Let's connect!

in Startups5 years ago (edited)

[EDIT] We would like to inform you that the Startups community has moved to Hive https://hive.blog/trending/hive-112721


See you there!


Hello there! :) Interesting blind introduction.
Let's start - here is a comment - now, who are you? :)

I feel asking for all other social media profile is a bit disturbing, but maybe it's just me.

I'll just say I use twitter for reading news & getting push-notifications from few programs/machines. On twitter I share my steem posts and sometimes personal crypto views @svemirac7.
Facebook - mainly for catching up with old friends scattered around the world - - I post pictures from time to time... but I'm far more frequent on steem(it/peak).

I am astrophysicist so everything related to universe and space sparks interest to me, but basically all science is just awesome, but I'll quote E. Rutherford

All Science is either physics or stamp collecting.

To sum it all up - I love science, science fiction (books>movies), games and music (sadly have no idea how to make any sound other than noise)!

I've created community and preparing to start up community for astronomy related articles - focusing on news, views, debates and large part of it being AstroPhotography!

Your turn,

I am not a scientist, but I do love science. Astronomy is particularly fascinating to me as well. I'd be happy to learn more about your community when that is up and running.

Wow that is so fascinating @svemirac! I take a very esoteric side to space but I love learning the scientific side to merge the thoughts/ideas together to get a glimpse of what's out there! I'd be happy to pop into your community and learn when it's up and running! Nice to e-meet you!

Hello All,

I am a graphic designer and digital artist. I design banners, logos, corporate ids ... what a graphic designer usually does. I usually prepare and share GIFs in recent days. I use selfie kind visuals to directly to proof Myself and me created them. I am trying to communicate more with the audience in these.

I don't use mainstream social media. I don't like bindings in social life. I think most smartest and powerful... one always rule them all. But I use crypto platforms for their rewards. I always feel like social bindings make me do something that ı don't believe in.

Now You can ask "So why you wrote here?" I'm promoting my self.


Thanks for interest.

I am lost in that gif with the Steem loop. I'll need a doctor 😄

This is a wonderful initiative! It seems like congregating this kind of content into an area that's easy to find will foster many more connections so thank you for putting this together!💙

My motives and passions: Health for the people and the planet!

I love creating content that inspires people to live a better life every day.
I woke up one day and realized the life I was living was like a dream and wasn't giving me meaning... so I changed it and share everything that helped me along the way!

My educational background is in Organizational Behavior, I'm a health and wellness junkie with a wide range of modalities I pull from. I'm a certified raw food nutritionist, I work with energy as a form of healing, I try to expand my mind on a constant basis to continue learning, growing and creating!

I create content that ranges from self-help motivation pieces to delicious recipes with travel and creative writing in between but those are just some of my personal passions.


I'm involved with an amazing tech project... more like movement that aims to truly change the world through the financial system.

I am leading the alliances/partnership aspect and would love to connect with some like minded organizations/projects or initiatives here!

You can connect with me on Discord: heart-to-heart#6389

Hi @heart-to-heart, nice to connect with someone who pursues so many passions like you. Your tech project also looks interesting, can you expand on that?

Sure can! We've developed a currency that is at the heart designed to reward environmental/social good behaviors. There is a complex eco-system that creates opportunities in similar ways to Steemit such as interactions, reputation, transferring currency and more but it expands on ways to give people more say in how the platform is run (your usage/interactions give you higher scores/more abilities to contribute your say). It's decentralized and the goal is that the users will decide how to run it with emphasis and incentivization on doing social and environmental good (25% of the generated coins go to those initiatives specifically).

We're partnering/teaming up with organizations that "want to do good for the world"... that can really mean anything/anyone but we're looking for alignment with trying to solve the environmental and governmental crises that are currently operating in the world now.

 5 years ago (edited)

That is an amazing cause. I am curious about the long-term sustainability. Maybe that could be the topic of a discussion in one of the next Startups' events.

Well, sustainability only serves to sustain something. This projects moves over and past that into regeneration which I think is very important for the world to strive towards so we can do even better to heal some of the damage that's been caused. I'd love for this to be a topic discussed here!

 5 years ago (edited)

I am @Geido, passionate about so many things I'll hardly fit them in this comment. I study and research on the topics of marketing, business, and leadership. I also have a background as a software developer and technology executive.

I want to get in touch with everyone interested in the topics of launching and managing startups, as well as everyone with an interest in high-tech.

Hi @geido, nice to meet you! I have a project that I think you'd be interested in given your background and share here. Seems like you might be a perfect fit! I'm heart-to-heart#6389 on Discord if you'd like to connect!

This is an interesting iniciative- wish there was something like this when I joined Steemit :)

Hi, I am an (amateur) digital artist and illustrator. What I enjoy the most, fanart-making aside, is character design. I love creating characters, give them background and making stories about them.

I also write fiction (mostly fanfictions, but I also make original stories from time to time). And, well, anime and japanese music.

As for social media...

Twitter - W.I.Ps, previews, finished works, quick statements, etc. I like the simplicity Twitter offers, and the fact I don't have to bother in ordening my mess.


Instagram (beginning stage) - Finished works only, I plan to use it mostly for promotion when i'm ready to open comissions.


Creary - 100% there for the rewards, not gonna lie. But I like they got a system alike to DA when it comes down to monetize content (aside from upvotes).


Devianart - Another (future) channel for promotion, as it's easier to connect with the fandoms i'm into via DA. They were one, if not the first, to offer a monetization path for its users, which aligns with my goals.

Side note: For some reason, DA wiped my old account (over 7 years old) so I've to start back from scratch.


Hey @airiam, your illustrations look really nice!

Before I began I like to give thanks for this kind of great idea to introduce real us.

I am sumit (@sumit1998) I like steem and love to write about it not because it get upvote it is because I love steem and I am very much passionate about its future, love to participate in contests but if I like the topic not like reviews contest I hate that type of contest, I like my followers and want to give them only reading material by authoring great articles not trash.

Currently only active on steem user is :- @sumit1998
Also using Twitter but only for sharing Steemit post link under #posh initiative so that steem can get some more attention.

I see you write a lot on Steem. Keep it going 😉

Great initiative !
I haven't been here as long as any of you, o wise Steemians, but my first reaction was indeed to contemplate the dominance of the 'topic scene' by Steemit. It is not much of a problem to me, however, as there is so much I have yet to learn about this great platform.

About me: I'm quite a versatile guy; worked mostly as a Business Developer because I l̶i̶k̶e̶ love to solve problems. Whether it is marketing, finance, customer or product-related, I'm in.

I also love to try and understand things (the more complex the better). That would include geopolitics, history, the beauty of mathematics, new technologies but also psychology, economics and litterature.

Not a social media person, but you can reach me /// on Twitter if you want to discuss anything or simply feed my problem-solving addiction). Otherwise I'll be here writing about Blockchains as I guess it is a good bridge between Steemit and many other topics.
All the best

Nice! Solving problems is also my passion especially in business related topics.

Hi! How are you? A lot of things motivate me. When I am surrounded by others who are fully motivated and love what they do I think that motivates me more than anything. I love to try new things as well. At the moment, Steemit is one of those things. Reading all of these amazing posts are keeping me motivated. Here is a link to my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misslyric01

I am currently invested in my music and posting videos on my YouTube channel. Thank you!

Good luck with your endeavor @misslyric!

Hello, my friends call me Groot. I've been into copywriting and blogging since I joined steemit 3 years ago. Since then, i've not looked back. I did take a while off steemit though. But that was largely because my PC had a problem. I am back now.

A bit about me.

I am an engineering college graduate in Nigeria. My blogging interests include science and STEM-related contents, blockchain technology, Mobile startup technology and app development, and the likes.

Whenever I write STEM articles, I try explaining the underlying scientific concepts so that it's easy for just about anyone to enjoy reading them.

I also enjoy a bit of James Clear inspirational posts, and posts about minimalism and society - literally, anything that engages the mind and makes people more self-aware- and I find myself sharing short lessons I get from such contents here.

Twitter is my go-to mainstream social media. You can find me here: https://twitter.com/wizzyblast11
Happy to connect with you.

Hi @pangoli. Nice to e-meet you. We share quite a lot of interests!

Hello I'm @sn0n, I'm heavily motivated my new insights and seeing people accomplish what they didn't think possible. I lean towards life coach in all that I do, nothing like problem solving and helping people connect the dots on their projects. If only my projects got the same love. I'm currently working on a diy self-help personal action / development plan thing, check it out on https://blokz.io/
Also working on a steem based Myspace/personal profile project also on blokz.io...

I enjoy website development and bug hunting others software, pretty much any language, they are all pretty much the same.
Pixel graphics are fun to do, same for any drawing really, but I'm uber bad at it.
I enjoy fixing hardware things as well, robotics (fixed robots for Amazon for a couple hears), cell phones, computers and other electronics. Have soldering equipment and know how.
I have been around software for a very long time (late 80s), and I like to say "know to much to be useful", I wanted to touch all aspects of technology (both software and hardware).. master of none, knower of all I guess.

I'm @sn0n around the web, keybase and Twitter are best to contact me on, or the blokz discord @ https://discord.gg/CgE3Sgr

Hi @sn0n, I like how you are designing the profiles https://profile.blokz.io/?steem=sn0n. Good luck with that!

Thank you, a lot of work to be done. But I'm enjoying the project, the next evolution of the profiles should be coming soon, with steemconnect and keychain integration.
As well as another unannounced steem project. ^>^

I am curious now 😃