in Steem Governance4 years ago (edited)

The social media over the days has been filled with outcry and rage from especially some health workers in Kaduna State over a claim of 25% deduction in their salaries by state government to fight Corona virus.

I use this opportunity to sincerely appreciate the Kaduna State Government for the success recorded so far in dealing with the spread of this pandemic, it is indeed plausible. The record of Corona virus in Kaduna State when compared to other states, the speed of recorded recoveries and the zero death record is all thanks to the state Governments proactive approach in curtailing the spread.
Let me equally use the opportunity to appreciate our health workers, security operatives, the media men and women and all those providing essential services in Kaduna State in this trying times. Especially our healthcare givers, yours is more like a sucidal mission at this time when you should be staying at home for safety but amidst poor protection from the virus and other dangers that this pandemic exposes the world to you still in your charitable, kind and gentle nature offer yourselves to serve. May God be your protection.

It is important to note that given our economy and the challenges of the time, government alone cannot fight this challenge hence the need for all to sacrifice both time and resources to support Government in this fight. With this in mind we appreciate all who have been donating in efforts to fight this challenge in Nigeria and in Kaduna State to be particular.
While I agree that government will need the support of her civil servants in the fight against this challenge, I however feel that there is need to give consideration to some important matters in the spirit of fairness, respect to human will and clear conscience. Let me be quick to note here that I believe in democracy and I will vote for true democracy always. I also respect representative democracy, Sir, I know that these civil servants have unions with whom government will bargain an understanding in matters like this, however Sir, I think we need to observe some important realities in this case especially of the deduction of 25% in salaries of health workers in Kaduna State. I am not saying they are the only ones affected, I am saying their case needs special observation. Before my observation proper, let me make a case Sir.
The sacrifice that these health workers have done by availing themselves to help in the fight against this pandemic is in itself more than just huge, it is more than donating their entire salary for the whole year (in my opinion). For me, this sacrifice demands the state and all of us to appreciate them more and reward them greatly because their's is a sacrifice for life as they in practical and literal terms lay their lives for the lives of others by the seemingly simple act of availing themselves to serve in this challenge.
I had expected even before the first reported case in Kaduna State that the Staten Government will put forth an account for individuals to donate for the prevention of Coronavirus in Kaduna State, sadly when I didn't see, I trusted that His Excellency Mallam Nasiru El'rufai is not the man that this virus could deal a dirty blow to a state under his care. With that in mind I said to myself "no cause for alerm, His Excellency should have something better in mind.
I felt and still feel that would have been and will still be the best approach than deducting from the salaries of workers that may actually be waiting for the salary to pay debts that they might have incurred. It worked for president Buhari in his campaign, for instance, the Rice Farmers Association of Nigeria (RIFAN) and Fertilisers Producers and Suppliers Association of Nigeria (FEPSAN) alone donated over N1.77 billion to the campaign of President Muhammadu Buhari during his second term bid. (2019.https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/top-news/302120-2019-nigerian-farmers-donate-n1-7bn-for-buhari-campaign.html). Also in an appreciation for campaign donations in 2014, President Buhari reported thus"; “So far, Nigerians have donated N54,415,000. 70 to support our campaign ahead of the 2015 presidential election..." ( https://www-legit-ng.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.legit.ng/amp/348842-nigerians-donate-money-to-support-buharis-campaign.html?amp_js_v=a3&amp_gsa=1&usqp=...) Without even calling for donations at the Federal Government level, Institutions and individuals as of 18th April, 2020 have donated well more than 25 billion naira cash apart from other donations in kind. To this day Government still receive donations that we only hope is put in good use.
All the citizens need is a reason that will make them trust government's sincerity and we will be surprise at what a venture like this will bring. Kaduna State citizens are amazingly kind and understanding, Kaduna State citizens will not mind sacrificing our lives if need be in this fight talk less of parting with our resources to support Government. During security challenges for instance we saw how without Government call citizens organized themselves in Kaduna State to donate and with such donations IDP camps were set where IDPs got the best help and even rehabilitation totally without Government call. There is an initiative by SOKAPU where individuals are donating to provide palliatives for the vulnerable in the southern Kaduna region, few hours after the unvailing of the donation initiative the account given recorded more than 110,000 naira as visibly shown in Gurara Forum FB group. Earlier too the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) in the state within a short period in the early days of the lockdown made contacts and within a short while there was enough palliatives to share for the poor in the first phase of such an initiative and forward. If unions and associations in Kaduna State can gain this, government will do better.
The Kaduna State Government has so beautifully within the years on board initiated many social service schemes, funds have been voted for these services. It was not so long too that the Kaduna State Government successfully aquired a 350 million dollars loan from the world bank and largely (I believe) this will serve the social services programs initiated. Though the funds became available base on a convincing proof of the need to salvage our decaying educational system as painted by His Excellency in a Gala night put together by the Governors forum as a farewell gesture to the world bank boss in Nigeria. I am of the conviction that funds voted for some of these services as a matter of priority to life would be better used if diverted to the COVID-19 fight.
Also we have heard of the news about the state legislative arm's readiness to donate salaries of members as jointly agreed for the fight against COVID-19 in Kaduna State, that is a beautiful gesture and we thank them. However, that is their individual donation which we never expected less, but as a people, I expect that the same legislators will hold constituency briefings to discuss with stakeholders in the constituencies and decide a reasonable percentage of our constituency allowances to be used by the state Government in the fight against this challenge. If we will be sincere to ourselves these constituency allowances have not been properly put to use in most of our constituencies at all levels, the challenge avails us the opportunity to put it to use more properly
It is not the amount that will help us in this fight but our sincerity in managing resources, it is unfortunate that Nigeria has only 12 functional COVID- 19 testing laboratories as announced on 16th April, 2020 by the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Osagie Ehanire though with a beautiful capacity to test 1,500 samples daily in Nigeria (https://www.cnbcafrica.com/africa-press-office/2020/04/16/coronavirus-nigeria-12-functional-covid-19-testing-laboratories-confirmed-health-minister/) but remember that this is for a country with an estimated population of over 205,236,921 people.
The Kaduna State Government recently have revealed the existence of accredited testing laboratories in Zaria (zone 1) and Kaduna Central (Zone 2), hopefully Kaduna South (Zone 3) will have one soon to make it 3 with one in each Senatorial district. However, it is a matter of concern that there is poor supply of protection facilities in our healthcare centers to mean that our healthcare givers are so unfairly exposed. In the first place we have no justification in asking them to play their role of coming out to work if we cannot provide the reasonable protection to limit their exposure to the virus.
This is just a sincere plea from a citizen, at every point in time, whatever we do, we must put the love for humanity first. I find it unfair to deduct a penny from health workers who expose themselves on the higher scale to serve and safe humanity. Instead of deducting from them, I rather apeal to his Excellency to look for alternative sources and in fact ensure that these healthcare givers are given reasonable allowances for every hour that the put endangering themselves to serve humanity. I am not asking us to pay them for we don't even have the resources to pay them enough, I only ask that we appreciate them while I call on them to serve not for the material gain but for the salvation of humanity. I call on Labour and other Union leaders to dialogue with their members and decide how they are to support Government and this should be done not forgetting the urgency.
To owners of institutions, industries and other businesses in Kaduna State, many of you have not been meeting up with your taxes and cooperate social responsibilities, as a matter of necessity, in sincerity and purity of heart, just for the challenge, rather than increase the burden with high prices, ensure you do something to help government and your host communities.

[email protected]


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