Is There Anyone At the Helm?


How is Horrible Harris the presidential candidate now? No one voted for her.

Sleepy Joe just, suddenly went away, and released, a note (quiet sus) that he was quitting the presidential race due to health issues. And, suddenly-er Harris is being supported by all kinds of people. (who look like they are reading off cards in front of a camera)

All very suspicious.

But, Joe went away for so long, without any official communication that i would have easily believed he was dead. And, my gut is telling me that he is not going to make it to the end of the year.

Sooooo, who is running this thing?

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All The Rules Are Being Broken - In Our Face

Obomba ran and won the presidency while never proving his nationality.

The guy was in tight with the Federal EndTable of Intimidation. He could have had a birth certificate made on official hospital paper, on an official hospital typewriter. They have those things. They forge documents all the time. Obomba could have gotten a bullet proof, completely perfect birth certificate, but no. The thing he gave was completely false in every way.

Sleepy Joe got more votes than Obomba

In swing states, in the middle of the night, Sleepy Joe surged forward in the counts. With all kinds of shenanigans, like:

  • Republican count watchers thrown out
  • Boxes of only-for-biden ballots found
  • Votes counting not matching votes cast. Or in some places, voters registered.

And then, Trump is taken to court for questioning the questionable.

The RNC makes sure that Ron Paul isn't in the race.
The DNC makes sure that Bernie Sanders isn't in the race.

Shouldn't our votes for candidate matter? Apparently not. If we are not voting for the correct candidate, our votes seem to be ignored / changed. The people inside the RNC and the DNC just change rules on the fly. Both parties should have been disolved; They were both clearly wrong and doing bad things.

It is beyond apparent that the people of each party are not represented by the party.

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How is Kamala the presidential candidate?

Sure, you could say that she was the running mate, so now, she is the candidate. But she is not who people voted for.

And what will happen when the DNC actually has their convention?
What will happen in states that will not change the names on the ballots? It was Joe, it will still be Joe.

All, highly irregular.

What happens when Horrible Harris chooses a running mate, and then has to step down because of "Trump, July 13th, like problems"? Do we get whoever she chose, as the new Democrat candidate?

And the worst part is we all knew that Sleepy Joe wasn't going to make it. We all knew that he should have been 25th Amendment-ed.

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President Harris

Sleepy Joe (like in the Monty Python Parrot Skit) doesn't make it to the end of this year. Kamala becomes president. Kamala chooses a VP.

But, who? And how long will Kamala last in office? Will she, forever more, have the world record of shortest presidency? If Kamala goes away, then it is whoever she "chose" would be president, and by inference, the presidential candidate.

This is not how we should be running a democracy. However, the entirety of congress is going along with these plans. (all of them should be fired) But, maybe, they are just showing us that we are not really in charge. That our vote is meaningless.

The big thing right now is actually, who is running this nation?

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Who is sending warships to sit around Iran?
They are going, but no one is telling the people about who chose to send them.

Joe isn't doing this. Kamala isn't doing this. So, who is actually making these decisions? (or maybe Joe and Kamala are fooling us all, by acting senile and stupid in front of the camera) Who is actually running this country?

We the people should know. That we don't know should mean every elected official should be out of office. But, that doesn't happen. We aren't presented with anyone, not in the club, being on the ticket.

We have no way to vote ourselves out of a tyranny.

However, we are watching govern-cement destroy its legitimacy.
And so, we will see the end of this govern-cement as it collapses and eats itself.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.