Let's take a look..How a hardworking farmer works hard.Cultivates different types of vegetables in his own land..[5-12-2024]

in Nature & Agriculture3 months ago

Everyone. l am @anowarhoussain
From #Bangladesh December, 5-12-2024

  • A beautiful day
  • December,-5-11-2024
  • Thursday...

Alaikum my dear friends, how are you all? I hope you are all doing well by the grace of God. Alhamdulillah I am also very well with the grace of Allah Pak.Today I am in the "Nature & Agriculture" community.I really want to share a wonderful post. Today I am going to highlight. The life of a very poor farmer and how a farmer grows vegetables. And now I am going to highlight those things by selling those vegetables in the market, I hope you will like them very much. Let's get started then.



As Bangladesh is an agricultural country. So almost every district of this country is doing more or less agriculture. In our district Kushtia, many people are connected to agriculture. It is said that out of 100 people, 80 people are mentally connected to them because of that. Everyone has different types of these in their own land. All those who have less land grow different types of vegetables in the same land and by selling them in the market they meet their food needs. I have shared the picture first.



If you look at this picture you can see a farmer is very skillfully saving vegetables from his own land and hoping to sell them in the market. This person's main job is to grow different types of vegetables in his land with different mums and store them in a pot. They take it to village markets and sell it. He buys rice, flour, chili oil and fulfills his food needs. Let's see how this farmer and what vegetables he grows in his own land.



This is all his own land first. He cultivates it very skillfully and as he is extremely poor he does not use any quality plow himself while I work. Cultivates his images with the help of a spade. After the land is plowed, the soil is leveled by pulling a ladder, then the seeds of the vegetable that this person will cultivate should be soaked overnight in water so that the seeds will grow into plants very quickly. This person's main strength is spinach and other vegetables. Another popular tolerance is sweet pumpkin. This person cultivates red vegetables and pulses.



These vegetables whose seeds are very efficiently planted in the ground are plants that grow from those seeds a few days after planting. When the seedlings are to be put on the plants, the land needs to be watered. And this is how the seedlings start to grow slowly and those who grow different types of weeds nearby, a farmer then those weeds. Very skillfully cleaned and then when the spinach starts to grow and become edible this person.



He saves from the land and takes it to the market and sells it to meet all the food needs of his family. This person lives his life in a very simple way. A very poor and low quality person from our village whose life I have tried to portray through this post. I hope you will enjoy reading the life of this person today. May you all be very well and stay healthy, I will be back with my next post very soon inshallah.



 3 months ago 

Kehidupan sederhana semoga kita bisa mensyukuri dengan ini kita bisa merasakan kenikmatan yang cukup untuk kesehariannya☺️
Semoga Allah berikan kemudahan selalu dan rezeki yang lancar dan barokah amin🤲🏻💕
