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RE: Friday the 13th - Paraskavedekatriaphobia - Superstition and Phobia

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Hahaha. sorry but I have to laugh at this truth, untruth here.
The truth is the phobia and the untruth is that my son was born on the 13th of July.
No harm has ever befallen him when the date falls on a Friday, simply because he doesn't believe in it. I put him wise when he was small and the guys at school used to tease him.
One wonders at the naivety of people, as they are so prepared to believe that rumors are fact.
Same in the Guy Fawkes instance where people celebrate an attempt at sabotage here in South Africa.
A funny world that we live in mate.


Superstitions and believes are sometimes very powerful. Most of them do no real harm, but it must have been horrible if you actually belief in superstition in the former times . One of the the most weird naivities I know was maybe the burning of the witches or the selling of indulgences by the catholic church. We are so blessed that science enlightened us in all that years 😊 .. Most of us 😉 .. So I assume you believe in the 13 to be a lucky number 🍀 .. Ohh while I see this leave here, in Ireland it is a sign of luck, but in Asia the number 4 is a unlucky one 🤞.. Weird and funny world indeed

A funny world indeed my friend and true that in the old days people died for their beliefs. So many today chase after the money god and if it were in the old days everyone would have been stoned Lol.