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RE: My steem story by @mrnightmare89

in ART LOVERS4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your story.

Most of my contents were ignored and barely earned a 1 dollar. It's kind of sad when I saw some contents that I thought it's nonsense but earned much bigger than my work.

Steem is a strange place. We all have different strategies and ways of doing things that it's not really possible to make comparisons between our posts and the posts of others.

After all, some of those posts you see with higher rewards than yours might have a valid reason behind those payouts. Some of us, myself included, have opted to invest some money to have a guaranteed return in our posts (well, in one post a day, at least.)

Others prefer to not make that initial investment and thus, their rewards are lower... but on the other hand, they're more real.

So, just keep doing what you feel its best for you and don't worry too much about making comparison with others.


yeah I'm aware about those investing when I fully understand about steem. But it didn't bother me anymore because I love to write and I didn't think of it for now..
thanks by the way..