Macro Photography Challenge Week - 64 || Santan

I want to share to you my entry for Macro Photography Challenge Week - 64, the Santan Flower.
Santan is an erect and smooth ornamental shrub, growing to a height of 2 to 3 meters. Leaves are stalkless or on very short stalks, oblong, 5 to 9 centimeters long, heart-shaped or rounded at the base and blunt-tipped. Flowers are many, pink or red, and borne in terminal, stalkless or shortly stalked, hairy cymes.

This popular flowering shrubs are found in tropical countries. In the Philippines at Cebu it is found at houses, schools, companies, and gardens. It grows up to 5-9 centimeters and round shaped.

At my childhood, it is popular in games called "she loves me? She loves me not?".. The phrase said after the last petal is picked is said to indicate whether the person being spoken of loves the player. Santan juice is also sweet and I tried sipping it during childhood.

I used my OPPO A96 to capture these photos. Have a great day everyone.