The Power of Forgiveness of Sins.


The same voice that brought life to a man created from the dust of the earth also gave life to the relaxed dying. And the same force that brought life back to the body, renewed the soul. The one who, in the creation of the world, "said" and was done. . . he commanded, and appeared "(Psalm 32, 9), gave life to a soul dead for crimes and sins.

The healing of the body was evidence of the presence of power that renewed the soul. Christ ordered the laid-back to stand up and go, "so that they know that the Son of Man has the power on earth to forgive sins."

The laid back found healing in Christ for both the soul and the body. He needed soul health before he could enjoy bodily health. Before a physical ailment could be healed, Christ had to free his thoughts and cleanse his soul from sin.

This teaching should not be overlooked. Thousands of people today suffer from physical illnesses and, like a relaxed one, want to hear the message: "Your sins are forgiven you."

The burden of sin, with its anxiety and its unfulfilled desires, is at the base of its illnesses. They cannot find relief until they come to the Soul Healer. The world that only He can give will restore the strength of the soul and the health of the body.

The healing of the relaxed made such an impression on the people that it seemed to them that the sky had opened and that the glory of a better world appeared.

The healed man passed through the crowd, glorifying God at every step; he carried her bed as if she weighed nothing. They all stepped back to let it pass; They looked at him with reverence and fear and whispered softly among themselves: "We have seen miraculous things now." (Luke 5, 26)

The traces of sin and suffering have given way to an expression of purity and peace. Everyone in the house expressed joy and gratitude, and God was glorified through His Son, who gave hope to the desperate and power to the disabled.

This man and his family were ready to lay down their lives for Jesus. Her faith was not overshadowed by doubts, unbelief did not violate her fidelity to the One who brought light to her distressed home.