Don't confuse what you want most at this moment with what you want most in life.

in Steem passion2 years ago (edited)


When we have feelings, we can create an image of our loved one and deceive ourselves with expectations of how we want them to be, how they treat us and how they love us, and with that we don't allow ourselves to see how they really are.

The person always gives signs of who they really are, but we often choose to ignore those signs.

If things deviate from our idealization, we end up disappointed. We may even fool ourselves into believing that if the other person doesn't offer the minimum, it's because we don't deserve it.

In the end, you run the risk of believing that you only deserve crumbs and you try to settle for them. But you are not satisfied and end up blaming yourself for it.

As tempting as it is to believe that the other person will eventually realize the mistakes and faults they have been making and change, this almost never happens. Being honest with yourself is essential.

If you have tried talking and still nothing changes, you have to consider the cost of staying: the cost to your emotional and psychological well-being, the cost to your self-esteem, the cost to your sense of identity, and the cost to your future.

Understand: if the other hasn't changed because of love, they won't change because of your pain.

You deserve someone who

  • Strives to prove that he or she is important;
  • Is consistent between what he says and what he does;
  • Outweighs the negative;
  • Cares about you and your life;
  • Helps you overcome your weaknesses;
  • Helps you face your fears;
  • Cares and empathizes;
  • Makes you a priority;
  • Encourages your dreams;
  • Values you;
  • Respects you;

What hurts isn't the love, it's the people. Ending a relationship is painful, but staying in a relationship that doesn't offer the bare minimum is even more painful. Perfect relationships do not exist. However, some things should be non-negotiable.

Sometimes we need to ignore what we feel to remember what we deserve.

Don't be complicit in your own dissatisfaction. Know when to walk away.