Who Do I Follow On Steem and Why? - My 6 Months' Journey

Image by geralt from Pixabay
Who Do I Follow on Steem & Why - Initiative
I just found this initiative from @theycallmedan and decided to join in and provide my input on who I follow on Steem and why. I'm new to Steem, having just joined in July of 2019. So, January 29, 2020 was my 6-month anniversary here.
During the first month, Steem felt like I'd just stepped into the Twilight Zone. It was intimidating attempting to navigate the unknown. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and how to go about finding out. My goal was to make as few mistakes as possible.
I read numerous blogs from people I didn't know. Whether it was their opinion or facts they included in their posts, I couldn't tell. It all seemed the same to me because I didn't know anything about blogging or cryptocurrency. So I was wide-eyed trying to learn. Those individuals who were posting content seemed as though they knew what they were talking about. My only assumption was that they had to know more than I did. The clock was ticking on my learning curve.

Image by mohamed_hassan from Pixaby
Luckily, I found some awesome mentors who jump started my journey on Steem. I was told to just post a blog each day, comment on other authors' posts, support their content with votes.
I began to gain some clarity and see through the fog with the help of the individuals whom I discovered, read several of their posts, and decided to follow. I present these individuals not in order of important; rather, in order of my journey on Steem from the beginning.
As the owner of Click Track Profit ("CTP"), @jongolson introduced his membership to Steem and the Steemit platform for blogging through his training lessons he developed for his members. He and his team developed the CTPTalk Tribe. He then urged his members to create an account and explore all Steem had to offer. He also urged his members to explore the blockchain and learn about cryptocurrency. I was hesitant to join at first.
I knew nothing about crypto or blogging. The only reason I finally did join Steem was to satisfy the requirement in the one of the training modules. I waited until the end of July to join. I'm thankful that his training modules dealing with Steem was left available for members to revisit as many times as needed to familiarize themselves with Steem. His training lessons also covered staking and trading.
What an accomplishment for me when I completed the CTP Steem training module and received my CTP badge for posting 200 blogs:

Screenshot of @justclickin's account at CTP
He also added other training modules that dealt with blogging, commenting, and curating. @jongolson continuously develops CTP and his CTPTalk Tribe. I feel he is totally committed to the success of Steem. If any of his members or anyone on Steemit has a problem he can assist with, he will attempt to do so.
If it were not for @jongolson and CTP, I would not have joined Steem.

Once I joined Steem and started blogging, my fellow teammate at CTP suggested I join a few Tribes to expand my writings and meet new Steemians. One group in particular he suggested I join was Steem Terminal. He stated this was the place I needed to be in order to learn.
He was right. I had no idea what to expect when I joined Steem Terminal. But I soon discovered that the individuals who operated this Discord group are truly dedicated to assisting new Steemians learn and grow on Steem.
The individual at Steem Terminal that sort of took me under her wing and looked after me to make sure I was doing things the right way was @brittandjosie. She and the other founders of Steem Terminal make you feel welcome the moment you enter the terminal. @brittandjosie is one of the greeters. She and the Steem Terminal co-founders hold a monthly Redfish Rally to help new Steemians with less than 500SP grow their accounts. They also provide indepth instructions with regards to correct blog creation, sourcing, engagement, curating, and any other questions you will have.
I wasn't sourcing my blogs correctly. As I created them, @brittandjosie would advise how to make sure my posts were accurate. I used her blogs as examples. She is one of the individuals on steem that truly wants to help others, especially beginning Steemians. Her signature blog series "4 o'clocky" is a great daily read. She has posted a blog every day for the past two years. It's a testament to her dedication to Steem and her desire for its success.
@brittandjosie is also the manager of the witness group @blocktrades. Accordimg to the posts I've read, she is handling this task effectively. She is a person with a positive attitude. She lights up the Steem Terminal Discord chat with her humor. She blogs on various topic and enters contests. I've noticed that numerous times, she requests that if she wins a contest, her earnings be returned to the sponsor to help with additional prizes or to defray costs.
It doesn't matter when you're able to be present in the Steem Terminal chat, if she's not there due to the time zone difference, when she does return, she reads all the messages she can and tries to respond to each. She recently celebrated reaching a 70 reputation. She is a hard worker, and it's a plesure to work with and earn from her.
I was a bit sad to graduate from the Redfish Rally program because it was such fun and engagement with not only her, but all the Steem Terminal owners and moderators.

The founder of the Power House Creatives ("PHC") group, @jaynie is the nicest person you'd ever want to engage with on Steem. Her no-nonsense approach has made her Discord Channel the most organized and team-oriented space to be a part of. She is food enthusiast, and you can tell by the content of her food blogs.
When I first landed in PHC's channel, I read the instructions for newcomers. I couldn't believe the numerous requirements to gain and maintain membership. I had to return several times to re-read the requirements and instructions. I had serious thoughts of not continuing.
I had to step back, consider what was being asked of me, and decide whether I wanted to move forward with being a member. I made a checklist of items to be completed. After a week, I realized what was being asked was minor if approached correctly.
What I couldn't see at first was the philosophy behind @jaynie's concept. If you want to be considered a member and enjoy the benefits, then you must give back. In other words, treat others as you wish to be treated.
I didn't really understand the concept of engagement on Steem until I entered PHC's community of like-minded indiviuals. You can't expect others to support your work if you don't do the same. Simple as that. And that concept is now engrained in my way of thinking, thanks to @jaynie.
Each day @jaynie creates a post highlighting her members' quality blogs. You can even recommend other PHC members' work if you feel that contain quality content. All this makes one feel inclusive in the community. Numerous benefits exists for members of PHC, but you have to earn them. If you do, @jaynie will ensure that you will be rewarded.

There are other individuals I'd like to acknowledge. @c0ff33a awarded me a 200SP delegation that is still intact today for winning a contest. I'm truly grateful for his supporing my efforts here. @mariannewest for her daily freewriting that allows my love of fiction to flourish; @shadowspub for providing another outlet, Prompt A Day, for my writing; @viking-ventures gave me tips on how I could construct my blogs to declutter them so the focus would be on the current content. I can't thank her enough. She also worked with me on a formatting feature in SteemPeak.
And what would my journey here on Steem be without the numerous contests that several Steemians hold that helped me grow my account to Minnow.These individuals and others below are some of the Steemians who assisted me during my 6 months here, and who continue to provide their support:
@xcountytravelers; @thekittygirl; @wesphilbin; @thisisawesome; @zord189; @felt.buzz; @pifc; @dswigle; @melinda010100; @ph1102; @flaxz; @redheadpei; @kirkoliver; @mamasez; @carolkean; @papilloncharity; and @deannematthews.
Also, I'd like to mention members from these Tribes:

Image made in Canva by @justclickindiva
Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention all MY FOLLOWERS. These are the true Steemians, some of which have followed me from the beginning of my journey on Steem. Others have found me along the way by taking the time to visit my posts and engage with me. They have continued to follow my progress, suppporting, and encouraging me every day. As I told them at the beginning:

Image by geralt from Pixaby
And I'm lucky enough now that after 6 months, they continue to follow me in order to monitor my progress and keep me going down the straight path to success. I'm determined not to disappoint them.

After 6 months here on steem, I can say I've made progress. I don't feel like a beginner Redfish any longer. Of course, I still have a lot to learn, especially on the trading and market side of Steem, and cryptocurrency aspects. But for the individuals named above, I wouldn't be as far along as I am now. You can't do it alone. And I thank everyone who had a part in my small success.
Reputation 63.624
Followers 119 | 82 following
Post Count 160 posts | 1,840 comments | 1,594 replies
My next goal is to gain enough Steem Power so that I can give back to other Steemians in the same spirit of the ones who helped me get my start on Steem.

Image by geralt from Pixaby
Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.
a) JustClickin logo created at CoolText.Com
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) Separator Lines Free ClipArt Belt from Public Domain Vectors & ShadedLine from ClipArt-Library
e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.

That’s is a great way to wake up! What a great shout out I am blushing. When you came in the steemterminal discord we saw a driven woman wanting to succeed and you see by the numbers that you did and still do. You indeed follow great leads from all of us and you win a lot hahahha I think you are better than me in contests. You Arcen example for the Pifc community and contestants and you made it in to powerhousecreatives that’s a great achievement untill now. Keep doing what you do and for most have fun that’s the most important thing on this platform, don’t let anything or anyone say different!
Blog soon
Oh Andries Blockbrothers 😉
You deserve good tidings all year long for your tireless work in helping new accounts. Once just has to look at your dedication and say "I can do that too." It's because of you that I have posted a blog every day now for almost 2 months. Don't know how long I can continue, but I'll just keep posting as long as good quality thoughts and ideas flow.
Yep, I've almost got the hang of the contests, so look out, here I come.
Your support is much appreciated as always.
Thank you so much for the shout out :)
And so grateful that you made the trip over here to Steem!
I know CTP members would love it, even if it's a bit daunting at first!
I came reluctantly, but glad I'm here now. Thanks for all your help @jongolson
Fabulous to learn you found help so quickly, I ran away for my first year, sneak peeking in to see how to overcome this platform in the beginning. It took time, only joining in communities helped in learning process after extensive research and reading, people help people!
Never heard of CTP, in early days Minnow-Boosters on Discord and in Steem platform where extremely helpful, then Team South Africa opened with an invitation which I accepted along with Qurator around the same time. We all find different paths into Steem, Power House Creatives became a new home in the past 2 years with newer SteemSA both run by Jaynie.
Presentation and introduction of your life in Steem has been a pleasure to read.
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/10 - need recharge?)
I truly appreciate you stopping by and supporting my work @tipu Thanks
Yes @joanstewart A place, community, channel is only as good as it's people. Any organization can exist as a shell company on paper, but it's the people inside that turns the wheels of acceptance, creativeness, production, exchange of ideas, comraderie, change, and team work.
I'm glad I was pointed in the direction of those groups in a short period of time. I have flourished because of them and everyone else here, including you, with your support and encouragement.
Once you find that in a platform or group setting, you know you're home.
Regardless of negativity trying to surge with the downvoting and petty squabbles, this place will survive because of the Tribes and Communities.
CTP is the affiliate site Click Track Profit. It's client base is Traffic Exchange owners and members. Traffic Exchanges (TEs) and (Paid To Click) sites were extremely popular about 10 years ago where members can earn by viewing advertisements and promotions. But then Paypal, their payment proessor, decided not to support this industry in longer in the U.S. It hurt the industry, bue they are finding other payment processors for their members to transact business at their sites.
Thanks for the mention Chris, and you are doing great and consistent work here, stay awesome.
You're welcome @flaxz I truly do appreciate all the help you have given me in my short time here. You love to help others succeed and provide great value to Steem.
Thank you very much, I am glad you like it, stay awesome.
Thanks for the mention, @justclickindiva... As I said before, you are a really good role model to follow here on STEEM!
Wish you all the best and people that you are following are really exceptional!
Thank you @ph1102 for all your help during my time here. I truly appreciate it. I've learned so much from your posts. You have a desire to help people, and that is important on any platform.
This post has been manually curated, resteemed
and gifted with some virtually delicious cake
from the @helpiecake curation team!
Much love to you from all of us at @helpie!
Keep up the great work!
Manually curated by @free-reign.
@helpie is a Community Witness.
Hello @helpie OMG, such a cutie cupcake, glad tidings, and good news of support you bring. the cupcake looks too cute to even consume. Thanks for your support as always. Much appreciated from your community.
Thanks for investing your time into putting this together @justclickindiva. As I indicated in my very first post "in here," the only reason I ever decided to establish my first (and only ...) online presence was to back my original investment in STEEM. And, to do so, I needed to find out more about the "user case," for why that might (or might not ... 😉) have been a good idea ...
Well, after +1-½ years, I am still here. And reading posts like yours, about the endearing and binding engagement amongst such a diverse group of people, is a large part of why. You have shared a lot of heartfelt observations about what it takes, with the help of others along the way, to get established.
All the best to you, for an even brighter next 6 months! 😊
Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope my next 6 months here with all the changes happening will prove to be worth my time and effort. In fact, I hope it's so for everyone.
Take care, and have a great day.
Great to see your list @justclickindiva - always good to see what inspires and motivates people
I think it’s a great list to and not especially that I am on it I promise 😉
LoL Great list indeed.
Hi @russellstockley How have you been lately? Thanks for stopping by and bringing your support and encouraging me to continue. A true CTP member I must say.
What a great list! ...and CONGRATS on your 6-month Steemiversary!
Thank you very much for your kind words. Yep, only a short time here, but I'm still having fun meeting new people. I appreciate all your help and support @thekittygirl on many issues and concerns I"ve had. You wisdom has helped me to refrain from doing certain things and to go forth when need be.
Congratulations on not just surviving, but thriving, @justclickindiva!
Thank you so much @fionasfavourites for your kind words of support and encouragement. With so many talented authors here on Steem, I just try to do my best.