Putin Is Out Visiting People, Like N.K. Kim Jong Un, Why?


Putin is out visiting dignitaries all over the place. While their is a "war" going on back home. So, what is important enough to be visiting everyone but The US?

Well, of course, he is probably out selling the BRICS agreements and currency to the rest of the countries.

And the Petro-Dollar agreement just ran out, after its 50 year run, and Saudi Arabia is not renewing it.

A good portion of the world is making arrangements to move away from The US dollar.

And what is Jerome Powell doing?


Well, he is not out there telling leaders that the dollar is still good. (Except he tells that lie to the American people. "Inflation is under control", but not a peep that the high interest rates are destroying real estate, and so will take down most banks.)

Strange things are afoot

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This "organization" is the weirdest thing on the planet.
Except for one thing, The US and the Fed has been abusing their power throughout the world, and most other countries are sick of it.

Imagine Russia (who know how bad communism is) getting together with the CCP (horrifying communism). Only for a mutual hatred of The US would Putin and Xi get together.

And India? The Chinese are actually shooting at them on their northern border. They are going to be buddies in this new system?

South Africa is dead. A new S. Africa with only the original white people with walls and guns may form, but the old South Africa and their build up of industry is gone.

Brazil could be something, but currently the drug cartels are as big as the govern-cement. Maybe as America sinks lower, there won't be as much dollars to buy drugs…

and half of the world seems to be joining the BRICS. (the low GDP half, but still, half of the world)

and Powell is just there printing money and Joey is shitting in his pants.

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BRICS Currency

This is what Putin really appears to be doing. Getting agreements with other countries to accept/use the BRICS Currency.

And, why not?

The only problem is that the dollar is bigger than the BRICS combined. It is the world reserve currency because it is the only thing big enough to handle that.

So, we see the BRICS govern-cements working out trade agreements for other currencies besides the dollar, and we see all the BRICS nations buying up gold, and talk of a gold backed Yuan.

So far we see the BRICS falling into the same trap that the Euro has. Without a way of balancing trade and purchasing power from disparate levels of production countries.

However, the dollar is dying, and the BRICS currency might be rising.

But, i think other things are going to happen, and other plans are afoot.

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If this was the old world, then the BRICS currency might have a chance. The old world of paper money and gold backing. With gold vaults and gold exchanges.

But this is not that world anymore.

If Q, the people behind Q, are real, and really doing what they are hinting, then the global cabal [KM] behind all the wars is going to be taken down. And if Q is just a modern day Nero, fiddling while Rome burns, and is just exposing the [KM], casting light into the shadows. Either way, we see the [KM] and will eliminate them from our lives. Even if it is just by ignoring them.

Once the [KM] are exposed, then the monetary games are much more apparent. And actual monetary policy can be created that serves humanity.

Until then, i think that the BRICS might end up using XRP. The BRICS nations, and the banks that have signed on with Ripple have a lot of overlap.

And, if Ripple is evil, as many say they are, then it i a small jump from people using XRP and people using bitcoin.

The only thing i know is that we are not being shown the whole picture. But, this is the age of Aquarius and so, everything will be exposed. And now, we have the technology to make a better money. One that will help the whole world thrive.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.