Jesus is the perfect redeemer


The Lord has prepared work for each of us. As we see the anarchy of this world, which is increasingly understood in the courts and in the pages of the newspapers, we will draw closer to God and cling to his promises with living faith, so that the grace of Christ may carry out his action through us. We can have a powerful influence on the world around us. If the endearing power of God works in us, then we can turn people from sin into righteousness.

Getting rid of the punishment for sin is the beginning of the atonement, certainly getting rid of the power of sin is the next important step: the Lord does not forgive the drunkard to allow him to drink more. It releases it so that it doesn't do it again.

The Lord does not forgive the murderer to continue killing. It frees you from that burden so you have another way. The Lord does not forgive the adulterer so that she remains in this sin. The Lord does not forgive an angry man to remain angry. The Lord does not forgive a person who commits acts of violence to allow them to continue to harm people. The Lord simply forgives us to take his way, the way of love and peace, free from hatred, sin and vices.

The Lord can do more with sin than forgive him. He conquered sin in the flesh (Rom. 8: 3). This fact testifies to the fullness of the gospel of Christ.

That is why the good news of the gospel is that Jesus Christ is Lord over all evil human tendencies, both acquired and inherited (Heb. 4:15).

If we have not resisted the temptation, then this is only because we could not resort to the One who has only acquired and can give us a way out of any difficult situation. In Jesus Christ we can find liberation from any sin with which we wish to say goodbye.

We don't need to achieve a high position in society or people's praise. Our plans may be the most modest, but we must direct our goal toward the glory of God.

We must invest in our work all the gifts that God has given us. We must turn to the light so that the grace of God descends on us and transforms us into the image of God.

Heaven is ready to pour out abundant blessings on those who will dedicate themselves to the work of God in these last days of the history of our world. Great trials and disappointments await us, and we may have many sleepless nights. But let us remember these moments of fervent prayer to God, that He may give us understanding and the ability to see and appreciate our advantage.