The Return of the Chosen One

in Blessed Lettuce5 years ago

Fellow McKenzians:

It has been almost 1 year since Dear Leader has blessed the Steem blockchain with His wisdom. This has many of his followers dismayed, but to be unfaithful is to be lost without His presence.

Image by @thoughts-in-time

He still shares His wisdom every Sunday on Lazy Sundaze on MSP Waves, and it has been prophesied He will post again on Steem. Don't despair! dear followers, He will return! I say this with the utmost faith, as sure as the lettuce is blessed, He will return! Cast aside your aspersions, for the faithful will be truly rewarded.

Your humble servant,



Engagement? Sure lemmie up this shitpost @r0ndon.

 5 years ago (edited)

How DEEEEERE you, boogle-boggle!
Mac Daddy McG, forgive him, for he
knows not what he do. Blessings
from the chosen pew will alight
the path. Take thy lettuce, and in
it, sprinkle on a bit of the MSMcG
When you see the second star on
the right, go straight on till morn.
Thank me tomorrow, GOOD SIR,
you'll be right as rain! (✿ ♥‿♥)

boogle-boggle, one of us!?
boogle-boggle, one of us?!