Our Environment.


The Creator has chosen for our first parents the best environment conducive to their health and happiness. He did not install them in the palace, he did not surround them with artificial decorations and luxuries, which many people today try to acquire. He placed them where they could come into close contact with nature and be in close contact with the holy angels.

In the garden, which God prepared as a place of residence for his children, pleasant bushes and tender flowers delighted the eyes with every step. There were all kinds of trees; many of them bent under the weight of fragrant and tasty fruit. In its branches the birds sang their songs of praise. In the shade, their animals are having fun, unafraid of each other.

Adam and Eve, in their innocence and purity, enjoyed the sights and sounds of the Garden of Eden. God gave them work in the garden "to cultivate and preserve it." (Genesis 2, 15)

The daily work brought them health and joy, a happy couple happily greeted their Creator when He came and spoke to them in the cool of the day. God gave them his instructions.

God's life plan for our first parents contains a lesson for us. Although the shadows of sin lie on earth, God wants his children to delight in the works of his hands. The more accurately people follow their life plan, the more miraculously they will act to eliminate humanity's suffering.

Patients must live closer to nature. Living in the lap of nature will do wonders for many helpless and almost hopelessly sick.

The noise, the excitement and the hectic life in the big cities, full of artificially created tension, is very exhausting and debilitating for the patient. Smoke and dust filled air, poisonous gases and pathogenic microbes destroy life.

The patients, who mostly spend time on four walls, begin to feel almost captive in their rooms. They can see houses, streets, and a rushing crowd, but they often don't see a blue sky or sun, grass, flowers, or trees. Cut off from the world in this way, they sadly reflect on their sufferings and sorrows and become victims of their own sad thoughts.