My Motivation Today, Keep Being a Good Human Being

in Steem4Bloggers4 days ago


Okay, I'll go straight to the topic of discussion. My mother always told me, respect whoever he is. Poor, rich, old, young, relatives, or not, respect him, because you want to be respected, right? My mother also said that the recipe for staying young is, we must continue to maintain our hearts to be sincere, grateful for what Allah SWT has given.

Then also by maintaining physical, diet is also maintained, and nutritious, and don't forget to pray.

Prayer has an extraordinary influence, friends. I apologize, I once got rank 1 when I was in 2nd grade of junior high school. And of course this is thanks to the prayers and support of my family, as well as the support of my classmates, because we used to always study together, for example doing group assignments, or going to one of my friend's houses, there we studied together.

This is not me meaning to show off, what does it mean? Like this, I am still active until now in writing, even though I have long finished school. Because one of the paths to the gate of success is, I always pray for my friends. Now I ask you honestly, for example, every time you go to college, do you pray for your lecturers?

If you answer yes, I doubt it.

I'm sorry, it's not that I don't believe it, but we rarely find cases like this. And this is very chronic in this country. The people never pray for the president, and the president never prays for his people. The drought of inner communication, this is what the Prophet said. I'm sorry, when the Prophet said something, it must be true. The Prophet never lied, the one who lied was not the Prophet, but comedians, people who do stand-up comedy for example.

Stand-up comedians, they just talk, whether it's true or a lie, everything is brushed aside, the important thing is that the audience laughs. But not so with the Prophet, because the Prophet was always right. The Prophet said what,

"Among the blessings, a people appear, when the leader always prays for his people, and the people always pray for their leader".

And I apologize, just start with prayer. That's why I said earlier to respect everyone, and we have instilled that in our children since they were little. So that's also a little bit of character, we should have instilled it since they were little, so that they understand, what is the true meaning of life. I am sometimes confused now, but I also believe, there are still many who can do great things. Because Indonesian children are smart.


But there are also many who are not aware, so please be aware, no matter how little you do, it is already a source of pride. In your pride, you make it and make it even wider, you want to do more. This means, this is very important for life, the most important thing is, we can do something for many people. And what's more important, we maintain a clean heart. For prayer, that has a lot of influence.

If people are not happy, they think negatively. That's the first, they will age faster.

The second, they will be more easily stressed.

The third, doing something, it will definitely not be finished.

The third, the person will look good, that is, old-faced, even though he is still young.

The fourth, he must be easily angered. Why do angry people always shout, because he is far from his heart, there is no heart connection, even though he speaks close, but he shouts. Because of what? He is far from his heart, rarely do angry people speak softly. That's why we need heart enlightenment, physical enlightenment, mental enlightenment, in today's language, revolution. And this is part of the point, from what I discussed above. A noble person, not a person who is glorified, but a person who can glorify others. An honorable person, not a person who is respected, but a person who can respect others. By praying, by being kind to others, this is actually part of honor.

Please also pray that the condition in Steemit will recover soon, and get better again.

Sometimes we forget. We forget, we have to position ourselves according to our age, according to the maturity that we place in the eyes of society, even in the eyes of our families, especially our children. Don't let us grow old, but we want to feel like we're young again, that's also what my mother likes to say. If you are still young, be satisfied, but you have to want to go back, don't let it be that you are old, then you say,

"I used to be young, I never did that. Finally, when I was old, I enjoyed it".

So, let's develop and grow, become humans who are according to our age, according to our maturity. We deserve to position ourselves, at our time, where we are. Sorry if I talk a lot, this is indeed if I have indeed blah.....blah ..blah.... All sorts, that's because there are too many in my heart, wanting to be conveyed so that we realize, God's gifts are extraordinary for us. Well, that's what sometimes gets forgotten. Once again, young people, be a good next generation. Thank you to all my friends who are present and follow this post until the end. Hopefully what I have conveyed today can be an inspiration in our lives.

Let's be young at heart, but we can still do something for other people, we can still make this nation better. Becoming useful people will be better. Amen, God willing.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam
