Tesla NUKES Bitcoin For Cardano? (Happening NOW)steemCreated with Sketch.

in CryptoDog3 years ago

You remember your guys comments on that. Video we were like no tesla would never sell. Tesla loves bitcoin, not only have they sold their bitcoin at this point uh, but they have also labeled an environmental hazard.

Ah, oh my god, i'm, like tyrion lannister, just sitting around in a bumble of idiots being right about everything and nobody likes me for it and that's. Okay, because you know what eat my [ __ ]. Now.

That being said, yuck's aside. I want to talk about what this means for the market. What i think elon musk is up to his effect on crypto. Overall and honestly, i think he's moving and actually hurt bitcoin.

I'm going to talk about that in this video, and on top of that i want to talk about the response. The market is having we've, seen bitcoin go down, ethereum go down, we're, seeing ada and dot go up, so it's, pretty obvious to me what's about to happen next - and this is All combined together, so let's just start from the top, so the state of the market right now is actually uh, simply terrifying.

We have the most important stack of bitcoin sitting in the tesla bank, account for lack of better words and if they sell that we're done, we're, pretty much done. That is that is the the last dam on this market.

I i don't, see i don't, see it going past that no tech companies are going to buy all the tech companies and institutions are going to sell it's over just like i talked about in this Video and it doesn't, look like an impossible thing that could happen now, because tesla's literally labeled it an environmental hazard.

So if you think tech companies are going to be bounding and leaping into it now, you're crazy, but let's. Talk about what is going on here is elon. Musk, dumb of crypto is tesla dome of crypto. Frankly, i wish they never got in the crypto.

If, if you've seen anything i post on twitter follow me at css becker, the dude has been going through a midlife crisis this entire year, going on snl posting, crazy, tweets and memes being and all sorts like.

What are you doing? Stop it but, more importantly, they've, just been terrible for the space, because, unless they're idiots, which i don't think they are. They've, come in and just pretty much done as much damage as they can.

Possibly too tesla buys bitcoin pumps up the market. Big time manipulates it at this point. That's. What i'm, calling it manipulates the market when the energy issues with bitcoin, which are pretty much from what i've, read non-existent it's, not anything new.

It's, not anything dramatic. They knew about these things when they were buying. They knew about these things literally when they were buying. This is not something that just suddenly occurred on them.

Also, tesla sold like 17 cars via bitcoin. No one's buying cars via bitcoin, so it's not like accepting and not accepting, has any relevance to anything. They can combo that with the fact that elon musk could have entered the space in any productive way, he could have, he could have made his own cryptocurrency.

He could have partnered with other cryptocurrencies to make something that was useful. He could have done anything cryptocurrency to make it better or supported any projects that were actually doing things, but no, what he did is he pumped up bitcoin, which be he bought bitcoin first and then pumped it up with his company, and then he became pumping the Most useless coin, with the worst token tokenomics, that is also inflationary, dogecoin, pretty much the worst possible thing he could have done in the space, the worst project, the support, the worst thing, the back, the worst thing they get everybody to buy into, and that's, what he did overall elon musk is a massive net loss on crypto.

He's very bad for the space on top of the fact that he's all over the place and reckless what he does so one. I would just wish that people would dump the tesla stock. I wish they would dump dose coin.

I wish you would just wash our hands with elon musk, because this is just annoying. This market would be heading in a completely different direction. Right now, with all the money that we saw going to dogecoin going to alts and actual projects, they're doing things and not this huge dog coin, meme troll fest that's, been going on and turn the whole entire mark into Exciting that wouldn't exist without elon musk.

So first off my opinion on that and and what he's done, dude's. Annoying go go, get attention some some other way. Now what is actually happening. So we keep seeing his la his his tweet leading up right immediately into him posting the fud from tesla was.

Should we start accepting dogecoin? In my opinion, right here? They haven't sold their bitcoin because they don't want to take the tank to market, but it really looks to me like elon. Musk is manipulating the market, because this stuff, he just released, has no relevance again.

Tesla's, not selling cars in bitcoin, no one's buying their cars in bitcoin. The energy fundamentals of bitcoin have been the same since they bought it. There's. No way they overlook this. So why on earth would he be doing this? Why on earth is he still mentioning dogecoin? In my opinion, i don't.

I don't think he's going to keep pumping dogecoin. I don't know what his plans are for that, but it has a lot of the same problems that bitcoin has times 10.. In my opinion, what he's, probably trying to do - is trying to find some way to manipulate the market where bitcoin doesn't have the advantage anymore, that's, that's.

What i see happening right here, why would they? Why would they do this? Why would they do this if they wanted to just get rid of the market and they didn't want bitcoin at all, they'd, sell it if they actually believed in the fud, they were were pushing they wouldn'T they wouldn't hold bitcoin, they just wouldn't.

They just exit and take all their profits right now. So why would they release this fud? It's obvious. They're up to something i don't know quite what they're up to, but overall, the indicator is that they're, not done with crypto.

They're, not a fan of old ancient projects that have all sorts of bad things coming along with them, and they're, completely cool, pushing projects that they want to push. So i think the most obvious thing going on right here is exactly what & # 39? S happened to market.

They're, going to move into other projects. They're, going to start supporting other projects that align with their values and goals and as soon as they do that, i think that i think that's, the most likely outcome other than just selling and tanking the market, which is Also, an outcome as well, and we have to look at where are they going to move into, and you can already see this being reflected in the markets? Are they going to move in ethereum literally this last weekend, you cannot trade on ethereum.

I don't care. What you guys say about ethereum. It was 500 gas fees and they're, not fixing this anytime soon eip one five. Five! Nine, it's, not going to fix it. They're, just gonna start burning it.

The gas fees, will just be exactly the same. Look i'm. I'm, a pretty successful guy. I'm, not paying 500 gas fees. Okay, if i do 10 trades it's. Gon na cost me five thousand dollars. What is the rest of the world going to do the right? What is the rest of the world going to do, people that are in nfts right now? The artists can't even post their artwork.

You can't even trade meme coins. Literally, you saw all those meme coins hitting serious resistance because retail buyers, couldn't buy into them on the ethereum network. Do you think these tech companies do you think tesla are going to move into a coin or build on anything that's going to alienate 99 of the world? I'm in the one percent of the world, and ethereum became literally unusable even to me what about the rest of the people that make, on average three thousand four thousand dollars per month, that's a mean american income right there.

If they do one trade on ethereum, it is almost one half to one third of their monthly spending money after taxes and rent. Do you really think this has any future and you think it's going to be adopted by these tech companies? It has zero percent chance of doing that.

Zero percent chance of doing that for at least another year, and at that point yeah, you know it's still going to be kind of wonky. So if we go look at the charts right now, what's going on here all right? What is what what impact has this had on the market? First off, i think bitcoin's in a lot of trouble.

I just think it does, because everyone in this market always talks like bitcoin, has to happen. Why does it have to happen? You know if, if we see what tesla is doing right now, i'm, not trying to spread fud there's, just as much chance that bitcoin keeps going up, but looking what elon musk has done, he's, been Completely cool pumping a completely useless coin.

What if he actually goes and makes something that's better than bitcoin or he doesn't, even have to make something better in bitcoin he just fixed the flood issues. He's. Just literally created himself to damage it, and so first off this puts bitcoin in a really bad spot to be flipped by ethereum, okay, but here's, the thing, even if ethereum flips bitcoin it's, only gonna be like a 2X roi from here that is, that is not sexy and all all you're.

Seeing right here is the retail buyers leaving ethereum, because the gains of the gains aren't there anymore. You're, not going to see another 50 percent leg up here anytime soon. In my opinion, we might - and i have to - i might - have to go - eat a turd, but i just don't, see it happening, but oddly enough, with bitcoin really losing its dominance, ethereum's, gains being gone and having no chance Of like no one's, gonna no one's, gonna build anything real in ethereum here any time soon, but there are two projects that have things coming up: that people can build real things on real soon, that being cardano.

That being dot, you can see both of these right. Now they're. Doing just fine. Well, ethereum and bitcoin are absolutely falling apart. So what could the narrative, possibly, what could tesla possibly be doing? Well, one they could be in the future about to build on cardano.

You think they're, going to put something that's, going to cost 500 per transaction on ethereum in their cars. No, probably not gonna happen, but more so you have to look at what ethereum has just done all right: it played its hand.

All of its gains are in all the all. The short-term gains are in right now. The technology just proved it's, absolutely terrible. All right, i would. I would take a upcoming technology that has potential that has the potential to be infinitely more efficient than these things right here over a technology.

It just doesn't work period like we can't use the product of ethereum anytime soon. So in combination with that, the fact that the gains are gone, the product isn't functional. The market is moving on to cardano and dot, and what does that mean? Alt season really looks like it's, starting right now, because again we're, looking at the narrative right here with the cardano and dot ecosystems, and we can see the big project on dot.

Kusama is charging like an animal right now, and so i think this is where the narrative, the marketplace is going with all this. This bitcoin fund that just got released. I think it's all relevant on top of itself, because we have to ask ourselves at this point in time: what are future tech companies going to do? What are people going to invest in? What is the future? Tesla is not about to keep investing in the past; they're, just not, and obviously they're dictating where the market goes.

I don't like that. I think it's. I think it's really bad for the marketplace, but if you think they're going to go back in time and keep their money in a ancient coin and an ancient solution to smart contracts, i just i just don't see it happening.

They're, not going to put their they're, not going to build on binance coin. Okay, they're, not going to do that, and so i think we're. Just seeing going to see a huge rise of this market cap and ethereum exiting out of ethereum going in the cardano dot and all the other viable smart contract systems, i think we could see litecoin make a real charge right here, uh because it works better than Bitcoin, i think we could see xrp take a real charge right here, because again it works for payments better than bitcoin, and that's.

What tesla's focused on so what i'm, actually probably going to be doing right now. Is i'm, probably going to be moving a lot of my altcoin money into projects that have potential on dodd and cardano, because we just saw that the leading tech companies the world they ain't they ain't.

No friend the bitcoin beneath they are, they aren't, a fan of the the unoptimal conditions, or at least that's. What they're going to say so, where are they going to do it? Where can they? We got to ask ourselves too: where can they see the most gains by manipulating the market? Where can they see the most gains if they, if they keep manipulating bitcoin five percent gains? You know they manipulate something like cardano.

They manipulate something like that. They manipulate something. Like xrp, that's, where all the all the gains are going to be at and they achieve it in something that aligns with their brand at the same time.

So, overall, this is just me kind of a rambling video, just the takeaways from it right now. Elon musk has been bad for the market overall, but i don't think he's, going away all right. We we got. We praised him as our savior.

Now he's, our jail keeper. On top of that i don't. I see him. He's up to something nothing that he just did makes any sense at all in any world. There's. There was no reason for him to do that unless he's up to something.

Next, we're, seeing the market transition into the the the dot ada narrative that i've been talking about. We're, just literally seeing it firsthand. No one's. Gon na be building their tech on ethereum there's, not especially if cardona works here in two months i don't, see any world or what just happened this last week with 500 gas fees for a single transaction to send.

I was doing contests on my twitter to send a hundred dollars. Cost me 140 in fees. Writing's on the wall. Here, something's up and something's happening. I don't know exactly what it is, but that's. My spitball opinion follow me at css becker.

If you want to see me talk about coins, i'm looking at and what i think is happening in the marketplace sooner in these videos, because i can't always get these videos out when i want to that'S it.