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RE: Our 4th day left-over Maki survives until this day as my breakfast and it truly resist spoilage

in CCS2 months ago (edited)

I am surprised. First of all about day 4 of the birthday leftovers, secondly the amount on your plate, next the coackroach rice info and the differences in rice cookers. Rice here isn't that good and the ricecooker isn't good either just like the one I had before and sent back. Ibelieve the temp is too hight. All the water comes out and the rice gets burned if it only shiuld kep warm.


 2 months ago 

It is quite an art to cook rice to achieve its best texture and I had learned it through trial and error like how much water to put where 1:1 washed rice and water ratio is the standard and if the rice is old we should put more water or less if the rice is new so that it would not get soggy although it doesn't matter if the quality of rice is good.

I might invest on purchasing an expensive rice cooker because it does cook rice perfectly although I can do it with just shielding to pot to make it cook with extra heat coming from the low flame and then letting it cook for about 45 minutes to give the best results.

Anyway we still have some left-over Makis, I might also eat some of them today because these bad boys are not that cheap and I do not want them to go to waste. 😆

Enjoy your weekend Miss @wakeupkitty🌹🌹🌹

The problem with me is the amount of water which the rice cooker can't deal with so I trick it..

If tok much water (the right amount) is used it comes out of the cooker and it's a big mess. Before I used gas and a pot but gas is rare and since c19 a very bad quality it hardly burns. I still have the bottle in case of need because there are plenty blackouts and no water is already bad enough.

So I wash the rice first several times and let it soak before I cook it. I use the minimum of water and add more in the end since all water is pressed out and the rice is still hard. So in the end if the rice should rest 15-20 minutes and the cooker should keep it warm instead of byrn it I add some boiled water (and at rimes the spices). While the cooker works I also have to lift the lid several times and I use the basket fir vegetables in top in the hope that extra height keeps the watee/steam inside.

It's some Eastern European thing I believe but the exoensive cooker was worse (broken thermostat?) some English sounding brand.. So now I have a bit fewer misery for 1/10 of the price 🤣