Why Cardano WILL 10x And KILL ETHsteemCreated with Sketch.

in CryptoDog3 years ago

All right, you ignored, you might notice that my eyes are covered today and it's because there's. A problem i've noticed a reflection when i'm filming, and i really don't like getting aroused when i film now.

This is also an awkward video, because let me talk about something that arouses me a whole lot, some of this. Oh it's too tasty. It's too spicy to even talk about sometimes in camera. I brought this up at dinner.

My parents threw me out of the house and disowned me because it got too hot too tasty too thick and too juicy now. What am i talking about? Aydah ada, of course everybody knows it's, the thickest altcoin in town, but on a serious note, jokes aside, do you get your hyuks in i like the video's supposed to get any better? When i lift up my uh, my hoodie and i'm wearing sunglasses in my house, anyways look jokes aside: guys: eight is gonna kill ethereum it's.

Gon na be the highest roi top ten coin period. In fact, it could potentially someday - maybe maybe maybe maybe flip bitcoin - maybe maybe all right here comes like a pitchfork comes crashing through my window.

The second i said that michael saylor jumps in with his shirt off and shits all over the floor, but no seriously with ada. This is either going to go insane or we're, going to lose all of our money, which is the case with pretty much everything in crypto.

But i think, if you understand the situation that aida's in particularly from my unique point of view, as a software company owner and a person who's built software the last decade, i understand what they're.

Doing understand the problems with ethereum understand the problems with binance smart chain and ada is just in a position to oh all, those dirty things your mother won't. Let you talk about at dinner and i think the coolest thing about this as well is, if you look at what just happened with binance smart chain and you look at the ecosystem, that's over there, which i'm.

Not a fan of i'm, not a fan of i don't think it's very long term. I think it's. I think it's, a big pump and dump okay. It's, not a pump and dump another pitch fork comes flying through my window. I'm surprised.

I'm still alive, but if you look at the ecosystem of projects that are being built on it, you can get in the stuff super early and [ Laughter, ], [, Music ] show them girl yeah boom boom. But joseph aside, guys let's cover this in this video, and i wanted to make this video because you guys asked me to make more breakdowns of coins.

I'm. Investing in. Let me make sure i'm recording because i'm terrible at this. But you guys always ask me to make videos on what i'm investing in and why i'm, investing it in and what not. So this is the first one i'm.

Doing it and ada, i think, is the most obvious big win in crypto. On top of that guys, you should follow me on twitter at css becker, because a lot of things i'm, going to talk about this video. A lot of things i've pointed out.

I pointed on twitter like a week ago. So you'll, see everything way earlier and while i'm, not the world's greatest crypto expert, i have a pretty good thumb on the pulse of the market from all the people i listen to and talk to.

So a lot of things i say are pretty accurate. Sometimes maybe you should just follow me for the jokes be honest, so let's talk about ada what it is which i'm. Pretty sure everybody already knows what it is.

Why the opportunity is so huge from my perspective, what's going to happen? My prediction and i'm, going to talk about the ecosystem that i'm, also investing in as well. Okay, so look so! First, let's just get to what it is.

Okay - and i'm - not gonna explain this in the best possible way, because you can find any video that deeply explains what ethereum and cardano and binance coin and the other projects underneath it are essentially what it is.

It's, a competition for the smart contract market and what ethereum is and why it is so huge is its programmable money. So, for example, when you take an uber okay, you have to put your card in uber driver picks you up.

Then the money goes from your card through a bunch of banking institutions, a bunch of hoopla to uber, then uber gets it does a bunch of other things, takes their 20 and then sends it to the uber driver.

It's, a gigantic mess. It is a giant colossal mess between you and the driver simply because there is no way to get a verified middleman to do all these things between it all right because moving fiat around and moving this money around requires.

So many people involved there's. 20 fees. There's. All these incongruencies and problems that pop up between it. It's, just a mess. Okay ethereum makes it. So all this just goes away and you can have smart program money that when you come in, you enter an ethereum contract with the driver, the money that you're, using whatever coins you're using goes through and it behaves exactly As the contract describes, this can be used for legal agreements.

This can be used for selling your home. This can be used to build voting systems. It basically removes the need for middlemen, for essentially anything you can imagine. It is one of the biggest innovations in technology in the last last hundred years.

Honestly, it's. It's, absolutely huge, so the system that wins this market right here is going to potentially have a bigger market cap than bitcoin, because you have to think about. Bitcoin is simply going to replace gold, which is a huge market cap and when you think about all the systems that need to be decentralized and don't need middleman and can be improved with ethereum binance coin cardano.

The market cap is significantly higher than gold. It is, it is absolutely much much zillion billion times bigger. Now, zillion billion isn't exactly the accurate term, but follow along with what we're talking about right here.

So this puts us in a really interesting situation right here, because ethereum has a really big problem with it. It's. It's, massive gas fees which are going to be solved here, but i'm going to get to why i don't believe in ethereum over cardano here in a minute.

Binance coin has a whole other range of problems. The the two problems with these ones right here is ethereum doesn't scale and there's, so much old code and baggage in it, and i know as a person that's made software for a decade.

You don't, just get rid of baggage. Have you ever worked or used a software that's, absolutely huge and they just can't seem to get the bugs out of it. That's, because when you build software, what happens? Is it's like you're building a skyscraper and it's very, very, very, very difficult for you to go and change things around once the skyscraper is built and the foundation's in place.

Okay, changing this little thing up here. Changing a sink down here requires you to dig a hole and change the plumbing down here that's, the problem with software, and so when code gets stacked up on top of itself like this, it's, actually extremely difficult, because what Ethereum has to do right now to fix its problems, is to go and dig up its foundation.

It has to go and dig up this. They have to go and dig up this. Okay, i think everybody knows this, and the result of this problem right now is that you can't do a transaction on the ethereum network, for it's insane say i want to swap something.

Do something super simple right? Let's say i want to swap a hundred dollars in tether for uh z. Whatever this is some weird thing i used to have in my wallet. Okay, the transaction cost for this is gonna be 33.

Yesterday, when it was when it was high, it would be 50 80 just to do this just to do a simple transaction on it. That makes it unusable it's. It's literally unusable for just about anything. Can you imagine if people had to go to a voting booth and every time they voted? They'd, have to pay 80, it's not going to work, and yes, ethereum can fix this and whatnot.

But i'm, going to tell you straight up. As a software experienced person software it's. Just way, builded a bit easier to build a software or a skyscraper from absolute scratch, because then you have the foundation right.

The first time you have everything planned for scale, the problem with ethereum and why i i don't have faith in it. Long term is simply this: it was not built with long term vision in mind. It was built to accomplish smart contracts.

It was built to prove that the concept worked, but then, once you actually have the skyscraper up it, wasn't built the right way and that's. This whole entire reason why it's completely busted a day and people are like.

Well, it's way ahead of cordon. Oh because norrio's, smart contract running yes, but a rushed skyscraper is not a skyscraper. People are going to live in long term and the one that's, built correctly over 50 years, is gonna have an advantage over the one that got up in three four years.

It just is okay, now finance coin. On the other hand, it's, just it's centralized. I think it's going to be useful for trading and i think it'll, be useful for exactly what's being used for right now i don't, see it being used by governments or voting Systems or do contracts or to do contracts for houses or anything of the matter? Okay, so what we're looking at right now is we have these two massive market caps? We've got about 400 billion dollars right here, an ethereum.

I think is easily going to bust 500 billion, if not a trillion. This bull run right by nance coin, probably going to bust 200 200 billion. Now we got cardano down here at 41 billion cordano could easily flip these combined.

It could flip both of them combined and eat. Both the market caps, don't. Get me wrong. I don't think they're all going to implode overnight, but we could easily see cardano go to 500 billion dollars.

If it pulls off what it's, promising to pull off and it's already been put into africa, it's, already being put into place right now by governments, which is the largest blockchain deployment ever and with a Skyscraper that i said has been built right, the first time.

What's going to happen when the skyscraper gets up and opens its doors? You have to understand what cardona's aiming to do. They have the ability to clone any project that's on ethereum right now with their erc20 converter and take it over and put it on cardano and the reason why i'm, so bullish on this right now and the reason why I'm buying just tons and tons and tons of cardano.

I sold it actually goblin handed it during this dip and i bought tons back for a dollar and three cents to earn five cents to learn. Seven cents put most of my portfolio back. Actually, at that price, so i'm sitting, pretty good on it right now.

The reason i'm so extremely bullish on this is because i've seen what happened with binance coin right here. So i wasn't as bullish as i've, been recently in cardano, because i was like all right. You know it's, going to it's, going to take a lot of effort to move people over from ethereum to cardano, but with binance coin and pancake, swap we literally witnessed an overnight swap almost to binance coin and their swapping Technology, even though it's, not optimized, to be moved from ethereum to there, so we saw very little resistance.

We saw this market cap explode right here, explode on a coin, that's, not even optimized, to rip apart ethereum, and so one of the reasons i'm, so excited. Is i'm like okay? Wait there's, a lot more money to pour in here, okay and then we saw and cardano is going to be perfectly optimized to rip away this market cap or at least come up and meet it and match it.

Because you have to think long term over five years, people are not going to live in the skyscraper. That's been built the wrong way. There's. There's leaks going on over here there's. This stuff going right here, the foundation's, constantly being ripped up.

It takes a long time to make software correctly and it makes it it takes a long time to make it work right. If you rush something out that's, fine, but you're, going to be fixing it for years and then it just doesn't get fixed like this is a lesson you have to understand that nobody in crypto seems To get just because ethereum's here and bigger now is so irrelevant.

For example, citrix had go to webinar the biggest webinar platform. Ever it was unstoppable and in the span of no time at all, they got completely replaced by zoom, and this was a technology zoom. For example, uh and citrix go to webinar already worked, it was fully functional.

There was no problem: you didn't, get charged a thousand dollars every time you started up. A webinar zoom was just simply better by twenty five percent and it just completely came in at least match sick tricks and then just beat deliver living snot out of them.

So when you tell me ethereum something that's unusable right now for anything other than hobbyist use, i mean seriously it's it for trading and for buying nfts. That's about all it's good for and you can't use it for anything real world because of the gas fees, and we just saw how fragile the loyalty is to ethereum, with increase in binance coin and Binance coin is not a long-term smart contract solution, and then we saw the demand for binance coins skyrocket to use their swapping technologies to use their technology that created a supply crunch right.

There we're, actually going to see a supply crunch for real world application of cardano. That's, going to be magnitudes larger than this, because again, 50 million people in ethiopia, hundreds of millions of people in one country all using it - that's way bigger than the supply crunch.

That's going on for bnb, and so i don't. I don't, see i don't, see where the defense is the only the only way this is not going to happen is if charles poops, the bed, that's and that's very potentially, really.

Could happen, but projects can easily slip slip over to ada there's, no loyalty. We just saw that with b and b, we just saw there's, no loyalty people will hop over to whatever works better in real time.

No one's, gonna stay on eat when it's doing this and it has the ability to clone everything over. So it's, much easier to do it. There's, going to be a massive supply crunch from it and frankly it's about what software is built right and finishes right, not what gets up first, i can go and build a copy of zoom.

I can hire a bunch of developers right now and make a copy of zoom in a month and a half okay. It works and can work for 20 users. As soon as i start to try to sail scale that beast it's, a completely different game, it's, a completely different game, okay and so the default in software.

The default in software is the software that's, built bad and doesn't scare. Well always loses it's, that's, the default that's, not the exception. The reason why i'm so excited about it right now is because if they nail this - and it looks like they have - it looks like everything's going to be delivered on time, and they do this.

We're, going to see the same exact rager, that ' S happened on binance coin times three, and it's, just not going to stop, because the reason why ethereum hasn't gone to a 500 billion dollar market cap and 800.

A trillion dollar market cap is all the problems it has. It's, just as simple as that. It's, all the problems that ethereum has, and so, if the government use case in ethiopia, for example, cardano has the africa special going on today.

If that use case gets proven, and they start using that for voting systems and other systems, ethereum can't be used as voting systems. Even if it was ten dollars per transaction, it can't, be used as a voting system.

It can't, be used by anybody with the with the gas fees. Even they've reduced their gas fees by i, don't, know 80. It's, still not usable, and even if it is usable, let's say they lower it by 80, okay yeah.

We could use it for housing contracts and whatnot it's slower it's not as efficient as cardano the end and is ethereum gonna fix these things. Yeah, probably they probably will, but once this train gets going, it's, just not gonna stop.

Now what's? The downside to this charles hoskinson could be full of crap. Let's just be straight. He could be full of crap and if that happens, we're gonna see a massive dive right here. But again, if you're playing with ethereum right here, you could see a massive dive as well.

At the same time, you're playing with binance coin. You can see the same exact thing, so nothing in in crypto is safe, but the reason why i'm, so heavy in cardano right now is because we have to also look at the returns and what the risk the reward is in this.

So we're, looking at a 2700 ethereum right now. Realistically, this could go to 10 000. This bull run. I just don't, see it happening if cardano takes off, though, and so just looking at this best case potential we're.

Looking at a 3x, i'm, not willing to sit through this bullfront deep into it. For a 3x i'm, just not willing to do that. I'm, not going to do that. It's, it's, it's too difficult, and so some people are saying.

      1. 000 - i i just i just don't, see that so from my point of view, what i'm looking at, i can see a 10 000 ethereum pretty easily okay in this board run. So that being said, am i willing to take that risk on that and is that the risk i'm really looking the reward i'm really trying to get from all this year of stress? No, no.

So i'm, going to come down here and i'm, going to look at all right. What coins can deliver the the returns that i'm, looking for with some level of safety. So what i mean by cardano check out chain games right here: okay, this is one i made a ton of money on and i'm still up like i exited at 2x, but i could exit like 5x or something like that.

If we go look at this bad boy right here, it did this. Okay, we're, probably not going to see cardano do this! Okay, we're, probably not going to see it do this unless charles does something really weird on twitter.

So what that's? What i mean by safe, if cardano fails, we're, probably just going to see a slow decline in the hell. Okay, that's, probably what we're going to see, so you're, probably not going to see a 70 drop overnight like we do with some some poopy coins, but we have to go and look at these market Caps right here, where is ethereum, probably going to finish this bull, run at 500 billion to a trillion, probably finance coin - probably 200 billion 300 billion there's.

No reason why cardano can't get to 500 billion. This bull run. They're just there, just isn't if it nails what it's doing. There is absolutely no reason why i can't get the 500 billion people are going to fomo into it.

Like you've, never seen before, and so for me, making a nice clean 5x on this, that that's, that's, good a 5x clean with potential of a 10x and 8x that's. That's. The swing i'm, really willing to look at okay, and so we also have to look at other things that are going on here.

So, for example, binance coin, just exploded and polygon just explode on ethereum and what we saw with both of those is, we saw pancake swap the swapping platform for binance coin: go nuts. Okay, we saw this guy take off.

Why? Because binance coin was taking off, and so then we also saw on ethereum polygon blew up okay, of course, right here, uh, basically, a utility, a massive utility for ethereum that's, going to lower its gas cost.

Still doesn't matter. If it doesn't, if it doesn't reduce at the cardano prices, though no one's going to pay 10 for a transaction. Just i i will see we'll, see um [, Music ]. We'll, see what it can do.

That being said, polygon took off okay and then also if we go look at quick, the swapping platform that runs on polygon bada, bing bada boom. So what can we take away from this? What what is going to happen here so what i try to do encrypt - or at least my thinking now is like - where is this going to happen next, because i don't want to hop in the binance coin when it's Done this, i don't.

I don't want to get into a coin when it's gone through this in the past month. I don't want to get in a coin. Doing this. Okay, i want to get on stuff early. I want to be the person who grabs things when it's right here.

Okay, i want to be the person before it goes and starts going. Nuclear okay, i don't want to buy pancake, swap right here, yeah it's bullish. But now i'm only looking at like a 3 4x roi for being in an altcoin that's super pumped that's, just not worth the risk the reward to me.

So what i'm, going to try and do - is i'm, going to try and find the things that have taken off on these platforms that are being now built on cardano, i'm, going to look for something Like charlie iii, all right, basically, the chain link or oracle of cardano going to be super important to cardano.

What's gone nuclear on polka, dot, pokestarter? Okay, so i'm gonna look at card starter, which is basically the pokestarter on cardano again super early to this party right here i'm, going to be potentially looking at sunday swap i'm.

I'm still looking and researching this project right here, but i'm, going to be looking at projects like this. I'm, going to be looking at the things. What happened on ethereum, what happened on binance train and where is this going to happen again? Okay, so i want to say: where's, the pancake swap on cardano? Where is the chain link on cardano? Where is the pokestarter on cardano? Because i know these things are going to be built and i know there's going to be first movers on these platforms.

I know they're at low market caps right now, so i can hop in jump into them and get in when things be before things. Do this? Okay, because again i don't want to buy it right here. Look what happens after something pumps i don't want to be buying pancake swap right now, and if i had the crypto experience back, then i said would have said what's ethereum doing right now what solves a problem? Binance coin? What are the things that binance coin are going to use pancake swap same thing with polygon and quick swap right now, so i'm, going to be looking for that next move.

I'm, not going to be hopping on to these moves that are currently happening, and so that guys is my strategy and why i'm, so damn bullish on ada as a sas entrepreneur and a ceo of software companies for almost A decade i see the challenges that ethereum and binance coin and a they're all running into, and i see the strategies and how the businesses are operating, and i'm just telling you straight up.

The advantages are actually in ada's, favor right now, because yeah they're, not first to market but being first, the market really doesn't matter. When the market's, not even there. Yet. Okay, the market's, not even there.

It's. Okay, if you're, going to build a skyscraper in the middle of downtown, you want to build the one that's, going to be there for the next 20 years, not the one that's built there first, but That being said, with their position with their erc converter and the way the market caps are moving right now and where people are are moving to, people are going to want to fomo into something.

Next, i think cardona is going to be that thing. Once we get closer to gogan, going live and the smart transects go live and then, if they pull off that off there's, nothing stopping all the projects from moving the cardano, because you can't even operate on ethereum.

If you have an nft platform, it doesn't work on ethereum, because the artist can't put up their artwork because minting it is too expensive. It literally doesn't work, so there's, no alternative! You can put it on binance coin: it's, just that's.

Just not it's, not a long-term option, and then we have these giant market caps right here we have cardano at a relatively low market cap compared to these two inability to basically do both of their jobs better than they knew with the potential That this market is again people trying to get rich.

None of these valuations are make any sense at all. You have to understand that, like i, don't think any of these have appropriate valuations. This is nuts paypal is a working business that actually delivers a product for millions and millions of people.

Ethereum is like cool for trading cards on right now: okay and using uni, swap it's. No, no! So, knowing that people are trying to get rich here, people are going to see cardano take off, they're, going to look at cardano and they're, going to go market cap market cap all right.

This is where i can get rich next. They're, going to hop on it just like they did binance coin. Then it's, going to create the same exact supply shock. We saw a binance coin on top of that. If there's, any real world application being used of cardano the supply shock is going to be compounded.

Then we're, going to see the market cap go up and up and up and up, and it's going to challenge ethereum, because at this point there's, no reason for ethereum, okay, there's. No reason for it, this isn't.

So again it can go and at least match these market caps right here we've. Seen that been demonstrated with binance coin, we've, seen how little apps people care about switching from ethereum to binance coin.

People are going to see an opportunity to get rich as soon as they see an opportunity to get rich. They're, going to do the same exact thing they did with binance coin. I'm, going to say: okay, i can't make it 5x on here anymore.

Where can i make the 5x okay, the things that are related to cardano the project's, underneath it c3 card starter? Maybe sunday swap? I would not buy any of these based on the video, because these are highly highly highly speculative, not financial advice.

Again, that's. What people i believe are going to do and what crypto is to me is predicting what people are going to do and what people are going to think it's, not about the technology right now. Okay, it's, just not it's about predicting what people are going to do and then what the results of their actions are going to be and then what those results are going to trigger and what that will trigger people to Also, do then, after that's, the pattern that i see emerging and the only thing that's going to stop.

It is cardano flopping, which i don't think i, i think the odds are that cardano's, going to nail it, and if that happens, it's, going to be a bloodbath. That's. It guys that's. All i got if you like videos like this, be sure to follow me on twitter at css becker, because i talk about the things i'm.

Thinking like this like weeks ahead of time. Uh, because i don't always have time to shoot a video, because you know i actually like run an actual business and stuff, so you should uh. You should do that.

I'll catch you next time.