Who do I Follow on Steem & Why? Good Question!

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

I will have to admit that just the thought of penning this post has made my head instantly hurt for the last few days. The fact it is here on the blockchain means I have probably alienated too many people who are important to me, and spent so much time researching and editing that it wasn't worth my time.

You gotta do what you gotta do for the blockchain and community members so grab a beer and lets do this!!

Source: Stolen from my fellow weirdo @jaynie. She happens to be one of the people I would encourage you to follow as she has been a champion of the blogger and leader of #powerhousecreatives @steemitbloggers since before that was even our title. Enjoy her spirit, creativity and leadership and DON'T GET HER MAD! Those Boots were made for BOOTING! ;)


Before I REALLY get going, know that there is no particular order to this list and I started by just belting out every name in an unorganized stream of conscience. I know that my particular list is like the A-list celebrities of STEEM and I can have them neither butt-hurt nor with an inflated head at appearing on this list, or where they fall in the hierarchy. ;)


One type of people I follow are leaders. So many of my favourite folks I happy to rally behind here are leaders and this guy leads like no other. I didn't know he was the founder of 3-speak so I am learning with this post as well. He is such a sober and informed insider and takes our fight from the blockchain to decentralized platforms and back. Huge investments, giant delegations, support of folks large and small, he enriches and inspires so many of us to action he had to come first. This post is inspired by yet another movement he has started and champions.

You want to rally behind a leader and usher in the next stages of STEEM? Follow this guy.


This fella is such a mystery to me. He was introduced to me by another person in this list years ago. "Check this guy out. His name says it all. He is rallying the folks across the planet together to become the stars of their own blog, and surpass google. That started a funny debate for sure but I was permanently left following, supporting, and starting to see how blockchain in general and STEEM could enable me to make dollars AND put them directly into the pockets of people around the world. Such a powerful seachange in my thinking and something I am proud of.

Marlians kingpin and empowerer of all the little folks across the globe. He is erratic as he is magically obsessed and it is such a pleasure to have spoken to him, and manually curate on the Marlians behalf.



The OG from the West/West! From day 1, I see this funny guy belting out the sports analysis, busting out performances like Johnny 3 Rings, and just making me laugh with his passion and polish. He would inspire me with his huge payouts from posts in the $8.00 STEEM days and it would brighten our day like a little attention from @ocdb or @curie when he supported us.

If you want to take a course in VLOG 101, be entertained, and follow one of the cornerstones of STEEM in my opinion, you better follow him suckaz!


I am pretty sure I have read the work of thousands of STEEM content providers...yet I am presently following less than 300. @gooddream caught my eye as he had a big stake, large following, and a polish and ease to his posts I could only dream of. He wrote and commented and invested and engaged. He didn't seem to be part of any army or alliance. Stories of history, sports, restaurant reviews and editorials of all kinds. My kinda stuff to read and definitely a good style to aspire to (dangling participles aside.) Truth is I don't know too much about him but love his work and standards he upholds as an example I have happily followed.


Every morning, I dive into my day of work and enterprise, family and coffee. It never really starts til after the #morningbowl with the white nightmare. It is not something I could do on a day I had business to close but I live vicariously through the blog of this gypsy on an adventure. Funny fowl fucker shooting straight from the hip and rolling around the mountains, dispensaries or tropical islands. Bowls, out door strolls, football pools and Colorado fools I couldn't live without.

If you wanna have a blast and smoke your way to orca and beyond, follow double d.


This guy is everyone's beer drinkin' buddy. Embodying hard work and enjoying life through swashbuckling beer enjoyment. #beersaturday has to be one of the longest running contests on STEEM as rewards are given out to the carousers who gather weekly to share beer stories. Had I not been introduced to him through @matkodurko, I may never have discovered that my musings on beer might have an audience and make up such a big part to my brand. Speaking of which, I would not have become the STEEM Beerologist if it were not from the mentor-ship from Detlev.

You wanna turn your passion for beer into rewards and hang with people from across the globe for a weekly pint? Follow Detlev.


It has been so long since I discovered this guy and I think it was from his Music Monday posts. Music has such a huge place on this blockchain and we haven't even scratched the scratch on the surface on the potential of that. Until then, we share music like it was a bring your own record day at the pub. Then, I followed him and dug into his other posts. Holy shit. It was like reading Iain M Banks and going on a cerebral adventure into corners of education I had never even considered. He hasn't slowed much and is still creating awesome stuff that is so widely popular, I miss the opportunity to manually curate before it gets swamped.

Follow this music-loving genius and thank me at a later date.


I dare you to find a more genuine, supportive and invested commenter on the platform. She hasn't seemed in the content creation mode in a while but I remember charming and quaint posts with a great message and plenty of personality. What an awesome person that I am pretty sure everyone appreciates at least as much as I do. You don't have to pump out a catalog of content to be one of the most solid citizens on the blockchain.

Just follow her and everyone like her!


This guy brought me to the blockchain. Just post every day and find good people to follow. Pretty simple formula I have stuck with and can't see stopping. He is a technology freak and a digital musician and probably the best kept secret on steem. Keeps to a tight circle of friends but has published a huge library of music on the blockchain and I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. True pioneer and visionary.

This fucker used to swoop in and steal the last of the crypto airdrops moments before I could grab the last one. ;) Such funny interaction in comments with this guy lead me to following his blog that is filled stories of urban exploration, globetrotting and any subject matter is interesting because of his sense of humour and how it flows out of his writing. His support has been fantastic but the biggest thing I have taken from him is that it is okay to be goofy and eccentric. Mix humour and musing into the facts and content and have fun with it. If you read some of his posts, can't almost hear his voice, and can resist smiling, then I am not sure what to tell you.
Follow this guy to find the perfect example of how dedication and being yourself can result in a great business on STEEM.


She is one of the cornerstones of STEEM/ I met @shadowspub because someone introduced me to #PYPT as a way to pimp your post, meet other active STEEM folks, and really plug into the community. So many people from brand new people looking to learn the ropes to old skool veterans and witnesses hang and chat in the discord radio show that happens every Thursday at https://discord.gg/9PJTZz (Expires in a day so hit me up if you need a fresh invite.) I had a chance to meet her in person in my travels and an hour chat in a park turned into 3 in a flash. Solid community leader in real life and on the blockchain alike.

Follow @shadowspub to get plugged into the real communities here and get taken under a wing you will love to be under!


I met this dood through @shadowspub and @innerblocks. I get to talk directly to a witness? These demigods are real people? Mind blown. Imagine the CEO is the same guy you have a pint with and shoot the shit with as you are picking your daughters up at girl-guides. Funny and genuine, active and supportive, and he runs a witness for us common people!

Follow him and give him some consideration as witness. If you are full, there is a vote you have cast for someone who has flown the coop. If not, he deserves one of your free ones in my opinion.


Britt's got my back. She has been so consistent for so long and is a staple of everyone's feed I am sure. She referred me to @steemitbloggers and #powerhousecreatives who have been a family for as long as I can remember. It is such a joy to know you will catch a daily four oclocky or some funny family adventure ranging from a visit to the market, Mediterranean cruise or ski trip to the alps. Simple ideas and she finds the best easy ideas for posts. Who else would have the ability to make toiletthursday a real thing? Not me! ;)

Wanna know how to live a great life and run a great blog? Follow and support Britt


Here is a warrior I would have never met were it not for the blockchain. I am inspired by his dedication to the blockchain and daily battle he shares. There are people who have not discovered blockchain and fight a debilitating ailment without being able to share their story, or interact with the world. There are folks who need medical attention and have no means by which to finance the treatment save for depending upon a government who might rather invest in war and conquest. There are some people who have taken to the blockchain, share their courageous battle and can fund their treatment, recovery and life afterwards in part by creating a blog. There are others who absolutely LOVE the ability to find these people, communicate with them from across the globe, let them know they are appreciated & have big fans, and absolutely cherish the ability to upvote, delegate and even outright donate directly into the pocket of someone who can use it to fund their battle. Imagine the ability to virtually hang bedside and support in even the tiniest way. Blockchain can be so many things.

Follow @cryptopie if you want to know one of the toughest SOBs on the planet, stand behind someone waging a war of survival, and share one of the most real stories you may ever be a part of.


This is beginning to read like an Oscar speech and I doubt few have made it this far. I have decided I am going to put together a weekly post covering some of the other awesome people I have met here and add a new person I think may have some staying power. There are so many groups like @innerblocks, @marlians, @curangel, @qurator and ones I have not even investigated yet that are worth sharing and joining.

SO many good people and I am hoping you will follow me as I discover and share them.




I am honoured to curate for:



Who makes STEEM YOUR favourite Blockchain?

Posted via Marlians.com

 5 years ago 

Greetings fellow weirdo! hahahaha!!! It is too warm for boots now, Ill kick some but in my stilettos! :P

That sounds mildly arousing 🍆🤣

We follow a lot of the same people, but that’s not surprising since we have similar interest. Cheers buddy.

Some great recommendations. Am following most of them, but for sure will check out the others!


Thank you for the kind words my friend, I don't feel worthy of such high praise, but I'll take it! :D Seriously though, thank you @zekepickleman I'm both humbled and appreciative of your support.

This fucker used to swoop in and steal the last of the crypto airdrops moments before I could grab the last one.

Good old @vanessav, the early days were hard work.. STEEM was worth something and yet we all got peanuts.

I remember well your moans and groans and yeah.., I did always seem to get 5/5.. so sorry.. erm hehe...

 5 years ago 

You sure do follow a lot of people.
I'm much less structured with who I follow. Hmm maybe I will write about it tonight.

Lots of really great choices in there!

I recognise many of them, good write up too!

@tipu curate

I am just nobody here Sir @zekepickleman but I am just honored to be in your follow list and I do appreciate that with all my heart. Not all people here loves me though but but like in the real world you cannot please everyone and I accept that.

The #steem community has been the extension of my life, you all give me hope security, encouragement, happiness, and the feeling of being loved, that is just what I need because of the ridiculousness of my health conditions, almost all my major organs have a defect but still I am a tough nut to crack which baffles me and maybe there are forces unknown to me that works on me. I do not know about that but it has been a hard life right from the beginning of my existence.

But at least I have friends in the digital world that loves me. Thank you Sir :)

thanks @zekepickleman .. that was a fun three hours for sure . Hope we can do another few hours at the Block Party in June.

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