Review || Where the Wild Things Are

in Steem Studios 🎬2 years ago

This is a fictional 2009 film, known in Latin America as "Donde Viven los Monstruos" (Where the Beasts Live). It is based on the story of Maurice Sendak's children with the same name, and directed by Spike Jonze.



Max is a fictional, playful and cruel child, like many others, who has had a close relationship with his mother, since the death of his father, and his younger sister, although this is a rotten product to age differences. When she finds out that her mother has a boyfriend, she runs away from home to the animal island. Where he will live adventures and understand something more about the world around him.

Analysis and Vision

I saw this movie as a child, almost when I was a teenager, and from then on I took an appreciation for it. The truth was I wanted something I could watch with my closest nephews, when I found this tape again and I could not contain myself but I was filled with desire, so I wanted to share with them some of that. Although I can not deny but this time I saw with different eyes, I am old and awake. However, I am still interested.

The film is very symbolic, it is about a child's emotional development, maturity and acceptance of the changes that come with growth. Each beast represents one or more of the child's emotions, both positive and negative. Max will have to deal with them in order to move forward and be open to the world.


Arriving at the world of beasts, Max calls himself their master and builds relationships with each individual. The team has good events, playing and planning the construction of the castle, so that they can all stay together. The most striking beast is Carol, who represents his fear of being alone or abandoned, Carol is the first Max he met and soon became close friends. It's just a metaphor, because that's the reason he ran away from home as he was afraid of losing the love of his mother or the company she was providing, as well as his sister who said that when she had new friends she distanced herself from him. . Yes, her actions are baseless, but they are a common fear of any child in her condition, I think we all when we are young come to the same conclusion, mistakenly thinking that our family bond is weaker than it is. .

He spends a lot of time with K.W., Who would be love and friendship between his feelings, teaches him a number of things such as the importance of meeting new people and the openness of the experience, and shows him how wrong Carol's speech is, who refuses to share love. . Love allows a young boy to understand his mistakes, and to accept that he cannot dominate or rule over his animals, that is, his feelings, because he needs the support of his family, especially his mother to do so. At this point Max has no place to escape, making the boy mature and open to the world.


The film also deals with the responsibility for our actions and compassion. Max is a child and like many children, he does not know his actions. However, it is part of growing up to understand these truths, and to understand the feelings of those around us and the harm we can do. At the same time, it shows how we deal with guilt, from the moment we feel that way, to the apology of the offender.

In one scene, the whole team is playing dust throwing, and Alexander is injured. Yet none of them show any kindness, not even Max, who finds himself in such a situation. This is similar to the fact that at first Max felt the same way, as his sister's friends were very mean to him. After talking to Alexander, which is his fear of not being seen or rejected, he understands his actions and the importance of thinking of others. This is interesting because it shows how easily we, especially children, pass on bad experiences to others, forming a vicious circle, when someone does nothing to stop you.

Often, the film is about the changes and maturity we must face in childhood. Something we can fully sympathize with the main character, because we all sometimes face the same doubts, or to a greater or lesser degree, even in any part of our lives, the changes are great, not just in childhood, and right is part of life, and right and asking for help or not feeling ready, fear is one of the most natural human emotions. However, this cannot or should not be limited to us.

Max Records' performance was excellent, considering his age and the fact that in most films he had to interview animatronics or costume actors, it shows his level of acting and that he knew how to work with the stuff he had. The technical aspects are generally correct, I think what causes the unhappiness of the animals, the techniques used to give life to these creatures are not timely. However, I understand the shock it can cause, although for me it does not really bother me.

I really recommend this movie, it is for all audiences, if you have children or you live with young children, it is great if you want to understand the baby's thinking in some cases.

Movie Information

Name of movieWhere the Wild are
DirectorSpike Jonze
StoryAdam mervis
Date Released16 October 2009 (USA)

Rate 4/5
Why I rate it 4/5, it's a fun movie. It is very strange to watch, there is no direct plot, things just happen but they are not full of story. However, there is something magical about it, it represents so many parts of childhood very well and there is so much full meaning in every aspect. All the wild animals seemed to represent the different ways the children did, and they traveled to great places in such a short time or completed great deeds in one night. It looks strange when you first look at it, but it is very strange when you look back, you realize that everything must be a child's mind, absurd things will happen but they all go into narrative. I wish there was more of an ending to the movie, but still, I really enjoyed watching it and it is one of my favorite new movies.