I always order online the foods we need for healthy eating and also for family occasions and cheering

in CCS3 months ago

Mother and Maki.jpg

Ordering foods online

Whenever I would order foods online, my mother would always show it to me like this photo of her with her favorite food to eat which is the "Maki" that I bought for her birthday about half a year ago. It is the only thing that she eats other than fruits like Bananas. My mother has a preference for eating foods, she likes bland and non-oily vegetable soup, fish cooked in vinegar which locally named as "Paksiw" where sometimes I am not served with because of my risk of being stung in my throat from the fish's tiny bones although I like that kind of viand too. My mother also developed a few allergies which unfortunately limited her choice of foods because it includes seafoods like shrimps and crabs and alike. It is a problem for me as well because she can never cook viands which can get enhanced with taste by using such seafoods. My mother is also allergic in eating eggs and chicken where a fried chicken used to be her favorite but can no longer consume it. She doesn't like to eat other protein sources like for example Beef where she developed not liking its natural taste so if served, she will only use the soup or the sauce of the dish.

Also my mother is developing a high blood sugar although it is not high enough for a major concern but she is just consuming less rice in particular although she is always eating an unripe type of banana known as the "Saba" variety which says that alleviates her hyperacidity which is another one issue with her health as well. My mother cannot consume regular coffee of any type whether it is brewed or instant because if she does drink some, her stomach will begin to ache. I was telling her to use some sodium bicarbonate tablets when her stomach would ache but she doesn't do it anyway. Now my mother is drinking an alternative coffee substitute made out of roasting rice. Rice coffee by the way is really nice to consume as a hot beverage and some people had been using it from time immemorial especially during the times that coffee is nowhere to be had.

Although my mother is quite old already, she is still very active as she washes the clothes in tandem with my father. She also likes to socialize and talk with other people because she said that it makes her brain to get stimulated in order to avoid problems such as the onset of Alzheimer's disease which is prevalent and is always an issue associated from being very old. That is why she would come along and accompany me at the dialysis center/clinic so that she can be able to chat with the relatives and friends of my fellow co-patients at the dialysis center. However my mother's body is just old enough to make her experience health issues like this pain on her knees which the pain alternates among her right and left knees. I might make her get some blood tests about her uric acid levels in order for me to partially see if a high level of uric acid is causing that but my mother really has to see a doctor because of her body's new health issues in order to avoid bigger problems so that it can be controlled if not treated right away because after all as I said in my previous post with a cheerful heart, that I can save more money ow because of the improvement of our benefits as a dialysis patient where we are no longer required to cash out of pocket (copay) each and everytime I visit the dialysis clinic and so that saved funds will be used for other things like this health issue of my mother that needs medical attention already.


Ordering fruits online

The mango season had ended as well as the watermelon is dwindling with its supplies because the street-side vendors which we are buying from had gone. Now I will have no choice but to purchase fruits online where it is quite expensive where the store that I brought these fruits from about a month ago is commanding such a hefty price for them to the point that I do not want to purchase from them any longer. The watermelon in this picture seems to be very sweet but after I was able to look at it in close inspection, I noticed that its rind seems to be quite young. Then upon opening by my mother, my suspicion became clear that it is an anemic type of watermelon plus it has a very thick rind too. Well, I have no choice but to eat it anyway because I had paid a big money for it. Then I complained about it to the online shop on Meta but I was just ignored and so I might not buy from them again because of their poor customer service.

I was forced to purchase some apples and a Pineapple too to make it worthwhile as a one-time buy because the delivery fee costs 116 Pesos so all-in-all I've paid more than a thousand Pesos for these bunch of fruits. The apples are fine and relatively sweet but what I do not like about it is that I cannot eat it with rice unlike a mango fruit where it helps me in getting more calories into my body by being able to finish my rice servings. I also find it hard to chew some apples even these apples are quite small with their size. Apples by the way along with other popular fruits out there like peaches, strawberries, blueberries, etc., are heavily "pesticized" because they are prone for being attacked by insects otherwise the farmer will not be able to harvest a substantial amount of frits which they can sell to make some profits. That is why I do not like to eat such fruits for the reason that all chemical in my opinion, even the food colorings are very bad for the body and they cause cancer.

Even mangoes are artificially "enriped" by using calcium Carbide which is actually harmful for the body. We recently bought mangoes on the street-side which my mother suspected to be the ones being sold as unripe a few days before we bought it as already ripe. But the flesh of the mango is quite different, it is not a usual color resembling a whiter shade of yellow where the ones that my mother had brought to me for my supper has a green tinge to it. I was forced to eat the part that has no greenish-blue color because I do not want it to get wasted but I was a bit worried that I might get poisoned. That is why even with eating fruits we are still at risk of getting an illness because of the chemicals used by farmers who wants to make some money although they inadvertently cause people harm because they are using pesticides and other chemicals to protect their crops and then adding other chemicals to make apples and oranges shine and make it appealing to the eyes of the consumers aside from protecting the said fruits from being able to get dried-up faster by sealing them not by wax but by a shellac by spraying such fruits with an alcohol and Shellac mixture. But I personally recommend that if you have no other choice for buying such fruits, just wash them thoroughly and soak them in a small basin of water with a few tablespoons of baking soda to destroy the pesticide residues on the skin. You can also peel the skin off before consuming the said fruits although to be honest the pesticide residues are also had been absorbed by the fruit itself, refer for the information below.

baking soda.JPG


Although it is said that pesticide residues are very small or negligible already after buying it from the market, the chemicals will still eventually build-up on your body to cause harm like cancer and such considering that you needed to consume fruits and vegetables more to give you the benefits, just be always careful and maybe you can just consume fruits where pesticides are not used extensively.

Captured using my Zenfone 4 Max X00ID

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