Cups of Coffee with God - Luka Korba #14 ; Thursday, 27th of January, 2022

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I went to the movies;
I watched the show that is my mind.
I was about to
walk out mid-way and leave behind
all of the chaos
that was the concept of the show,
but something in me
made me stay and just let go.

My mind's the blue sky,
and all the thoughts are just white clouds
just passing by me;
I'm not the fears; I'm not the doubts;
I'm just a witness;
A mere observer of the mind.
I'm so damn grateful
that strength to stay there I could find.

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Lyrical Perfume

I sat down to write the greatest song I ever wrote.
In my mind I was a sailor and this pen was my boat.
To my surprise, the more I tried, the more I sailed off course.
I imagined all the wars that took place on these waters.

I was down, and every word I penned seemed to be off.
In my mind, it was impossible for me to love
this out of tune lyrical perfume, but I smiled through it.
It seemed alien to me, but I knew I had to do it.

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Love A Reminder, Silence A Cushion

Think I'm starting to enjoy this daily listening to silence.
There's beauty in the chaos and a beauty in the violence
of the monkey mind blind to the infinite potential
of the world we're all a part of; Realising it's essential.

In the absence of the comfort we are used to, we must push on,
using love as a reminder and the silence as a cushion.
It is easy to get lost inside of thoughts and lose momentum,
but accepting all the habits is the only way to end them.

I'm in no way near the point where I am free of misconceptions,
but I'm witnessing the shattering of illusory perceptions,
and it's here, amid the stillness and the softness of the present,
that I'm free of all the chaos; I realised the ego isn't me.

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Behind the Curtains, Behind the Masks

Time to strip away the fear and come on out of hiding.
Externally, there's lots of danger, but there's love residing
on the inside, 'hind the curtains and behind the masks.
Time to strip away the fear, for danger never lasts.

Can you smell it? It is God knocking at your doors
with a cup of coffee just to put you back on course.
To revive the inner child is to take the first step,
and to shower it with love is to drop any regret.

"In normal circumstances, normally, I would be normal,
but since God is in the conversation, I cannot be informal.
Seriously, I'm being serious about this life I'm living."
Oh, how funny is the ego; It deserves to be forgiven.

All photos from - edited by me.

Much Love,

 3 years ago 

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