Storm of Panic

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

— 'Storm of Panic' —
—  .  —

— verse poetry —
— and photos by @d-pend


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Storm of Panic

The most varied, the most toilsome thoughts
arise when peace is wanted most of all.
Claimèd want, exclaimèd end made moot
by tainted means, a hearthstone held in thrall.

The most twisted, fulminant-tied knots
follow chaos in its trumped suit
to mar the rigging, ocean-bind the hull
and hurl the taut-held rope-web into null.

Constellated heart, and sparkèd eye,
you flicker from one galaxy, again
to hover to the next ballooning world,
and settle for a moment in the wind.

Varied currents, cumbrous paths and rills
spiderweb through farmland of the mind
to carve a viral passage with fell tills
by starfire and fey desire lined.

Fated moment, wretched overwhelm,
culminating cloud and thund'rous swell
cosmic ink-lines splattered on soul-vellum,
sound alarms and raise the global knell.

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This post is entirely original content
— created by @d-pend
to be posted to blockchain April 4, 2020.

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Standing O ... awesome work, Daniel:)

you did an excellent work