Hospital Study Finds Evidence of Antibody Dependent Enhancement

You can read the study that finds evidence of antibody dependent enhancement (of disease) in Frontiers journal. I’ve been compiling such evidence in this answer:

What Makes the ModRNA COVID19 Vaccines So Effective

The single center study of patients suffering with acute respiratory failure in general and admitted to Ohio State University hospital (n = 152) and from COVID19 disease in particular (n = 112) found that of the 43 non-vaxxed patients and 23 vaxxed patients admitted between the December 2020 rollout and November 2022 the latter had nearly twice the mortality rate (70%) as the former (37%).

Complete primary series recipients also suffered increased mortality compared to patients who had received only the first dose. The study also found that non-vaxxed patients with comorbidities had higher SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies levels compared to their vaxxed counter parts which suggests that comorbidities are not the only cause of decreased antibody response.

Among the patients admitted for non-COVID19 acute respiratory failure (n = 40) the vaxxed patients had a slightly lower mortality rate (27%) than the unvaxxed patients (36%) which given the small sample size isn’t statistically significant but shows that the 6 year median age gap and higher comorbidity index score among vaxxed patients does not explain the mortality difference between vaxxed and unvaxxed patients and even the authors note:

CCI or age may not be sufficient to stratify risk, as even when patients with similar CCI/age were compared, we still observed significantly (p=0.02) improved survival in NVax patients.

The only other possible explanation is that the hospitalized vaxxed patients received their last dose at least 4 months if not 6 months or more before infection. As I have noted in prior answers this is when the Immunoglobulin G subclass switch starts to unfold in modRNA recipients whose supposed increased protection exists only on a very short timeline that doesn’t last an entire calendar year. Unlike most government funded studies that try to support the safe and effective narrative by only measuring risk differences 4 or 5 but no more than 6 months since the latest dose this University study compared risks over a two year period. Studies that have measured annual mean VE (against hospitalization) have found abysmal results with estimated risk reduction quickly tanking after 4 months, becoming negligible at 6 months and often negative (i.e. increased risk) after 6 months. CDC observational research found that mean VE against hospitalization for children and adolescents is estimated at 25% between 4 months to 364 days out with a lower limit of negative 9%.

CDC Confirms modRNA VE is Abysmal After 4 months

A WHO funded study in Eastern Europe found that annualized VE against hospitalization was 15% for adults and a negligible 5% for adults 60 years or older and once again confirmed that the increased protection only appeared in the first 4–5 months becoming negligible by 6 months and even negative between 9–12 months after the last dose.

Sloppy and Cohort Bias WHO funded study finds annual VE of 15%

It is not inconceivable that researchers would find even worse results over two years instead of one since most vaxxed patients stopped with the primary series or first booster and go a year or more between doses after the first three doses.