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RE: That Dream – (PowerHouseCreatives Contest) – Dream Dreams

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

Aunque me apasionan las películas de terror, las he dejado a un lado. Me he inclinado ahora por las de acción. de todos mis sueños, recuerdo un 90%. Genrealmente son acerca de lo que hago a diario y para resolver problemas de mantenimiento. Mi mente no para, jaajaja. pero hay uno en particular que lo soñaba desde niño,constantemente y publicaré dentro de poco.
Un abrazo, mi estimado.

Although I am passionate about horror movies, I have put them aside. I have leaned now for action. Of all my dreams, I remember 90%. They are generally about what I do daily and to solve maintenance problems. My mind doesn't stop, lol. but there is one in particular that I dreamed of since childhood, constantly and will publish shortly.
A hug, my dear.


I used to remember all, or at least most dreams I had when I was younger. I usually woke up remembering a dream every morning then. I believe I still dream, because sometimes when I'm drifting off and something makes me wake up then, I can usually detect there were some dream-type things happening.