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RE: The Interview Showcase #28 - Exclusive Talk With A Crypto Analyst / Poland User

in Hot News Community2 years ago

Greetings friend @ubongudofot

What a nice interview with people with a positive vibe, always helping others, excellent questions for the friend @crypto.piort. Very much in agreement with your contribution, always supporting and helping noble causes. He is a person committed to his Project.hope community. A familiar and loving man with his pet, who has a nice name for that beautiful dog called "Happy".

I am very glad that beautiful support


Saludos amigo @ubongudofot

Que bonita entrevista a gente con una vibra positiva, siempre ayudando a otros, excelentes preguntas para el amigo @crypto.piort. Muy de acuerdo con su aporte siempre apoyando y ayudando en nobles causas. Es una persona comprometida con su comunidad Project.hope. Un hombre familiar y amoroso con su mascota, que tiene un simpático nombre para esa hermosa perrita llamada "Feliz".

Me alegro mucho ese apoyo bonito.
Un abrazo.

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your beautiful comment..., it gives me Joy engaging in activities like this.