GOING SIDEWAYS COVID-19: More Makeshift Hospitals And Prison Spreading In China

in Informationwar5 years ago (edited)

I put up a video about this on BitChute on Monday. Here is a post version for those of you who are not on BitChute.

We are told the numbers regarding COVID-19 are leveling off in China. Really. Then why are they building 19 more makeshift hospitals? They have stopped reporting for economic reasons and because I honestly think they have no idea what they numbers are at this point.

"Upon their completion, all the makeshift hospitals in Wuhan are expected to offer 30,000 beds on Feb. 25."

To date, Wuhan has converted 13 existing venues into temporary hospitals, with a total of 13,348 beds, and about 9,313 beds have been put into use to treat patients with mild symptoms.

"About 72 medical teams from other regions of China have been dispatched to these temporary hospitals to aid local colleagues to treat patients and contain the virus spread."

Yup, all under control. Nothing to see here. Most people have mild symptoms so it's no big deal. Well, now that the virus has spread to countries with far less censorship and control, we shall see in the next few weeks what the real situation is. Either it will be good news or it will be prepare now if you haven't already time. No fear, just do what you have to do and be self-reliant. If you are looking to the government to help/save you, you will be vastly disappointed.

See my earlier post for more info about that...

Pandemic Survival Before SHTF:

Moving on..

Not only are they building more makeshift hosputals over there, they have a new problem that apprently doesn't affect their reporting numbers. More than 500 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed within their prison system. Not one prison but multiple prisons. Why multiple prisons and not just one?

"Prison and security officials, as well as others in Hubei, have been fired over failing to disclose information and for allowing the virus to spread."

That's how.

Here is the video version available only on BitChute.

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg

(Just click the picture to watch the video)

I have two more posts to write about the two videos I put out yesterday. Not enough time in a day for all I have to do. Stay tuned.


China's Wuhan to build 19 more makeshift hospitals:


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