SEC S11W1: Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood

in Colombia-Original11 months ago (edited)


Family children photo gallery profile


Assalam-o-Alaikum !السلام عليكم

First of all, I welcome you all to my steem blog and I thank the Colombia-Original for giving us the opportunity to write on a beautiful topic that is related to children and parents. I think it is a very beautiful topic and we must express our original thoughts on it as husbands or fathers or sons and daughters so that we can tell and understand all the men and women of the world. If you want to participate in this topic or this challenge, click on SEC S11W1: Desafiando tus creencias sobre la Maternidad y Paternidad | Challenging Your Beliefs about Motherhood and Fatherhood the given link and learn more about how to write about this topic.


1- Do you think a man or a woman is incomplete if they are not a father or a mother? Why?

Allah has created man as the best of all creatures and the reason for man being the best of all creatures is man's knowledge and consciousness. Then Allah made pairs of human beings and with the help of these pairs, Allah advanced the human race. The union of a man and a woman advances the race, and a man and a woman are incomplete if they do not enjoy the pleasure of procreation.

Because in my religion, mother and father have a great place and if husband and wife raise their children well, Allah Ta'ala increases the ranks of these parents. But we have to understand how husband and wife are incomplete without children. If the husband and wife do not have children, they cannot understand the relationship of children and all the relationships associated with it, because children create in man the element of humanity, compassion and an incomprehensible natural love, which makes the human heart as soft and compassionate as the wax of the parents.

Family children photo gallery profile

The real change in man after marriage takes place when he attains the rank of mother or father. Allah has placed such love and delight in children that cannot be found in any fruit of the world.

Children play an important role in changing the thoughts of parents from negative to positive and I say from my experience that when I did not become a father, there was no significant change in my life, but when I became a father, at that moment my thoughts and all thoughts changed completely and I felt as if I am the most fortunate person in this world who was blessed by Allah with children.

Children are the name of a servant and the name of peace and comfort which is not obtained from wealth or luxury from fame but it is such a peace that one always obtains children and I think that husband and wife are 100% incomplete without children. Husband and wife are complete when they are exposed to the wealth of children. I am unable to express in words the comfort that comes from children.


2- Do you think a parent should put aside their goals or dreams for their children? Explain your answer.


my first son , he is disable but is my soul ,he is my life

I believe that the goals and future of the parents are connected with the future of the children. Parents will never have to give up their life goals if they try to achieve their goals and aspirations by connecting them with their children. I believe that parents should work hard to achieve their goals and not abandon them because when children see their parents working positively and hard, they will also have the motivation to work hard because parents have the responsibility to properly train their children to be hardworking and positive people because it has been seen that the role of parents is very helpful in developing children's character and parents who are successful are an example for their children.


3- What is your view of people who choose not to have children?

I will say in clear words that couples who don't want children and want to live life without children then I think they can never understand many relationships in life and feelings associated with them.

For couples who do not want to have children, I will say this briefly about them that they lose the importance of children, the importance of parents, love, affection, compassion and above all that one pleasure that only parents can feel.

I think that the relationship between husband and wife without children gives only 10% peace and after having children, 90% pleasure and love is added to this relationship. I am saying again and again the pleasure and peace in children can only be felt by the one who has children and this pleasure is very difficult to express in words because it is all natural and I will say that the husband and wife who imagine life without children are always deprived of this pleasure and peace.


4- Do you consider that in order to be a mother or father there must be ideal conditions (economic, social and physical and mental health)? Why?

I am a Muslim and I believe that Allah is the owner of sustenance and Allah gives as much sustenance as he needs, but it is man's duty to seek hard work and Allah gives man the fruits of his labor.

But I don't think it is appropriate to say that a person should have children when his conditions are better economically, socially and mentally, because when a person enters into a relationship with a husband and wife, the mental and social conditions were favorable, then the basis of this relationship was formed.

But if the husband and wife are poor and they don't want to have children because of their poverty, then I am not in favor of this idea because I believe that every born person brings his own livelihood and there are thousands of examples of successful people in the world.

One thing is certain, if a person is crazy and he is married and the wife knows that her husband is mentally handicapped, then the better decision in this situation is not to have children and the wife should divorce this husband and marry another one to enlighten herself with the pleasure of children.

I am very grateful to you all for reading my article and I hope you will like it.

I invite my steemit urdu community members @jessica566 , @hassan920 , @anwar1976 to this challenge.

All pictures are original , has been taken from my own mobile phone

Thank you all very much for taking the time to read my article.

Best wishes






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سر آپ نے تو کمال کی پوسٹ لکھی ہے۔سر جب آپ نے لکھا کہ اولاد ہی منفرد محبت کا نام ہے اور اولاد کی لذت صرف وہی محسوس کرسکتا ہے جسکی اولاد ہو۔ میری شادی تو نہیں ہوئی لیکن یہ میں دیکھتا ہوں کہ اولاد کی محبت میں ہر والد اس کے بہتر تعلیم مستقبل کے لیے فکر مند ہوتا ہے۔۔

مجھے یہ پوسٹ بہت پسند آئی ہے۔

آپ کا بہت بہت شکریہ اور آپ کی شادی نہیں ہوئی لیکن میں آپ کو مشورہ دوں گا کہ جب آپ شادی کریں گے تو اس وقت آپ محسوس کریں گے کہ اصل زندگی کا ذائقہ کیا ہے اور شادی کے بعد آپ کی زندگی میں تبدیلی نہیں آئے گی بلکہ آپ میں تبدیلی تب آئے گی جب آپ بچے کو اپنی گود میں رکھیں، تاکہ آپ محسوس کر سکیں کہ خاندان کے لیے حقیقی فطرت کی محبت کیا ہے۔

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Assalamu'alaikum @yousafharoonkhan senang membaca artikel anda. Kalimat demi kalimat yang anda rangkai bernilai edukasi dan pembelajaran buat semua pembaca. Memang benar seperti yang anda uraikan, punya keluarga dan punya anak adalah dua hal yang paling utama. Ketika kita sudah dewasa dan punya tanggungan, maka disaat itu tanggung jawab kita semakin besar, terutama dalam mengatur dan membina keluarga. Mengarahkan anak-anak kita kejalan yang benar dan sesuai dengan tuntutan dan tuntunan agama. Untuk itu jangan pernah menyesal dan jangan pernah menunda untuk punya anak, karena dengan karunia tersebut hidup kita akan berkah, rejeki berlimpah dan hidup dalam kenyamann serta kerukunan. Terimakasih sudah berbagi, semoga sukses selalu. Salam

Sebelumnya terima kasih telah menyukai artikel saya. Saya setuju dengan Anda bahwa kita tidak boleh menunda memiliki anak sama sekali karena jika kita memiliki anak di usia muda kita dapat melatih mereka dengan lebih baik dan dengan demikian memberikan perawatan yang lebih baik. Berbahagialah. Terima kasih atas dorongannya.

 11 months ago 

Es interesante conocer lo que la religión y costumbre les dicta. me quedo con esta frase:

Creo que los padres deben trabajar duro para lograr sus metas y no abandonarlos porque cuando los hijos ven a sus padres trabajando positivamente y duro, ellos también tendrán la motivación para trabajar

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Te sugiero votar por @cotina como Witness, sino sabes cómo hacerlo, podrías revisar esta publicación:

Thank you so much for appreciation

Saludos amigo.

Dios bendiga a su gran familia, es bonito cuando los hijos llega a nuestra vida para cambiarla, para hacerla mejor, para hacernos felices, un hogar es la confirmación de esposa, esposa e hijos, asi recibimos muchas bendiciones.

Feliz tarde amigo.

Una casa parece aburrida sin niños y con niños la casa es brillante. Estas son las alegrías de la vida que recibimos de nuestros hijos. Que Dios bendiga a su familia.
Gracias por el aliento.

Saludos amigo, aunque la experiencia de ser padres nos puede llenar por completo es incomodo considerar que al no serlo pidemos ser seres incompletos, ademas es de inteligentes respetar las posiciones de nuestros senejantes. Saludos.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con sus comentarios, sin respeto y plan combinado, no podemos tener una vida matrimonial feliz, así que muchas gracias por visitar mi publicación.

It will not be perfect as a father or mother if you do not have children. Lonely feels a couple if they are not present among us. Yes my brother, Humans are perfect creatures who are given reason to think about how beautiful the plan that God has prepared for a couple who has children.

Kids bring unique pure feeling for parents that we can not gind without kids.i love my family and my kids.i believe that there is no sweet honey than kids.thank you dear dor visiting my text

You're welcome brother

May God's protection always accompany your good steps my brother

Bhut achi post lakhi hai. Waladain tu vo hasti hain ju apnay bacho ka lia sub khuch lota daytay hain. Olad har kisi ku achi lugti ma kuy shak ni ka olad ka bagir ghr aur wife husbnad complete ni hotay. Waladain apny bacho ku achi taleem tarbyat daytay hain.

jesscia ap ka bhut shukria ka ap nay time nikal kar mari yeah post pari, aur as ma kuy shak ni ka family complete he bacho say hoti hai, bachy olad bagir ghar mokamal he ni hota hai, mujay omaid hai ap as m zaror sharkat krain gay, thank you

You are right God created every man to take care of his family. To that it is the responsibility of a man and woman to look after they children. Nice post.

اللہ نے ہر انسان کو خود مختیار پیدا کیا ہے۔اور اولادکی پرورش والدین کا حق ہے۔کیونکہ مرد کا کام بیوی اور بچوں کو کما کر دینا ہوتا ہے جبکہ بیوی بچوں کی دیکھ بھال اور تربیت کرتی ہے۔اسطرح ایک گھر مکمل ہوتا ہے

Greetings my friend

You are right when you say that parents should work positively for their children and for themselves, that is for me considered as a legacy to leave in our children, always go forward.

It was nice to read you and learn about other customs. Best wishes

میں سمجھتا ہوں کے انسان کے مثبت کردار ہر طرح کے مساہل کو کم کردیتا ہے۔اسطرح میاں بیوی مشکل معاشی مساہل میں بھی اگر مثبتطسوچ کےطساتھ مل کر چلیں تو وہ اولاد کے ساتھ بھی مچکلات پر قابوشپاہبسکتے اور گھرچاولاد سے مکملطہوتا ہے