Betterlife - The Diary Game | November 10, 2024 | Collected Renewed Debit Card And Activities Of The Day

in Steem4Bloggers4 months ago
Greetings Everyone, This is SHOHANA From #Bangladesh


The day was begin as always. The moment I opened my laptop in the morning, my phone was ringing. I picked up the phone and it was from the bank office. She called me to collect my recently renewed debit card and last week I wrote a diary blog on this topic if you can remember. If you can remember you can find it here. The conversation were end in few seconds and I was planning my day accordingly.

After finishing half of my work online I got ready to go after 11 am. I had no shower because I need to collect the card before the noon prayer call so I went to the bank earlier. When I reached there a officer took my sign on a paper before giving me my debit card for my use.


The bank officer requested me to change the PIN of my debit card using nearest ATM booth. The nearest one was crowded so I walk ahead for another. The bank I'm using for last 15 years has many ATM booths in my city or maybe all over the country and this is a very impressive part of it.

By the way, I had my breakfast, lunch and dinner on time by following my daily routine. After changing PIN of my renewed debit card I withdraw 500 taka to purchase some fruits and necessary things before going back to the room. I bought three apples from a fruit van and these apples were big in size and affordable in price.


I bought a transparent file keeper bag with zipper for keeping safely my important files like national ID card, passport, academic certificates and other important papers. The last one was old with a big whole so I decided to change it. Next I bought some peanuts and it was 100 gm only. I eat 100 gm peanuts in 2-3 days.

After coming back to my room I prepare for shower but before that I collected my lunch from the kitchen. After having shower I performed noon time prayer and ate lunch. It was resting time after lunch and I had some rest too. I cut the big apple into pieces and fed my next door neighbors. I believe sharing is caring and I love sharing foods with good people around me.


It was almost evening and the daylight was turning to the dusk. The sun set earlier at the end of every year and we are closer to a new year. My outdoor activities were done after collecting my debit card. I ate peanuts as my evening snack and I was happy that I had something healthy to eat. I ate apple too.

The activities at night was as always and I slept late. I enjoyed watching videos online after finishing my activities of a day that I included in my daily routine. Night for relaxing so I had oil massage before going to bed but I couldn't sleep before 2 am.

It was a good day because I collected my debit card and next five years it will be active, no need to renew every year but the card will charge yearly fee on time. This was the story of a good day when I was blessed with good foods and wellness.

Thanks For Stopping By

Love & Peace ❤️😇

A #steemexclusive Blog Written By @shohana1


 4 months ago 

Saludos amiga tu día estuvo muy bueno y lleno de grandes cosas como por ejemplo tu nueva tarjeta de débito, luego compraste algunas frutas y verduras y por la tarde de comiste unos manies y regalaste alguna manzana a.tus vecinos que bue aaccion

 4 months ago 

Very nice you shared your day story here and here you mentioned good day indeed it was a good day for you you collected your debit card from ATM booth and finished the day with healthy food besides you slept late night and Used oil for relaxation also spent time watching movies online. Enjoyed your post and very post you mentioned here
