Gravity Doesn't Exist


You would think, with the scientific method and all, that modern molecular physics would have dumped the notion of gravity being a product of mass.

One disproof is all that is needed… unless the scientific community decides to ignore that disproof. And ignore that one. And ignore that one. and that one, and that one, and that one…

And now these "scientists" have made up a theory that can't be tested. So, it can never be disproven.


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Gravity anomolies

If the earth is a sphere (oblate spheroid) the height of the mountains is inconsequential to the size of the sphere. From a galactic giant's view, the earth is extremely smooth.

So, why does "whether it rained or not", so the mountain near the gravity measuring lab is filled with water, effect the gravity measurements? The earth is so big, the mountain so small, the extra water being only a few feet, these factors should not have any effect. But it does, and it has a large, very measurable effect.

Why does the measurement of gravity vary from place to place on the earth? And not just a little bit, quite a lot in various "holy places". So much that one scientists believes there are micro-black-holes in the earth's crusts. These differences are not in the area of hard to measure / beyond the accuracy of the measuring device. They are quite substantial.

They take gravity measurements from many sites all over the world, throughout the year, and average them all. If gravity was the result of mass, and the earth is a giant sphere, then all we should be dealing with is a change in the numbers at the end. In insignificant numbers beyond the ability to measure. But we don't. We have serious discrepancies.

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If gravity is based on mass, why does electricity defy it?

A scientists wanted to know what would happen if he charged a capacitor up to millions of volts.

So, he carefully constructed such. Pouring resin carefully, making sure no bubbles were formed so the insulation layer would not fail.

He then charged it up to a million volts, and the capacitor lost weight. At 10 million volts, the capacitor floated.

Today we have people experimenting with unequal capacitors and making flying devices.


Why do these things exist? Why can an electric charge defy gravity? And why is the direction of the charge important?

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If gravity is based on mass, why can spinning defy it?

Some scientists in Japan who play with gyroscopes noticed that at very high revs, the gyroscopes lost weight. But only spinning clockwise. They tried many things to see if it was vibration, or air, or atmosphere. It was none of these things.

The NAZI Bell supposedly worked on a superfluid and getting it to spin around quickly. (this fluid loses friction as it compresses itself.)

The NAZI Bell is mostly conjecture, but many people have repeated the gyroscope experiments.

Obviously we really need to go back to the drawing board on gravity.

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We believe in gravity as a result of mass because that is what we are taught. The experiment that measured the amount of gravity per mass looks simple and doable, but in reality is impossible to perform. (electrical force is so much larger than gravity, that any attraction measured is a result of electrical forces. It is almost impossible to completely remove it. Even air currents will charge an object. Even sunlight will charge an object. Even you being near will charge an object. After that, you need to measure a movement so small, that you would need to use laser measuring tools, that will charge the object)

But, we just take this for granted. Every kid learns this in physics class.

Scientists have gone further and further to uphold Newton's theory. Now, they even believe in mass that cannot be seen, and energy that cannot be measured. All of this to keep up a theory that is obviously wrong.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


Gravity doesn't exist? Okey Dokey.
Liked the capacitor idea if it works and how about superconductors in a magnetic field? Especially YCO?

We really need to try this with superconductors

but hey, this area of research is being advanced by kids with tinfoil and balsawood.

Getting ahold of stuff at temperatures that cold, and a low budget, and mother's basement… So, where are the big boys with actual laboratories?

The YOC Can be made at home in an oven as for liquid nitrogen call Arnold Swartennegger, the Terminator, and when cracks open a LN tanker...