A Very Different Meaning of the Term, Property and Ownership
Under Capitalism, property ownership is defined as you have the sole right to do whatever you want with it. It's yours. You can sell it, you can rent it. And from this, we get sayings like, "everything has a price".
Under Communism, property is owned by the state. And you are assigned, or allowed to live their, and use it in accordance with what the state wants.
However, these are not the only views on land "ownership"
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. - American Indian saying
Further, we take the tenants from Capitalism a little too far.
You may not do anything you want with the land you own. We all have to live here too. You may not destroy nature, and thus destroy mankind. Even though you "own" it, you cannot use it as a toxic waste dump.
Likewise, if you are Billy Gatez, you cannot use your millions of acres of farmland to NOT farm. We do not have enough productive farmland that we can allow rich people to just buy it up and let it go fallow.

The Aberration that Is Modern Capitalism
Under "modern Capitalism" you are said to own the property (land, building) but, not really. If you do not pay your extortion bill (property tax) to the govern-cement they will take your land.
Also, you may not do whatever you want with your property. Some of this is very important for the rest of us not dying, but today, you buy that nice piece of property, and you cannot build a tiny house on it. You have to build a giant house, with all the amenities. And then you need to pay the huge extortion tax on it.
Further, if a big mining company wants some stuff that is under your house, well, you will find out how little you own. They will destroy your house like a tornado couldn't. The mineral rights are not included in the sale of most property. Also water rights are not guaranteed and/or included.
Capitalism claims you own it, and can do whatever you want with it. But, that is just the propaganda poster.

Governor Nuissance is coming for your house
In Commifornia they are putting restrictions on housing. On renting. Putting on rent controls, while the costs are increasing. In other words, you lose money, or the govern-cement owns your home.
You own your house, and can do what you want with it. But, you cannot increase the rent more than 3%, while insurance is going up by much more than that. And mortgage rates are getting worse. And you can't kick out tenant. If you are land lord, and don't have a huge margin on your rentals. You are screwed.
And, this entire mess of high house/rent prices was Commifornias fault in the first place by limiting house construction.
This might sound good for the renters, but they are getting squeezed too. With all of this, rent is still going up. Right until the point that everything crashes.
Then Commifornia is going to rush in and "purchase" these properties.
The govern-cement ends up owning all the housing, and decides who can live there.

In the future
We are going to change how we view property (land, housing).
Currently we have two competing ideologies that are BAD for people. We need something that is good for people, or GREAT for people.
Our first problem in Capitalism is that we have this idea of kicking kids out at 18, and letting them fly on their own. One thing wrong with this is that there isn't enough housing. So, we have a bidding war where each new generation has to outbid all the previous generations for a home.
And they have to outbid them when they are at the least capable time of their lives. How DARE WE even think of such a scheme!
Tribes built new housing as children were born. The Amish do not leave their children to languish by themselves, they build a new house when a young couple gets married. Yes, those with more skill, and more resources, builds a house. All paid for.
If we really cared for our children, we would start, before birth, making a space in our world for them to live in.
Further, it is more appropriate to say that, "we do not own the property, we borrow it from our children."
But this is just scraping the surface when i talk about how "property ownership" is viewed in the future.

Single family houses are the worst plan for people.
The nuclear family is too small for the raising of children.
And so, after we realize this, we are going to see the houses with postage stamp lots and little picket fences as the worst misallocation of resources in the history of the world
In the future, we will have multi-family multi-generational housing. Housing that has both privacy, and collective getting together. The housing will encompass child rearing to elderly care. It will have spaces for business and play. Things that our single family homes do not. (single family homes are only good while the children are young and the couple stays together. Before and after that, it is a waste of space and inadequate to the needs of infants or elderly)
So, what will be the meaning of ownership of property in this future?
Well, the land is worthless, and priceless. While the community is living there, there is no price that is high enough for them to just give it up. Give up all the work on building the structures, enriching the soil, building the infrastructure… you would need someone to be able to pay for a lot of work to be done to get the family back to where they were. Further, there will not be a lack of land. There is huge tracts of land that people haven't set foot on for years. We, right now, tend to congregate in cities, but we will have little need for that in the future.
In this way, the communities will never want to sell their place, and also, there would be little value for someone to buy it.

Further we will change our perspective on things.
Similar to how we do not own the air, we will see having a house to sleep in similar. And anyone who tries to artificially unbalance this, should be punished severely. Like the aforementioned Billy Gatez trying to block out the sun.
Today, we use "ownership" to keep people from having a place to live. Even if they go off into the forest and build themselves a hut. We need to stop this. We will stop thinking this way.
Of course, this is a lot easier when we have people spread out all over the place, instead of congregated into tiny plots. Where there is lots of room in between each group.
I do not know what this new "meaning of ownership" will be called, but it will just seem normal when we finally implement it. Like, all that stuff before just seems inane.