SLC season 21 week 6|| Beauty and skin care ||

in The Creative Pulse11 days ago (edited)


Greetings and blessings to all my friends 💖

Assalam o alaikum friends welcome to my post I am @sualeha from Pakistan it's pleasure for share my home assignment in last week of season 21 ,we learned many new knowledge and herbal remedies, medicine and much more and we love it again in new season 22 💓.
The topic of the week also very interesting about herbal hair tonic , skin care mask. and body bath soaks for relaxing it's benefits regarding remedies with step by step procedure so guys let's start my blog...

Before I starting my blog I would like to invite my friends @roohiasif99 ,@arshani ,@suboohi to participate in last week in herbal medicine course Contest post link share here

Make a herbal hair tonic to promote the health the of the hairs. Write the herbs used in the tonic. Explain how the tonic will help for the hair health. Write the step by step process of making hair tonic.

Well friends hairs are the most important part of our body it's incredibly increase our personality attraction both in men and women.Good gabe us beautiful and healthy hairs alhudulliah but we need to look after and extra care of our hairs prevent them from hair loss and adopt healthy life style along with nutritional food.

Herbal Hair tonic

Ingredients we need ;

  • Coconut 🥥 one cup /150 ml
  • Curry leaves 15 to 20
  • Black seed/kaloonjy seed tbs
  • Fenugreek seeds 1tbs
  • Onion 1 slisied



Step :1
Take a pan add coconut oil in it then one by one add all ingredients in pan and cooked low to medium flame .


Step :2
Make sure onion and curry leaves completely burn and turn to black then off the flame .



Now our hair tonic is ready it's super quick made and solved all problems related hairs kept in bottle ,used in Luke warm on scalp and low parts of hair till ends .

How the tonic will help for the hair health

In hair tonic Herbs Used all are commonly available in our kitchen . Its promote our hair growth, reduces dandruff,makes our hair shiny.

  • Coconut Oil: helpful to nourishes the scalp and prevents the dryness of the scalp it's also reduces the hair loss specially in winters .

  • Black Seed: Being a Muslim kaloonjy had great importance from medicine of disease se sunna It is an important ingredient for hair growth, reduces hair fall, and nourish.

  • Curry leaves :it's natural conditioner and promote hair growth rapidly it's leaves strengthens our hair also and Conditions the hair, reduces frizz.with shines naturally.

  • Onion: It is loaded with.sulpher that really good and fight against fungal infection exclusive ingredient for Boosting collagen production.

  • Fenugreek seeds: It works for hair growth and increase thickness and straighten hair after few application and reduce dryness.

This Tonic Increase Hair Growths du to magical properties of Coconut oil deeply.which. hydrates the scalp.

This tonic naturally condition hair, making hair soft, manageable, and super shiny.So applied it twice a week over night and used before warm it on roots hair till ends you observe good results with in 3 months inshallah all ingredients are super healthy and safe for all hair types.

Prepare a mask for the skin purely made with the herbs and use at least 3 herbs to prepare a mask. Write down the procedure and explain how it helps for the skin care

Skin Care Mask


  • Turmeric powder 1 tea spoon
  • Candlewood powder 1 tea spoon
  • Rose water 1 teaspoon
  • Honey 1 teaspoon



It's really good and easily made with in second for that took a glass Bowl add turmaric ,honey,Sandle wood powder then add few drops of rose water for making thick paste now our face pack is ready to appling,I share here step by step procedure in gif form below .


How I applied on face

This effective face mask applied by me with the help of mask brush .Leave on face approx 20 minutes then washed from luke warm water and get visible radiant glow on your face try out this face mask ony recommendation ❤️ I am sure you like it .


How it's help for skin Care

Make a bath soak with herbs and write about its benefits for relaxation and self care.

Relaxing bath soak



  • Neem Leaves ha d full
  • Cinnamon sticks 4 to 6
  • Taso k phool handfull


I took a pan add One little water then boiled the water then add all three ingredient in it if you had fresh Neem leaves it's too good but this time a I had dried form so I used it ,taysoo k phool also dried form I bought from market specially for this bath soak and 4 to 5 cinnamon sticks then boiled it 10 minutes on medium flame the all extract .


So guys it's all about from my side,I hope you are enjoying when read.I participated 4th time out of 6 but everytime learned knowledge and got new information regarding Herbal medicine and I am really support,appreciate and want to see herbal medicine too in next season 22 many good wishes and prays to our teacher @afzalqamar and Good luck 👍 👍.

