Statement: 0.22.5

in Steem Governance5 years ago (edited)

For the past 2 1/2 years, I've been devoted to Steem. But seemingly, this doesn't matter.

@justinsunsteemit, just took it into his own hands to vote in 20 own witnesses, backed by Binance & Huobi, with a statement that the SF 222 was malicious.

I fully disagree about the SF being malicious.

It was an attempt to uphold Steemit Inc (now owned by Tron) on their words & social contracts, they've given me and many other developers, entrepreneurs and Steem enthusiasts.

@ned & Steemit Inc. have proven that they were incapable of getting shit done and left it to their community to bring value to their project.

And when we, the community, finally thought, we'd see light at the end of the tunnel, we're being brought back into 2016. A Steem which is being controlled by a single entity.

I don't think of it as an absolutely negative thing, but based on the past 4 years, this is a major punch in the face.

Why did the community spent years on marketing & improving Steem, just for the useless founder to get a nice payday?

Steem would be nothing without its community of developers, entrepreneurs & creators.

Do you really think that Steem wouldn't have tanked far more and lost far more users, if projects like SteemMonsters wouldn't have kept people around, on Steem?

Look, I have nothing against Justin Sun (I was actually quite optimistic of finally Steem getting the change it needed) and I've always disagreed with forking out anyones stake (forking !== freezing).

But I also disagree with how we, the community contributors, are being treated.

So, for now, I've shutdown and


Only took @justinsunsteemit a couple weeks to literally ruin everything 👏

He ruined it? In which way? He bought a sinking ship and from the first minute on he was blamed for everything @ned did!
Who actually gave him a chance? Instead a fork was stabbed in his back.

Ned literally didn’t do shit. At any point in time. Nothing good, nothing bad. Ned was literally a ghost. Justin buys Steemit and immediately announces a token swap as if that is what the community wants and then it was all downhill from there

The "problem" is it's his right as an owner and there's not much you can change about that. The fact is it is not realized yet and there was a meeting planned. Instead, he became a hostile welcome and motion of distrust.
Ned might have done nothing but that is not Justin his mistake, neither the fact ned filled his pockets, let Steemit bleeding and sold it.
I wonder what you would have done if you were the new owner, you received this frozen hostile welcome. I understand people are disappointed, angry, afraid etc but you can not blame @justinsunsteemit for it. He didn't start a war with an announcement only and didn't ruin Steemit either. Those who visited Steem(it) daily, wrote and commented are punished most. I hope something good, preferable better comes out of it.

I never saw an option to swap Steem to Tron. Is this done automatically?
If so Tron can be changed against Steem again if not here somewhere else.

I hope we all will, especially the small fish, lose everything.
I wish you luck here or elsewhere. Thanks for your answer. 💕

I honestly hVnt followed this and didn’t even realise till today but I honestly feel steemit has improved the last week or so. Whoever is making changes at least there are some happening. The whole time I’ve been on steemit I havnt seen one change and then suddenly the user face becomes much more user friendly in days. This multiple photo upload and a few other things shows at least something being done.

I used partiko that was user friendly. I am a mobile blogger only and there's hardly a way left for me to join now.

Yeah I remember partiko being much better I just can’t take all the apps on my phone and had to remove a lot. They should rly change the interface on web to something more like partiko. Ono actually had a better user system.

@ultravioletmag I hope someone will. I wish for something easy to work with daily. It's hard to keep all the apps needed on your phone. I struggle with my memory too. If you remove an app and install it new it saves memory too. I wish you a great day. 💕

I don’t follow so much who is in charge of making the changes but I definitely blame the fact nothing got done with it and it’s hard to use over people being lazy. There should be photos of your friends coming up on the side like Facebook. All I see on the main feed is really people talking about steem or the people with the most followers arguing about it. I’m more interested in seeing beautiful photography and art or spiritual posts but to try and find anything I like is like searching for a needle in a hay stack.

You could follow communities about photography or tags #photofeed #shadowcontest #shadowhunters #takeapic #blackandwhite @olivia08 and @heartbeat1515 host a contest and there are photographers you can follow too. They joined a weekly contest too.
I believe there's dailypetphotography too and #featheredfriday and #caturday
I once wrote about it (tips) with my other account @wakeupkitty.pal

Before I used the dapp Appics. You post photos with it and add a bit text. I can't now because my connection is too slow. I really like this app. I believe you have to go to to ask for it.

I agree the posts I see in the past three days are not of my interest either. Witnesses, fights, scolding etc

It's better to focus on something else.

Thank you for mentioning my contest here. I would love to have more participants.

Generally speaking or for this one? Pity your contest is similar as @olivia08 hers otherwise you could host (if text is used 200 words or 3 photos) it as a CCC contest too. 💕

Yeah I saw there is now communities havnt really figured it out yet I did follow some but I still don’t see related things on my feed. I follow some competitions but it just becomes a pain remembering the links and manually typing them in all the time. I just feel there could be a few tweaks to the interface that would make a huge difference in keeping people engaged. Esp lazier ppl like me! If I go on my news feed it’s not even my friends it’s jsjt random people promoting steem and people arguing or crypto predictions. I’m sure some people like these posts but it’s going to put off a huge potential audience. Steep shot used to be a decent interface but it stopped working properly on my phone. I literally have no space for apps could maybe do one low memory one max.

I tend to find a tag or something and use it and think about it then forget it I just think there needs to be a favourites bar or soenthing or a top friends or relevant reminders in news feed I can’t believe how little has changed to make it better over the years only change I ever saw was the logo became worse.

@ultravioletmag You could search on a friend's name that is what I do or I follow a certain tag and read what is new. Never trending but new. ❤️

Fuck Justin. What a disgusting piece of shit.

And you are a great steemian? If it comes to "a piece of shit" what about @ned or the rest who filled their pockets over the backs of many writers?

This argument is what every open source programmer could say about Amazon and other big box companies using their free and open software to make millions... Yet somehow, it's not always the case.

We build tools then toys because we love the sandbox

The capitalizing on open source developers hard work is an ongoing battle in the open source world,..
and well, from a philisophical standpoint, it's a losing one.

If you didn't want something to happen to the toy, you shouldn't have put the toy on public display

People like to break things others have made, sometimes it's to make it better, sometimes it's more malicious.... Who's to say, we aren't in their mind, we must wait until we've calmed down, and ask the 2 yr old, why they did what they did. It's that simple....

Investigation of facts, not assumptions. Also, knowing history is important.

Idk, I'm as shook as you honestly, but trying to be mindful of the past all the while.

Who is the two year old?

To my understanding the exchanges powered up a ton of liquid Steem that belonged to their clients and voted with it.
Is this legal ?? This Steem is now locked up and will take 13 weeks to power down. What happens if their clients want to remove their Steem ??
Want to make a bet that the new witnesses do a fork to allow a quick power down ?
Seems to me that Sun and the exchanges have exposed themselves to a fair amount of legal trouble and depending on the country, criminal charges as well as being a giant bag of dicks.

Thanks for the info @allmonitors lol
I missed that post but saw that coming, can't have that Steem that the exchanges unethically/illegally powered up and voted with locked up for 13 weeks.

try to get everybody to withdraw steem from exchange. that is all we can do to help steem network

Yup. That's what you get for doing business with "The Chinese" (especially ones whose dapp focus is gambling (with totally shady (scammy) features (I've now analyzed several of them since the takeover). As soon as I have a Chinese person (from mainland China, specifically) had bought Steem I hit that giant "power-down" button with vigor, as a precaution. Now my only hope is that the system remains functional for long enough to get my remainig 12 weekly power-down payouts, which I will put into @Splinterlands. If Steemit survives I will still use it for the communities, and to make a little money for Splinterlands cards. I think dapps like Splinterlands are ultimate the BEST thing that came out of this platform (in terms of long-term viability).

There is bad Chinese people and there is bad Russian people... But there is also good people from those countries... All my projects so far have been funded by Chinese investors, never had problems with them as long as I have talked Chinese with them... Try talking English with them and you become nobody...

All I will say in response is: I wonder what the world would be like without 'The Chinese"? (define that term however you would like). And judging from history, I am not the first to WONDER about such issue (define that statement however you would like)...

USA wouldn't exist and instead of the big US companies we know now there would be more big Chinese, Taiwanese and Singaporean companies.

Seems like he basically did exactly what the top 20 witnesses (that the community voted in) tried to prevent... Sound like you guys had the right idea in mind trying to protect us!

The best thing is just to split and continue our chain as usual.

Without a solution to majority stake holder buy in's we would be just setting ourselves up for more of the same.

Yeah what you could do is instead of top 20 top 50 voting with an equal vote. But it's too late steem is gone tron is gone the exchanges involved are gone because it's all based upon trust and not 1 person control..

This isn't anymore it's clear all money and time everybody spend is gone like the bitconnect fiasco where 4 billion dollar evaporated.

Yeah what you could do is instead of top 20 top 50 voting with an equal vote

Other Steemians have, recently, come to my attention who have voiced interesting ideas of moving forward with governance development.

My guess is that once the community is on the other side of this standoff that lessons learned will be coded into the Law.

Not more of the same but much worse.

Gute Entscheidung.
Hoffe es ziehen einige mit und machen ihre Projekte erst mal zu, damit die "Obrigkeit" mal sieht, wer hier eigenltich Steem am laufen hällt!

Mich flasht es aber auch total, dass es mal eben überhaupt möglich ist, da irgendwelche Accounts/stake einzufrieren?! Oder hatte ich das falsch verstanden? Ist ja eigentlich nicht Sinn und Zweck einer Blockchain und wäre auch ein guter Grund da nicht weiter d'rauf zu vertrauen dass das save ist.
Nicht jeder hat die Möglichkeiten, sich dann derart dagegen zu wehren.


Das hatte ich anfangs auch gedacht, dass es gruselig ist, dass man andere "einfach" so das Konto Stilllegen kann. Doch da es eine großteilige Einigung der dicken Wittness dazu braucht wird so was nicht jede Woche mal aus Spaß gemacht.

Und wenn wir unseren gewählten Wittness ned vertrauen können, dann sollten wir mal überlegen ob man noch auf der richtigen Plattform ist. :)

Doch was jetzt von Sun abgezogen wird, hat mit Demokratie bzw. Dezentralisiertem Netz nichts mehr zu tun, das ist massiv eine Community Anal Fisten.


Ja, der setzt dem Ding ja noch eines drauf: Die obersten Witnesses hat er da mal eben platziert. Sicher "Selbstverteidigung". Konnte er sich ja auch nicht gefallen lassen. Aber damit ist das Argument, dass es eine Einigung braucht, wieder relativiert. Müssen sich dann nur die einigen, die man selbst dahingesetzt hat. Das ist wesentlich einfacher :-)
die Vorteile einer Blockchain damit ad absurdum geführt.

die obersten 20 Witnesses mit je 3 Votes ins Amt geschickt

Remember, the people whit more money its the most dirty!

Steem is dead. Stick a fork in it. Long live Steem Classic.

Damn, this has really got out of hand, I knew it wasn't going to be a smooth transition but not like this. It's total chaos now, so the town hall was all BS!