Application For Community Curators For September 2024

in Hot News Community7 months ago

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Best regards to Steemit team
The unexpected happened with the announcement of Steemitblog 👉🏻(click here to see), for the September community curators. There will be no minimum SP requirements for individuals or teams, paving the way for all users to experience and contribute to rewarding posts on the Steemit Platform. On that basis, we are here to provide a new color and spirit to make a real contribution through the Application that our team has made.

Below is the individual history of our team. Here's the review :


User name:@fantvwiki
Language:Indonesian and English
Steem Power:7,331.80
Delegates:532.28 SP to Community Hot News
CSI :16.6 (0.00 % self, 90 upvotes, 76 accounts, last 7d )
Club :club75
Position:Admin - Community Hot News
Join in Steemit:September 06, 2021


My existence on Steem began on September 06, 2021, since I first created my account, I am an active user who consistently shares posts with various themes.
Being on the Steemit platform has led me to discover some new experiences that I've been working on. Some of them have been part of the community curator team for several months, and are now active as admins in one of the growing communities.


User name:@bonaventure24
Language:English, Hausa and Igbo
Steem Power:3,515.23
Delegates:200 SP to Steem4Professionals
Club :club5050
CSI :23.7 (0.00 % self, 135 upvotes, 103 accounts, last 7d)
Position:Moderator - Traveling Steem and Steem4Professionals
Join in Steemit:February 03, 2023


My existence on Steem began on February 03, 2023, since I first created my account, i have been a very active in this platform who always engage meaningfully with my fellow steemians. I try to participate in different contest topic and also post quality content.
Being on this platform is a huge blessing to me because i have discovered many new things and also increase my way of reasoning. I have also make new friends all over the world which i am very greatfull for. Some of them have been part of the community curator team for several months, and are now active as admins in one of the growing communities.This is my first time applying for this special role and just like they say there's always a first time. So I will surely do my best if given the opportunity.


User name:@rosselena
Language:Spanish and English
Steem Power:8,612.32
Delegates:2,024.876 SP to Cotina and 907.702 to steem-seven
Club :club5050
CSI :12.7 (0.00 % self, 182 upvotes, 106 accounts, last 7d)
Join in Steemit:April 17, 2021


My Journey on Steem began on April 17, 2021, since I first created my account, so i have more than 3 years, I am working everyday to be an active user who consistently shares posts with various themes. Being on the Steemit platform has led me to discover some new experiences that I've been working on., i was part of the steem fashion style comunity as a mod for one month but i have to decline for some personal problem

What will we do when we are selected to be the curation team in September

  1. We are committed to finding good posts from personal blogs or those in the community, reaching users who may often be overlooked with good posts, of course.
  2. Our team is aware that relevant and kind comments are an important part of the extra wealth of the Steem blog ecosystem, and this part deserves an award.
  3. All types of posts that have benefits and information are parts that we will support, this improves the quality of the Platform, not only to share stories, but also to share informative information.
  4. Refusing any form of request for support to anyone, undermines the sense of justice that may often be overlooked because of this.

Best regards,
Selective team

 7 months ago 

Amiga @rosselena me da mucho gusto ver tu postulación junto a los amigos @bonaventure24 y @fantvwiki quien tiene experiencia, son todos usuarios comprometidos y constantes, les deseo éxitos y espero verlos dentro de los team seleccionados.

Bendiciones y feliz día.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your hopes and prayers, Mrs. @marito74. We wish our team all the best. May you always be in your state of Health and happiness always.

 7 months ago 

Thank you very much, many successes along the way.

Hola amiga muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos esperamos contar con la suerte para poder continuar con mi aprendizaje acá en la plataforma

 7 months ago 

semoga sukses menyertai tim anda.

 7 months ago 

Terima kasih atas doanya.

 7 months ago 


 7 months ago (edited)

Team yang sangat saya harapkan untuk menjadi kurator di bulan september, saya suka dengan tujuan dari team ini. Mendukung postingan dengan adil, mendukung postingan yang berkualitas, mendukung postingan yang bersifat informatif dan menolak segala bentuk permintaan dukungan demi keadilan.
Top untuk team ini.
Saya yakin semua anggota dalam team akan bekerja sesuai dengan janji dan komitmen yang telah mereka buat.
Sukses untuk team ini. 💪💪💪💪💪

 7 months ago 

Ya, selalu ada komitmen untuk memulai sesuatu, dan kami ingin menerapkan hal ini. Terima kasih atas dukungannya, salam terbaik untuk anda.

 7 months ago 

Selamat dan sukses terus bagi sahabat yang sudah terpilih,,

 7 months ago 

Kami belum terpilih, tapi doa baik anda semoga mendapatkan jawaban. Terima kasih atas dukungannya, salam terbaik untuk kita semua.

 7 months ago 

Iya, semoga cepat dapat kabar baik..

Wonderful team and unique qualities. Goodluck to you all.

 7 months ago 

Thanks brother 🫂

 7 months ago 

Nice application team 👍 let's hope for the best.

 7 months ago 

Nothing is impossible to try something new, I am happy for your passion and commitment.

 7 months ago 

You're right sir, thanks so much.
Let's just hope for the best.

 7 months ago 

Semoga aplikasinya berhasil dan terpilih sebagai team curator di september nanti..

 7 months ago 

Aamiin, terima kasih atas dukungannya ibu.

 7 months ago 

Una buena oportunidad mi querida amiga @rosselena, me alegra mucho ver tu nombre en una postulación, espero que formen parte de los equipos de curación.
Saludos y mucho éxito para todos.

Saludos amiga una buena oportunidad muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos espero tener esa oportunidad para seguir con mi aprendizaje acá en la plataforma

 7 months ago 

Hoping for the best, having to start first, to know a lot of things. We wish our team good luck.

 7 months ago 

Semoga team ini bisa menjadi tim coratur dibulan september yang akan datang. Semoga kesuksesan berpihak kepada team anda, sehingga bisa melakukam tugasnya sesuai dengan komitmen anda bersama💪

 7 months ago 

Terima kasih atas harapan, doanya, serta dukungan yang di berikan.

 7 months ago 

Tim yang luar biasa ini sangat patut menjadi salah satu tim kurator untuk selanjutnya. Semoga Sukses..

 7 months ago 

Terima kasih untuk harap dan doanya bang fajrularifst.