in Writing & Reviews3 years ago

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Another huge milestone we've all achieved: 4000 subscribers!!

We're really really happy to anounce that thanks to all of you, we have now reached 4000 subscribers!! We keep on growing and assuring how much we all have fun here!

It's so nice to see how week after week we grow, share and have such great moments. It's a pleasure for us to read all your posts and to see how talented and creative people we have. All posts that you share with us help us grow as a community, but as well as this, we also encourage Steemit to grow and develop as a one of a kind platform with quality content. We're really grateful and happy to see how all of you are sharing and being an active part of all this!

Thank you for being here with us!

A very special thank you as well to @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 for their constant support!


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Alcanzamos otro gran logro todos juntos: 4000 suscriptores!!

Estamos realmente felices de anunciar que gracias a todos ustedes, alcanzamos 4000 suscriptores!! Es increíble ver cómo estamos creciendo y nos seguimos fortaleciendo como una comunidad en la que todos nos divertimos!

Es muy lindo ver cómo vamos creciendo semana tras semana, compartiendo escritos y grandes momentos. Es un placer para nosotras leer sus publicaciones y ver lo creativos y talentosos que son los usuarios que tenemos aquí. Todas las publicaciones que comparten con nosotros nos hacen crecer no sólo como comunidad, sino que también ayuda a Steemit a posicionarse como una plataforma única en su tipo con contenido original y de calidad.

Gracias por ser parte y acompañarnos a diario!

Un agradecimiento muy especial para @steemcurator01 y @steemcurator02 por su constante apoyo y soporte a esta comunidad

Lots of love, Writing & Reviews team

@belenguerra & @fendit


Everyday I am here, I wish i had decided to check in way earlier.
@Fendit and @belenguerra... You both are wonderful people.

And I am certain that this community is only just getting started. We are shooting to 10,000 subscribers soon.


 3 years ago 

Thank you for such kind words :)!

 3 years ago 

thank you very much my friend!! We are very happy to have all of you here!!

Congratulations on the 4000 subscribers! I know that you will have a smooth sailing journey and a long way to go with your great support in this amazing community. God speed!

Congratulations to @fendit, @belenguerra. It's a beautiful family. Nice new friends ^^

 3 years ago 

It sure is! :)
Thank you for being part of it!

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot my friend!!

 3 years ago (edited)

No doubt.. proud moment for us ,, congrats to all members and admins ❤️✨✨✨

 3 years ago 

Thank you for being part of it!! :)

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Muchas felicidades por tal logro, espero que podamos seguir creciendo como comunidad, saludos : )

Que bien, felicidades 🤗

¡Yeyy! y seguiremos creciendo 😁🙌

 3 years ago 

Exacto!! Gracias por ser parte! :)

Congratulation for 4000 subscribers .It is honour for admins Mrs.@fendit &@belenguerra as well as for members of this community .
I hope it will progress leaps and bounds.

 3 years ago 

Thank you!!

yeeeyy congratulations @fendit,@belenguerra for 4000 subscribers you are great people don't ever give up to continue to be the best🥳

 3 years ago 

Thank you!

 3 years ago 

Thank you!! <3 <3

 3 years ago 

Congratulations to this great community, our beautiful admins @fendit, @belenguerra and also @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 for their massive support.

I'm so glad to be here❤❤