Our Lives Are Built On So Many Lies, That We Can't See the Future.


So much of what we consider normal is coming to an end.

Many things we think of as natural or scientific fact, are going to turn out as not.

So many of the things we just consider as, this is just the way it has to be, won't.

Even things we consider as human nature, will fall away in the future.

Have you ever looked at an image of a future city and thought that might be cool? I look at those and say what purpose do those serve? Does it make any humans living there happy? The inside of a tiny box looks the same, whatever the exterior is clad in.

These are the views we imagine for our future. A dystopian nightmare, clad in glittery white.


The easy thing for the human mind, of today, to imagine is "bigger" / "better". So, that is what our future cities look like. We have taller mono-rails, and weird shaped, and bigger buildings. At least many future scenes have lots of plants/greenery.

But, why would we insist on more of the stuff that is killing us?

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Cities and suburbs

We insist on high density housing. But, why? Each person needs food, and that requires space to grow. About an acre per person if you are decently efficient with growing. So, we may have crammed everyone tightly into a building, but why? The area needed to support them is still quite large.

Something that we do not recognize now is you should be eating local. Food that is grown where you live has the proper magnetic resonance for your body. It is one of the reasons human health is dropping. (obesity up, diabetes up, heart problems up…)

The way manufacturing started was you had to make everything local. So, tight cities which had all the people who made the parts, and the sub-parts where all nearby, so you could assemble your model-T Ford. And one company started, and others found it more convenient to be close by to these suppliers too. And so, you ended up with a city.

Cities had a lot of jobs close together, so more opportunity to get work. And you needed work to buy food. Because we denied the youth land from which to grow their own food. (how horribly hateful/selfish of us)

So, the cities are a hold-over from when we didn't have as robust of a delivery system.
And as automation becomes more ubiquitous, the need for centralization (i.e. cities) becomes less and less. Local manufacturing becomes the norm.

As physical manufacturing was shipped to China, and most americans just do paperwork, they have found they do not need to go to the big building in the city. And so, the last need for a city is gone.

So, why do our future images show bigger, fancier cities?

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Paying for electricity / paying for needs

Most people pay for fuel, oil, electricity because if you don't, you die.

We, as humans have just accepted that these needs could be commoditized and sold to us.

When we all got our water from a river, and carried it in a bucket to our home, there was no one we would consider honest that said they owned the river and would charge us for its water.

But, that is what we are doing. We paid for the infrastructure to bring the water to our homes, and then continue to pay. We supposedly pay for maintenance, but we rarely see the maintenance, we instead only see repairs of breaking infrastructure. So much money is syphoned off to pay for ever growing bureaucracy. While they are literally poisoning us. We are paying them to poison us!

The future has continuous green energy sources. We could build them right now, except for the govern-cement bureaucrats.

In the future, needs will be figured out, how to satisfy them. Continuously and efficiently. Denying someone needs will be a capital offence. The entire paradigm of selling electricity will be looked back on as the barbarous age.

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Being alone in a crowd

We have created a world where people are alone in a crowd.

Your family kicks you out at 18, and you are supposed to make your own way, make your own friends, find your own satisfaction.

But, you spend most of your time interacting with your boss. A person who really doesn't care about you. Look at this deeply. The person you give most of your good hours each day, doesn't really care about you. Feeling alone is the best a person can do.

And then we spend the least amount of time with the people we really love and care about. So much of that "free" time is spent maintaining your life. And that little left is spent with your family. What a messed up, backwards existence.

No wonder most people are so lonely and depressed.

We need to create our lives around the people who care about us. Not around corporations.

The first step of this is to provide needs to every person, by giving them the ability to grow their own food, create their own energy.

We should not be spending ⅔ - ¾ of our time/life paying banksters for the "privilege" of having "money". Which causes us to work and work while falling behind.

We should be spending most of our time interacting with people who care about us.

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It is really hard to talk to people about a "job" not being an essential part of our lives. It has taken decades and generations to get us stuck in this 9-5 world.

3% of Americans are farmers. It only takes, when averaged, only 3% of your time to grow your food.
Really, it can be worked down to 10 hours a week. And lots of free time, and a couple times of all day work per year. (planting and harvesting)

The perfect house can be built by a craftsman in about three years. This is everything being the best. Our cracker jack houses can be built by a single person in about a year. An apartment in 3 months.

A kit car can be assembled in a few months.

Sooo, you should spend a tiny portion of your life getting a house and a car. A couple years. Not 30+ mortgages.

Food should be less than ¼ of your day.

So, why do we have people working 40-80 hours a week and not making it? Unable to buy their own house?

Once we have untied this bankster created, dystopian nightmare, we will never go back to it. And all the ideas that we tell ourselves so we go to work every morning, will fall away.

The future is bright. However, we do not know how bad our current world is yet.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.
Dystopian future city image from the internetz