 3 years ago 

Hello @yakspeace
Welcome to the Colombia-Original community. I have already verified you as "parcera ", I know well that it is not a common word, but in Colombia good friends are called "Parceros" or "Parceras", so that you understand what it means, it is always good to clarify it.

In Colombia-Original is very important the originality above all, there is a great diversity of topics that you can develop, here I leave you a link where you can see the options:

We have a project called "Ser Humano", through which we support many users with the purchase of medicines and food, for this reason we appreciate the placement of the beneficiary at 15%, even when it is not mandatory, for us it is a great contribution. More details about it, here:

I leave you the link to our Twitter account:

We have on the platform a Witness from Latin America, which is @cotina, if you can support, it is very easy to do, here is the link to how:

Again, welcome to Colombia-Original