an income. Do not dream of retiring, because we want to get peace. But dream to continue to serve, to continue to run to give the best, not only for yourself, but for the nation and for the world.
Remember! You were created by the creator of the king of the universe. You were created by the creator of the universe, the key is to move, compete to become a winner. God willing.
Thank you for reading, hopefully useful.
Greetings always compact.
By @midiagam